القائمة الرئيسية


King Ahmus I

Ahmose I, was a pharaoh of ancient Egypt and the founder of the eighteenth family, was a member of the royal family of Taybeh, the son of the pharaoh Saqnen Ra and the last pharaoh brother of the seventeenth Dynasty, King Kamis. In the era of his father or grandfather, he rebelled against the Hyksos, the rulers of Lower Egypt.

Birth: Good
Death: Abidus
Husband / Wife: Ahmose-Nefertari (married? 1496 BC)
Burial: Deir al-Bahari
Parents: Seknen Ra, Ayhotep
Sons: Amenhotep I, Mutnofret, Ahmos Maret Amon, Ahmose-Sitamun, Ahmose-ankh, Ramose, Simon

First: Who is Ahmose I (We publish the story of the life of Ahmos II in another article / research)

- Ahmose the First, (meaning the son of Yah [1]) was a Pharaoh of ancient Egypt and the founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and was a member of the royal family of Taibe, son of the pharaoh Saqnen Ra and brother of the last Pharaoh of the seventeenth Dynasty, King Kamis. In the era of his father or grandfather, he rebelled against the Hyksos, the rulers of Lower Egypt. When he was seven years old his father was killed, [2] and about ten when his brother died for unknown reasons, and was sentenced to only three years. Ahmose I took the throne after the death of his brother, [3] and after he became known as Neb-Betty-Ra (Master of Power Ra). The name Theophore blended a syllable of a syllable 'ah' and a combination of '-usi'. Section 'Ah' refers to Yah.
During his reign he ended the conquest of the Hyksos and expelled them from the delta, and restored its sovereignty over all parts of Egypt and its former territories from Nubia and Canaan. [3] He reorganized the country's administration and opened quarries, mines and new trade routes, and began massive construction projects of the kind that had not been conducted since the Middle Kingdom era. Putting the era of the foundations of the modern state, under which the Egyptian state reached its peak.
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Second: The origin of King Ahmose I:

Ahmose is the son of King Saqnen Ra'a Ta'a I and Queen Ahhotep, and brother of King Kamis, the last kings of the seventeenth Dynasty. At the age of ten, Ahmose, whose name means the son of the moon, took the crescent. Sentenced after the death of his father and the death of his brother in the war against the Hyksos. Upon taking office, the royal name was Neb-Pahti-Ra.
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Third: King Ahmose's family:

Ahmose married Ahmose - Nefertari, who became the first wife of his mother Amon and gave birth to three sons, one of whom was his successor, Amenhotep the First. The first and second died at a young age, and four daughters were Mary Amon, Seth Amon, Ahhotep and West Kams.
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Fourth: the achievements of King Ahmos and his expulsion to the Hexos:

Saqnen Ra was the first to start attacking the Hyksos to fight them out of Egypt and was killed in one of his battles with the Hyksos and then completed his son Kamas war to cleanse the level of the Hyksos and Ahmos expelled the Hyksos outside the country. He was armed with his armies when he was about 19 years old. He used some modern weapons such as war wheels and joined the army many good people. He and his armies went to Oyares (Sanh Al-Hagharalia), the capital of the Hyksos, defeated them there and then drove them to Palestine and besieged them in the fortress of Sharohin. The Hyksos appears later in history. This battle was around 1580 BC.
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Fifth: The reign of King Ahmose I:

Ahmose developed the Egyptian army and was the first to enter the wheels of the war "which was used by the Hyksos, which caused the Hyksos to overcome Egypt" and was dragged by horses and developed weapons of war using the arrows with iron on the arrows and then began to fight the Hyksos starting from Upper Egypt and around the people He trained them efficiently until they became strong and skilled fighters and continued to fight the Hyksos from Upper Egypt until he arrived in the capital of Egypt at the time, which was established by the Hyksos next to the current city of Zagazig and continued to fight them until they fled to the North Delta and behind them to Sinai and then to Palestine did not return Ahms but rest on the borders of Egypt East He also attacked Nubia to return to the Kingdom of Egypt, which reached its southern border to the second waterfall, and photographed the campaigns of Ahmus in the cemetery of two of his soldiers Ahmose ibn Ibana and Ahmus Ben is disappointed
After the end of Ahmas of his wars to expel enemies and secure the borders of Egypt drew attention to the internal affairs that were rundown during the occupation of the Hyksos, reformed the tax system and reopened commercial routes and repaired water channels and irrigation system.
He also rebuilt temples that had been destroyed and taken from Tiba as his capital, and Amon was the official idol of his time. Ahmose's rule lasted for a quarter of a century and he died at the age of 35. After the expulsion of Ahmos to the Hexos from Egypt, he returned to the country in 1571 and headed for internal reform, making historians promise him the founder of the modern state.
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Sixthly and finally: the mummy of King Ahmose I:

It is believed to have two tombs, one in Abydos, consisting of a steep temple, a funerary cemetery and the remains of a pyramid discovered in 1899, known as its pyramid in 1902, a Temple of the Pyramid and the other in Taibeh. His mummies were discovered in 1881 in the monastery of the monastery with the mummies of some of the kings of the 18th, 19th and 21st centuries. His mummies were identified on June 9, 1886 by Gaston Maspero. The mummy was 1.63 cm long and had a relatively small face with a chest size.
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