القائمة الرئيسية


The era of the descent of the Koran

Because the Qur'an is the book of the house of God. This is what is stated in the story of Isra and Mi'raj Al-Muhammadi, which made this immortal journey a chance for Imari. The Qur'an also deals with the cosmic sciences in its verses, which it mentioned through exposure to astronomical, scientific and cosmic constants, and through its mention of the fixed and confirmed universes of the universe to demonstrate the scientific miracle of the Qur'an and the greatness of creation and creation. This confirms that the Qur'an is divine and from God. The Qur'an is the book of the house, whose texts have not changed. It is not possible for human beings to do the same in his verses, his unique language, the context of his words, and the lofty meanings he mentioned in the text. The sciences of the Koran are studies of meanings and words of the Qur'an, including interpretation and study of linguistics and jurisprudence. It is the constant reference to the study of the sciences of the divine, even to the Nazism in our faith and not to depart from the straight path, especially after the revelation of revelation from heaven. It is the last of its messages to all human beings. The Qur'an is so powerful that its Arabic language is alive and the context of its verses has a unique and unique effect. It is characterized by the accuracy of its words, which have an effect that inspires the soul to submit to God and worship Him. Making it compatible with the thought of every time and place.

Spread of Islam

The world historian Gibbon says in his talk about the story of the confirmed gospel of Muhammad's arrival in the Bible and the Bible that there is a prophet who will come, as the Holy Gospel, known as the promise of the Holy Spirit, says. And this gospel as he says: has been achieved in the person of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam and the greatest messengers and seal. I came to Islam as a universal invitation to all human beings. This is why the first Muslims since the days of the Prophet published it and carry its banner. In the life of the Prophet (from 570 AD - 632 AD) attempts were made to spread it in the borders of the Byzantine Empire in the region of the Levant through the preachers among the Arab tribes bordering the Levant. Ten years after his death, peace be upon him the Muslims opened the land of the Byzantines and Persians Sassanians. They opened the Levant, Egypt, Iraq and Persia . After that, the Islamic civilization flourished in the countries that condemned Islam and voluntarily entered it under the shadow of the Rashidiya, Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. The Rashidiya Caliphate lasted thirty years (from 632 AD - 661 AD). Caliph Omar was the first to establish Islamic cities in his era, such as Kufa, Basra, Iraq and Fustat in Egypt. Medina remained the capital of the caliphate until it was transferred by the fourth caliph Ali bin Abi Talib to Kufa, because of the unrest that broke out during the reign of Osman and led to his martyrdom. After the martyrdom of Sayyid Ali, the Umayyad state was established (661 AD - 750 AD) in Damascus. It extended from western China to southern France where the Islamic conquests then extended from North Africa to Spain and southern France to Western Europe, and to support in Central Asia and beyond the Jihon and Sihon rivers. Islamic institutions, mosques and libraries were established. The Umayyads in Damascus tried to conquer Constantinople in 717 AD. During their rule, they conquered North Africa. It was the first victory of the Islamic conquest forces in the land of Andalusia on the peninsula of Iberia (Spain and Portugal) .. The first victory of the Muslims there, in 29 AH (711 AD) in the Battle of the Barbat Valley, to begin the march of Islamic conquests in Western Europe, France, Italy and Switzerland. Rome has been under Islamic rule since 809. Pope Leo II has approved the payment of tribute and regularity for twenty years to become the ears rising from the towers of the Vatican now. The Islamic conquest of Brindisi and Venice in Italy on Bahral Adriatic. What made it with the Mediterranean Sea two Islamic islands rippling the Islamic fleets. All the Mediterranean islands were from Crete eastward to Corsica west of Islamic rule. The second Umayyad Caliphate in Andalusia was 756 CE - 1031 CE, with its capital, Cordoba, built by the Umayyads. It was the largest city in Europe. They ruled Andalusia for about two centuries. This caliphate was a beacon of civilization in the West, divided into sects, barbarians and monotheists, which led to the fall of Islamic rule. Especially after the fall of the Kingdom of Granada, the last Muslim stronghold in 1492 by King Fernando and Queen Isabella. When Andalusian civilization was in its infancy, the site of Poitiers near Toulouse In central France, the sweeping Islamic tide has stopped to its north. Where the Franks defeated Ali Abdulrahman Al-Gafaki in 114 AH (732 AD) when he was martyred in the Battle of the Martyrs' Court. "If the Arabs had won in Poitiers, then the mosques in Paris and London would have been replaced by the cathedrals. The Koran would be followed at Oxford and the rest of the universities there. "Despite the defeat, they continued their conquests until Toulouse, Lyon and the Loire became under Islamic sovereignty. The conquerors reached the River Seine, Bordeaux and southern Italy (they called it the mainland)," Durant said. "If the Arabs won this great battle, Europe would become part of the Muslim world. Long) until they reached their conquests in Switzerland, and set up Islamic kingdoms there. They liberated the peoples from slavery and feudalism. They remained two centuries governing these areas. And did not stop the Islamic march in Europe, just in the Alps. But the conquerors were able to overcome Islam Islam in northern Europe. To date, the Abbasid caliphate (750 AD-1258 AD) in Baghdad conspired against the Umayyads in Andalusia in alliance with Charlemagne of the Franks. This is a second reason for the cessation of Islamic conquests in Western Europe. . Between the years 910 and 1171 AD was the appearance of the Seljuks in the Orient and the Fatimids in Cairo, the Ayyubids and the Mamluks in Egypt and Shammam. The Crusades were against the Levant, Palestine and Egypt and the conquest of Jerusalem. In 1187, Saladin regained the city of the Crusaders. The Mongols burned the Tatar of Baghdad in 1258, Abbasid caliphate five centuries. Then they returned to their homes and were pagan. But they became Muslim when they returned .. They became Islam and calling for him among his tribes. And set up under his shadow the empires and Islamic kingdoms in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Indian sub-continent, the Maltese, Bengal, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, the Caucasus, Chechnya, Persia and other countries of the Islamic East. Where they established the Islamic civilization Mughal and Turkish, which is still in its infancy until today. Tamerlán, the grandson of Hulaku, established the Timorese Empire in 1379 AD (1401 AD)
The capital was Samarkand in central Asia. Iran, Iraq and Syria have been sentenced and even India. It was then the routes of global trade convoys under the control of Muslims. Whether the famous Silk Road or the Indian Ocean trade between the Far East and East Africa. The last fall of Constantinople (1453), the capital of the Byzantine Empire (Roman). It was called Islam Paul (Istanbul) after it became the capital of the Ottoman Caliphate (Ottoman Empire) (ruled from 1350 to 1924). The fall of Constantinople was echoed in the entire Muslim world where the decorations were erected in Cairo, the Levant and North Africa because this victory was the end of the Eastern Church, especially after the conversion of its headquarters to the Mosque of Ayia Sophia. This victory was the beginning of the Islamic response to the papacy in the Vatican in the wake of the Crusades launched by the Palestinians and the Levant. And raided the Levant. More than a million Muslims and Christians were massacred in Palestine and in Jerusalem. And the Ottoman conquest in response to the return war in Andalusia. Where the forced Christianization of the Muslims and burning there. While the crescent receding from Andalusia in western Europe was crawling for the first time in history over Eastern Europe when it was invaded by the Ottomans including Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece and Hungary. They reached the gates of Vienna, Austria. This is a sweeping Islamic crawl. If the Ottomans had not stopped at the gates of Vienna with a conspiracy of the Safavid state of Iran, the ears would be heard from above the towers of St. Peter's Cathedral, say the commentators. Then the bread (croissant) and the meaning of the cross was made in the form of the crescent to be eaten by the Europeans in their festivals. Islam has entered east, west, south and north through Arab commercial traders and caravans across Central Asia, North, East, Central, South and West Africa through Sufi routes in Central Asia, South China, Indonesia and Africa. On the commercial flights, Islam entered China, Ceylon, Brunei, the islands of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Madagascar and Zanzibar. Historically, the Ottomans conquered the Levant, Egypt, Iraq, Hejaz, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia to protect these Sunni Islamic entities from the dangers that awaited them. The coasts of Egypt, the Levant and North Africa were threatened by the French and Spanish fleets that had changed. The Ottoman Empire also wanted to protect the Levant and Egypt from the danger of the Portuguese Christians in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. Ethiopia was cooperating with the Portuguese for this reason. They came down in 1496 in Jeddah in Hijaz to loot the holy places in Mecca and Medina. And transfer the remains of the Apostle to Portugal to be a visit to his tomb, peace be upon him equivalents of royalties. Prompting the Egyptians to attack the Portuguese fleet in the Battle of (Dio) famous near the coast of the west of the subcontinent of India. The Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and the Sham conspired against Sultan Salim with the Safavid Shiite state of Persia. Making Selim I move and withdraw with his armies from Austria. To save this Sunni bloc, including Egypt, the Levant and the Hijaz from the threat of Safavid Shiite Iran and Portugal in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Sultan al-Ghouri did not cooperate in Egypt to save Sunni Muslims from the Safavid massacres in Persia, the Caucasus and Azerbaijan. The Safavids were overthrown and the capital Tabriz was taken over. Had the Ghouri demonstrated the flexibility of what Salim occupied, the Sham did not overthrow his Mamluk authority in 1517 AD. Islam ruled Andalusia for 7 centuries. India ruled for 10 centuries until the advent of British colonialism. In the shadow of Islamic rule, historical cities such as Kufa, Basra, Baghdad, Cairo, Fustat, Askar, Qatay, Kairouan, Fez, Marrakech, Mahdia, Algeria, Delhi, The Islamic civilization also gave rise to museums of Islamic architecture such as Istanbul, its mosques, Cairo, its Islamic cities, Bukhari, Samarkand, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kandahar, Balkh, Tirmidh, Ghazni, Bouzjan, Toledo, Cordoba, Seville, Marsa, Sarajevo, Isfahan, Tabriz, Neqia and other Islamic cities. On the African continent, 85% of the population is Muslim. In the world, Muslims now make up a fifth of the population of the land.

The builders of Islamic civilization

While the Islamic world was steeped in civilization and civilization during the eras of the Rashidiya, Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman periods, Europe lived in ignorance, barbarism, barbarism, slavery and slavery. This is a fact that we deny, but do not detract from, and we do not ignore it, in the midst of the West's overtures and its aggressors. Muslim scientists in all walks of life during the ages of our Islamic civilization, which has overcome and alienated us. They did not leave us only with their glories, books, and heritage, from which all the world's knowledge-tributaries came. Because it was fixed for Imari. Because it was characterized by research credibility, making them torches enlightenment and enlightenment advocates and innovators and creators of science. They built the civilization of civilizations and remained untouched by humanity throughout the Middle Ages, when barbarity prevailed in Europe. One of the works of the geniuses of this Islamic civilization is Al-Jahiz. He appeared as an animal scientist when he first told us about the birds in the summer and winter. The scientists did not discover this until the 19th century. Al-Jahiz is the founder of the science of human geography and genetics, where he divided people into different nations, peoples, races and races, and gave their colors, languages ​​and their characteristics to the influence of genetic factors and the natural and social environment. In astronomy, we find that Peroni measured the circumference of the Earth by a mathematical equation and placed it on the spherical ground and that the objects are attracted to its center. And that the continuation of the night and day caused by the rotation of the earth and not the sun or stars and planets with them. And accurately illustrated the differences of the times, sunset and sunrise according to the locations of the countries above the map of the world, and thus we find previously Copernicus, Newton and Galileo. In mathematics, Al-Khwarizmi is still famous, especially as the founder of algebraic science, especially the author of the logarithms on which modern mathematics is based. He was the first to discover zero and put it within the numbers and in the account. The account also made it easier to make it a proposition, a collection, a division and a strike. Thus, people have learned simple mathematical methods. This is written for the Khwarizmi of immortality. Omar Khayyam is a scholar of astronomy and mathematics. He is second in command of algebra. He is the founder of the science of dual mathematical translation. He translated geometrical issues into the language of lime, translated algebra into geometry, and translated spatial geometry. Which can not be drawn by ruler and caliper as a matter of inhibition of angles and the question of the medial mediators and the issue of regular spring. He has devised the solution of the second-order equations by conical arches. In medicine we find that Ibn al-Nafis had discovered blood circulation before Harvey several centuries and Ibn Zahar Andalus was practicing surgery and anesthesia. The Canadian was the father of the Islamic civilization and its first philosopher. Aldmairi first to develop a dictionary of animals and classified in terms of form and typography and synonyms and names of the famous astronomer and Ibn Sina and Razi and Ibn Rushd. And other scholars of the Islamic sciences. Their work was crowned by their record of the undisputed history of knowledge, science and civilization. Which earned them the appreciation of the scientists who succeeded them. And they gave them their heritage after them and their minds in their minds and praised him and them and remained centuries for him to keep.

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