القائمة الرئيسية


Education in the Pharaonic Age

His invention of writing in ancient Egypt,
And knowledge of ancient Egyptian writing and arithmetic
And his need to codify public administrative affairs to the beginning of his interest in education to create generation after generation of clerks of the State administrations, both in financial, agricultural and administrative affairs, as well as starting interest in education to record all knowledge and science, whether religious, ideological or secular, to benefit from this knowledge. All those who made it, and knowledge or knowledge of the heritage of this science to his sons and grandchildren to inherit this science to maintain his career as.
The kings, princes, nobles, and commanders of the armies were interested in educating their children. Many members of the general public also cared about education. There is a chance to assume a high position in the Egyptian society and to get rid of its reality and find a place among it. Education was limited initially to the education of young people in royal palaces, noble houses and some departmental offices for small numbers of educated children. Education was limited to knowledge of the principles of language, arithmetic and general information. And then began to prepare special places for the education of boys and girls attached to the temples as classrooms, at the same time was interested in the study of general information and geographical history as well as learning the language and account. Top of the page As for the poor Egyptians and Qantain away from large cities, education was on a small scale in the open spaces in the fields under the trees or in some simple rooms that resemble "writers" in the villages.

 With the end of the ancient state and during the Middle Kingdom, the beginning of the emergence of schools or the House of Life, "Barenkh", and the study of specific curricula in which the students choose the type of education. Some schools specialized in different sciences such as engineering, medicine, embalming and general education. The schools attached to the temples are characterized by religious and doctrinal studies. The schools attached to the private departments of the state are mainly the language, account, and education of commercial and administrative affairs. The schools that are attached to the army. Most of the curricula besides general education are military sciences, Weapons and other military sciences. The general education included general curricula for the study of the Egyptian language and its literature and its sciences of line, spelling, rules and etiquette. As well as mathematics with all its branches of calculus, geometry and algebra.

General information, including history, geography and the principles of cosmic, environmental and agricultural phenomena. Top of the page In each of these schools libraries where there are many branches known each according to its competence on papyrus books and references to the learners, read by those who need it called "Bar N Ssho," the house of manuscripts or the book house is managed by many administrators, Seals were the goddess garrison of these gods libraries "schas". The teacher or teacher in the role of science known many titles was the most famous title of "Spo" any star or Hadi or guide or teacher, while the student or student of science title titles, including "Nzz" or "chirp". The students used artois and wooden panels to write with pus or stones (chalk) or papyrus

 The teacher corrects the errors so the student can learn the red line and rewrite the mistakes to be learned by the student who is often written in the black document. In addition to the schools, the simple educational places, the specialized schools attached to the temples, the government departments or the army departments, there were large educational centers in the big cities, especially the capitals of Egypt, which played a great role in the lives of the Egyptians, political ones such as Memphis and Luxor or religious ones such as Ain Shams and Ibdos. Each of these centers had their own style and methodology, both ideologically and ideologically, with a particular philosophy known to them as well as other sciences. These centers were meant to receive science and education from scholars throughout Egypt,

 In the late age, we find scientists from Europe, historians and philosophers who come to Egypt to receive science in the hands of these professors, and to benefit from the Egyptian civilization, knowledge, science, arts, philosophy and medicine, and transfer them to Europe, which lived in the darkness of ignorance. This is what history reminds us of the virtue of the Egyptian civilization to the countries of the world throughout the ancient and modern world, where the Egyptians are credited with knowing the calendar, astronomy, medicine, engineering, etc. Every European scientist boasts and boasts that he studied in Egypt and in the hands of its scientists.
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