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Life after death at the Pharaohs Egyptians

Life after death at the Pharaohs Egyptians

Death is the most mysterious thing facing a man in his life. What is beyond death is the unknown. He is afraid of all that is mysterious and unknown, so he founded the theories, and followed the different creeds to discover the greatest mystery he has encountered to this day: death and after death. How did ancient pagan religions discuss this dilemma?

The contempt of the Islamic priesthood of other religions because they are either distorted or based on a collection of ancient legends and myths that there is no proof of material concrete, making Islam appear as if it is scientifically installed experiments laboratory documented and confirmed, while the truth is that it embraces it the same legendary load and a large proportion of the myths and ancient Almruyat quoted civilizations and nations and peoples that preceded thousands of years, but even the main idea of ​​resurrection after death, and the account and the reward in heaven or punishment of hell is not specific to Islam or the Abrahamic religions, it is the legacy of the legendary Old known people and Houdar T. preceded the emergence of religions in thousands of years, and perhaps the most prominent myth concerned with the concept of the Baath and the account are those detailed in the Book of the Dead Yemi Pharaonic, which is also known Berdah "Honfr".

This book consists of a detailed collection of magical amulets and amulets that were inscribed on the walls of tombs or coffins during the era of the ancient state (between 2780 BC and 2263 BC), turning into a written papyrus during the Middle and Modern State (Between 2134 BC and 1069 BC), where the texts of the cages are written and the papyrus is placed in the coffin beside the mummy.

Every ancient Egyptian of particular importance was keen to entrust the priests during his baptism and burial by preparing his book of the dead, so that he will mention his name and the name of his father and the name of his mother and his job in the world, in preparation for the day of his death and the processing of the rites to his grave, It is available to all Egyptians because it is very expensive, so it is assigned to a certain class of nobles, servants and servants of gods in the temple.

These amulets and amulets that the book carries are instructions to enable the dead to overcome the obstacles and dangers that will encounter his soul during his journey to other life, and also shows the means to be used to complete this journey successfully without any abuse.

In the Book of the Dead there is usually a picture of Osiris seated on his throne in the Hereafter, and his sisters Isis and Nephthis are based on him, and the sons of his son Horus, the four little ones, help him to calculate the dead. The ancient Egyptian thought that Horus will come to death after his success in the test of the balance and submit it to Osiris, and give a beautiful dress and enter the garden singing "Paradise", and before that must be the process of weighing the work of the dead in the world by putting his heart In one of the scales and placed in the balance of the other feather "Maat" is the symbol of "justice and ethics," if the feather is heavier than the heart of the dead, it means that he was a good person in his life and the creation of cream takes a beautiful dress and enters the garden, Paradise fields are interspersed with rivers beneath them to live happily ever after. But if the weight of the heart of the dead for the weight of the feather means that he was a wicked person in his life, and then thrown heart and palate to a mythical animal standing by the balance - his name "Ammonot" - head head of a lion and his body hippo body and tail crocodile tail - Alto and its end.


In another part of the papyrus appears the dead and he is in front of the so-called court of the dead and is composed of 42 judges to recognize what he was doing in his life, in front of Ra-Horakhti. On the right, Osiris sits on the throne. Behind him are his sisters Isis and Nephthis. The four sons of Horus stand on the papyrus. They have preserved the body of the dead man in the tomb, and Horus comes to wear a beautiful dress to represent Osiris. On the left we see Anubis accompanying the dead to conduct a weight-bearing process, and in the center is a heart-weight process, where the god Anubis weighs the heart of the dead and compares it with the right feather "Maat" while the mythical beast "Amamot" stands waiting for the heart to be devoured. Time "Thoth" (the god of wisdom who taught ancient Egyptians writing and counting) recorded the result of the balance of the pen in his eternal record.

One of the essential parts of the Book of the Dead is a special prayer in which the dead person defends himself (called the confession of negation), where he says:

"Peace be upon you, O Great God, the True God. I have not come to you in my right hand, and I have not lost my lust. My eyes are drawn to the wife of one of my mercies. My hand has not spread to anyone else's money. I have not been a liar, nor have I disobeyed You. , And did not go in the rhythm of a slave at his master. I did not steal from the temples of her bread, and I did not commit adultery and I did not commit anything sacred. I did not rape anything that was haraam and I did not violate the sanctity of the dead. I did not sell any wheat for the price. It was obscene and did not cheat. I am pure, I am immaculate, I am immaculate. And as long as you are innocent of sins, let me be my God among the winners. "

The Book of the Dead by the ancient Egyptians shows us the religious beliefs that have preoccupied them throughout their lives. Death was not only an inseparable part of life, but people at the time had a different concept of death and other life that was not very different from what we believe today. If we see death as a terrifying inevitability that we talk about and talk about, the loss of Egyptians was viewed as an integral part From the concept of life, and prepare for him as it should be for the passage to the life of the Acharoni, and here comes the role of the Book of the dead with the containments and guidance of the dead, helping him to the Baath and the transition to the Hereafter where he lives as he lived on the ground but without diseases and fatigue and not grow. Age, but in the Hereafter a companion of the gods eat and drink with them Some occasions.

The goal of the dead was to reach eternal life in the other world, and although the perception was not logical for some people in those times, but the perception of living in the Hereafter among the ancient Egyptians is that the dead who did good in his life and was honest and honest helps the poor and hungry and thirsty, Widows and orphans, such a man lived according to what the gods wanted from "the rules of a life together, and a just order." Hence, his heart and work are weighed according to the ancient Egyptian system as the "goddess of truth, justice and the cosmic order."

The book contains several chapters, describing and pointing to the following:

- Protection of the dead from devils, evil spirits, snakes and others.
- Know the Dead when the Baath road to the afterlife.
- Help him cross the sea of ​​fire, and the difficulties that threaten him.
- allow him to frequency between the terrestrial world and the other world.
- help him to life in the afterlife.
- Help him to get water, food, receive gifts and sacrifice, and give it to the other world.
- Help him to know places in the Hereafter, and remember the names of the gods and important names (such as the name of the door of the Hereafter).
- Help him to know the doors and their names and Tabuah open and traffic and access to the gods and define himself to them.

Although there are some differences between our present perception of the afterlife and the view of ancient civilizations on the issue of life after death, we can not deny that there are great similarities between our beliefs and the beliefs of the ancient Egyptian. While the ancient Egyptians believed in the Baath and appeared before a judicial body composed of 42 judges The three martyrs of the Abrahamic faith, which appeared after the ancient Egyptian civilization, agree with all their doctrines and orientations on a major idea. based upon the principle of faith, and is a matter of To be born after the death and the account in the hands of the Creator God of everything, and if this basic idea is removed, the construction of religions collapses completely, and the need to believe in the gods ceases, as long as it will not re-correct the imbalances in this life and establish absolute and eternal justice in the afterlife And reward the good and punish the wicked.

As you can see, the resemblance between the ancient Egyptian legends and the biblical books of the Abrahamic religions regarding the concept of the afterlife and the resurrection after death and standing in the hands of the gods for the calculation, reward or punishment of the above of human life, reaches a degree of similarity beyond the boundaries Literary harmony, as it seems clear and certain today that the Abrahamic religions have quoted these details strictly to change only the multiplicity of gods in the concept of monotheism and leave the rest as is the majority of them.

And the question remains a new question: Who to quote from the other ?? ?? !!!

Note: Papyrus of Hunefer, belonging to the private writer of the pharaoh of the first city and was named Honfer and believed that the papyrus dates back to 1300 BC, and is currently in the British Museum.

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