القائمة الرئيسية


Queen Hatshepsut

Queen Hatshepsut
Birth: 1507 BC, Ancient Egypt
Death: 1458 BC
Husband / wife: Thutmose II (married? -1479 BC)
Parents: Thutmose I, Ahmose
Place of burial: KV60, Graveyard 20
Sons: Neviro Ra

Queen Hatshepsut and her works Hatshepsut is the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty who ruled ancient Egypt and is the eldest daughter of King Thutmose I and her mother the queen Amos and considered one of the most successful pharaohs has distinguished her reign with the strength of the army, trips and construction. It extends from 1458 to 1508 BC. She married King Tuthmosis II of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and left this estate a lot of gas, most notably the personality of the engineer "Sinmot", which built her temple in the monastery of the sea and gave him eighty titles and was responsible for the care of her daughter has dug a tunnel between his tomb and her tomb have hinted at the existence of a relationship Between them because of the story of their mysterious death. King Hatshepsut dedicated all of its forces and resources to Egypt until the roads, temples and houses were established and the internal conditions of the country improved and tried to keep Egypt away from wars.

 King Hatshepsut was the patron of the craftsmen and the artists, and one of its greatest works was a mausoleum for her husband in the Valley of the Kings. Ancient East States. Queen Hatshepsut is one of the most beautiful queens. She was the first to wear gloves because of a congenital defect in her hand. This was discovered through her mummies, the first to wear gloves with precious stones. Her Majesty Hatshepsut faced many problems during her rule. People said she killed her husband and brother Tuthmosis II to seize power and had problems with the people because she was a woman and they thought she could not rule the country. Queen Hatshepsut established an Egyptian merchant fleet by constructing ships and exploiting them in internal transport to transport the obelisks that were ordered to the Karnak temple.

 The ships were sent to trade exchange missions between the neighboring countries, allowing some materials such as perfume, incense, plants, trees, spices, leather and predators. Among its missions: - Atlantic mission to import some rare fish species. - Puntland mission: sent a commercial mission to the country of Punt "Somalia now" loaded with gifts and goods such as linen and papyrus and returned the mission loaded with wood, incense, ivory, predators and precious stones and leather was photographed this mission to the monastery of the monastery of the sea, whose walls still retain the colors and splendor of old. - Aswan Mission: In which Queen Hatshepsut sent to Aswan at the granite quarries to fetch the huge stones and set up two great mosques made of this granite, praising the god Amon, but when Napoleon entered Egypt he ordered them to be transferred to France after they were in Karnak temple in Luxor. The two are now in the square of Concorde in France. Historians marveled at the possibility of transferring these two women from their place to the Luxor Temple because of the size and difficulty of transporting them to the ships and then to go in the Nile and take them down in Luxor. 

The death of Queen Hatshepsut on the 14 th of January 1457 BC was ruled by the ancient Egypt twenty-two years and it came in writing found on the board Arment, believed to have been killed because of the dispute over the rule but with the presence of the mummy shows that her death was a natural death but was infected With diabetes or cancer and her grave is now in the Valley of the Kings has expanded the grave of her father and buried near the tomb of her titles: - First on the ladies. - Justice and the spirit of Ra. - Tilt capabilities. - Queen of the two faces.
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