القائمة الرئيسية


Learn about the life of Ahmed Shawki Prince of poets

Learn about the life of Ahmed Shawki Prince of poets

Ahmed Shawky .. Prince poets

Arab poetry was on a date with fate, waiting for the one who takes his hand, and sends a new spirit in which the movement of life and life, and give him blood in the veins, Vtdrh and fresh and beautiful after many centuries remained frail body, idle movement,

And God willing to be "Baroudi" is the soul that brings the Arab poetry, and wearing it in a caustic, bright color, exquisite shape and image, and connect with his past tradition, thanks to his talent and rich culture and rich experience.

God did not want to be Baroudi alone is the knight of the ring and the star of his time - although he has the virtue of the lead and leadership - I received his soul poetic feelings of concern related to it, filled the world poetry with a group of poets such as: Ismail Sabri, Hafiz Ibrahim, Ahmed Muharram, Ahmad Nasim, Ahmad al-Kashif and Abdel-Halim al-Masri. Ahmed Shawki was the star of this constellation and its emir, undisputedly satisfied and chosen, filled the world with his hair, and filled the people, and heartfelt.

Birth and birth


Ahmed Shawqi was born in Hanafi district of Cairo on 20 Rajab 1287 AH (16 October 1870 AD) to the father of Circassian and mother of Greek origin. His grandmother was his mother in the Khedive Ismail's palace, and on the side of wealth and richness, When he reached the age of four, he enrolled in Sheikh Saleh's book. He memorized some of the Quran and learned the principles of reading and writing. He then enrolled in the elementary school of Mutbidain, where he showed a clear prophecy that he was relieved of the expenses of the school and went to the poets' books to memorize and memorize.

After completing his schooling at the age of 15, he enrolled in the Law School in 1303 AH (1885 AD) and joined the newly created translation department. During this period, his poetry talent began to attract the attention of his teacher, Sheikh Mohammed Al Bassiouni. Sheikh Bassiouni taught rhetoric in the Law School and organized poetry in praise of Khedive Tawfiq on occasions. He was impressed by the talent of his pupil that he offered his poems before he published them in the Egyptian Gazette. He praised him in the presence of Khedive, and I understand that he deserves to be cared for. , Which made Khedive invite him to meet him.

Travel to France

He went to the University of Montpellier for two years to study law, then moved to the University of Paris to complete his studies until he was granted a license in the year (1311 AH = 1893), and then stayed four months before leaving France in the study of French literature a good study and reading the production of major writers and poetry.

Return to Egypt

Shawki returned to Egypt and found the Khedive Abbas Helmi sitting on the throne of Egypt, appointed him in the translation department in the palace, and then did not broadcast that his relationship with Khedive, who saw his hair helped him in his struggle with the English, Vqrbh to him after the rise of his position, In Shawwa, Shawki worked in the palace until the British deposed Abbas II from Egypt's throne and declared protection in 1941. They turned to Hussein Kamel of Egypt and asked the poet to leave the country. He chose exile to Barcelona in Spain and lived with his family in Dar Beautiful overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

His poetry in this period

Shawki's poetry in this period preceded his denial about the praise; the Khedive Abbas Helmy immersed in his praise and defense, and the anger of his enemies, and left no occasion except to offer praise and congratulations to him, since he sat on the throne of Egypt until the overthrow of the rule, This purpose.

Shawki, along with Khedive Abbas Helmy in his struggle with the English and with their loyalists, not only condemned the occupiers, but also defended and defended his benefactor. He attacked the head of the school when he delivered a speech praising the English and praised them for Egypt. He said:

The people were overwhelmed with praise and Hamdohm Ghamrok great blessings
I made speeches, not speeches, added to our great calamities
I went to the occupation and I did not leave you if I felt like it

And reached the Shiites of the palace and its association with Khedive that he insulted Ahmed Orabi and Haja painful poem, and did not inherit his friend Mustafa Kamel only after a period, and had cut off his relationship with Khedive after the latter lifted his hand to support the national movement after the policy of conciliation between the English and the Royal Palace; To be careful not to upset the Khedive, and came to Mustafa Mustafa Kamel severe saga Sadik al-Azzun, strong resonance, wonderful systems and systems, although his poem to talk about the leadership of Mustafa Kamel and his struggle against the colonizer, and the beginning of the poem:

The two of you crying in the funeral
O servant of Islam reward Mujahideen God of immortality and Radwan
When we went to the Hejaz, the visitors walked and the horror of deprivation

Shawki was associated with the state of the Ottoman caliphate closely, and Egypt was affiliated with it, and more than praised the Sultan Abdulhamid II; calling on Muslims to pay attention to them; because the link that binds and tightens of their Azarhm, says:

As for the caliphate, it is the wall of your house that shows the insect from its horrors
Do not listen to the Marjufin and their ignorance of Islam because of its ignorance

When the Ottoman Empire won its war with Greece in 1315 AH (1887 AD), he wrote great books entitled "Echo of War," in which he praised the victories of the Ottoman Sultan. He began by saying:

By the sword of the right and the right, most of the victory of the religion of God, Ian hit

It is divided into parts like songs in an epic, part under the title "Paternity of the Commander of the Believers", another on "the happiest sitting" and the third entitled "A great dream and a greater evil". The fall of Abdelhamid II in a coup by the Union and Progression Group is organized by a magnificent Ottoman masterpiece entitled "The Ottoman Coup and the Fall of Sultan Abdul Hamid"

By the sword of the right and the right, most of the victory of the religion of God, Ian hit

It is divided into parts like songs in an epic, part under the title "Paternity of the Commander of the Believers", another on "the happiest sitting" and the third entitled "A great dream and a greater evil". The fall of Abdelhamid II in a coup staged by the Union and Progression Group, organized a wonderful masterpiece of the Ottoman Empire, entitled "The Ottoman coup and the fall of Sultan Abdul Hamid," he began by saying:

Sal Yildzah the shortness of the news came Bdur

Your tears with gazerlo tears can answer

It was not only Shawki's faith, but the faith of many Egyptian leaders.

In this period he organized his great Islamism, and his poems are considered in the praise of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who created his poetry as a force in the systems, true in passion, beautiful in photography and in the renewal of the subject. , And you can admire the Sheikh of the Al-Azhar mosque at the time, modern Sheikh "Salim al-Bishri" and stand up to explain and statement. He says at the beginning of the poem:

Reem on the bottom between Alban and science to shed blood in the holy months

It is in its answer to the claims of orientalists who claim that Islam was spread by the sword:

They said: "The invaders and the messengers of Allah are not sent, nor are they killed, nor have they come to shed blood."
Ignorance and misguidance of dreams and mysteries opened with the sword after the opening of the pen

Burda's approach is followed by other poems, such as: the Prophet's Hamziyah, which is also opposed to al-Boussiri, and the poem commemorating the birth,

Salo my heart in the morning of Sala and Tabbalal on the camel has a penance

Shawki also turned to the story on the tongue of the animal, and began in the systems of this genre since he was a student in France; to take him an artistic means through which the moral, national and social, and awaken the sense among the citizens of the tragedies of colonialism and machinations.

Shawki wrote these tales in an easy and attractive manner, and the number of these stories is 56 stories, the first published in the newspaper "Al-Ahram" (1310 AH = 1892), and was entitled "Indian and chicken," which symbolizes Indian occupation forces and chicken to Egypt.

Exile to Spain

During his time in Spain, Shawky learned his language and spent his time reading history books, especially the history of Andalusia. He read the eyes of Arabic literature carefully and visited the monuments and civilizations of Muslims in Seville, Cordoba and Granada.

These readings have resulted in Shawki 's systems being "Arab states and greats of Islam". It includes 1,400 houses distributed over 24 poems that tell the history of Muslims since the era of prophecy and the adult caliphate that despite their greatness,

And in exile intensified by the nostalgia to the homeland and called for longing and the ownership of his hands and breath. The most famous of which is his poem entitled "The Journey to Andalusia", which is opposed to the poem of Al-Bahtri, in which Iwan Kessri describes it, and its forerunner: "I do not have the right to do anything,

I have set myself apart from what I desecrate myself

Shawqi's poem reached (110) verses in which he talked about Egypt and its milestones, and broadcast nostalgia and longing to see it, also dealt with Andalusia and its immortal effects and the disappearance of Muslim countries, and the verses of the poem that express the peak of nostalgia to Egypt as saying:

I am hanged on his bluff, the bird of every race
If I were busy with the Khaldn Ahnaztni me in the mole myself
God saw that he did not go away from Jafuni for an hour and did not disturb my senses

Return home

Ahmed Shawky and Saad Zaghloul

Shawki returned to the homeland in 1339 AH (1920 AD), and was received by the people a wonderful reception and gathered thousands to greet him, and was the head of his future great poet "Hafez Ibrahim," and came back after the strength of the national movement and intensified after the revolution of 1919, and subjugated the homeland with the blood of the martyrs, Shawqi went to the side of the people, sang in his poetry the emotions of his people and expressed their hopes for freedom, independence, parliamentary system and education, did not leave a national occasion, but recorded the feelings of the homeland and the aspirations in the hearts of their children.

He broke off the relationship with the palace and recovered the roaring bird freedom, and came out of the golden cage, and became the poet of the Egyptian people and translated by the Secretary, when he sees the leaders of the parties and newspapers are fighting among themselves, and the English occupant still perched on the chest of the country,

Why is the successor between you a mother?
And how do some of you get annoyed when you find hostility and rivalry?
Where to win? Egypt is not stable and Sudan is not

He saw in Pharaonic history and glories what stirred the people, pushing them forward and liberating. He wrote poems about the Nile, Pyramids and Sphinx. When the tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered, the world was astonished by its dazzling effects. Shawki saw this as an opportunity to sing with the glories of Egypt, so that he would stir up hope in hope and push it to progress and ambition.

Joshua, the sister of Joshua
And the story of their wrestlers, we dream their countries, what you know

Shawki's hair spread to reflect the hopes, issues and battles of the Arabs against the colonizer. He organized the Nakba of Damascus, the Nakba of Beirut, the anniversary of Syria's independence and the memory of its martyrs, and the poetry of his poem in the Nakba of Damascus. The French occupation, including:

The sons of Syria put down the wishes and gave you the dreams thrown
You have stood between death and life
And to the two nations in the blood of all those who have been left, and a worthy religion
And for the red freedom, the hand of a rolling hand beats

And he did not occupy himself with the issues of his homeland from following the news of the Ottoman Caliphate. He had a love for a sincere feeling and a firm belief in its importance in preserving the Muslim World League and strengthening the ties between its peoples. Even if Mustafa Kemal Ataturk declared the Caliphate abolished in 1924, Lament sincere in a poem crying early:

The songs of the wedding returned to Nawazat among the wedding features
At the night of the wedding, you were given a dress-up of the morning
Thou shalt bring down minarets and minbaroubt upon you kingdoms and loaves
India, God, and Egypt are sad

Emirate of poetry

After his return, Shawki became a poet of the nation, expressing his issues, not missing a national occasion except in which he participated in his poetry, and the nation met him with all appreciation and his high status and his pledge of poetry in the Emirate of poetry in 1346 AH (1927). In a ceremony held at the Opera House on the occasion of his election as a member of the Senate, Re-printed his office "longing." The ceremony was attended by delegations of writers and poets of the Arab world, and Hafez Ibrahim announced their name in the Emirate of poetry, saying:

Blabel Valley of the Nile in the east of the river, feel the prince of the two states and return
I repeat to the listeners what I chirped Shawki's skill in a beginning and a section
Prince Al-Qawafi has come to his allegiance to me, the delegations of the East have promised me

Shawky plays

Ahmed Shawki reached the peak of his glory, and felt that he had achieved all his aspirations after the Arab poets of poetry, he began to go to the art of poetic play, had begun during his stay in France, but changed it to the art of the poem.

Two of them are taken from ancient Egyptian history: "The Death of Cleopatra" and "Qambiz", the first of which is the first of his plays, and one of the Islamic history is "Majnoon Leila", and the same from the ancient Arab history is "Entra", and another from the history of Egyptian Ottoman "Ali Bak the Great", and has two plays, two plays: "six Hedi" and "Bakhilah."

For an unknown reason, the play "Princess of Andalusia" is written as a prose, although its hero or one of its prominent heroes is the adopted poet Ibn Abad.

The dramatic and slow character of the drama has been very slow in many parts of the dialogue. However, these shortcomings do not lose Shawki's poetic value and do not deny that it is the basis of dramatic poetry in modern Arabic literature.

Shawky's position

God gave Shawki an extraordinary poetic gift, and his mind was silenced. He did not find any trouble in the systems of the poem. The meanings were always anathema on him, as if he were the rain of the precipitation, murmuring in poetry by walking or sitting among his companions, present among them in his personality. His poetry produced more than twenty-three thousand houses and five hundred houses, perhaps this figure was not informed by an old or modern Arabic poet.

Shawki was educated in a variety of cultures. He went on reading Arabic poetry during his heyday, accompanied his great poets, and studied literature and literature, and he did not have the trouble to memorize what he read; Dictionaries, and he was fond of history, attests to his poems, which are not without historical references known only by those who are deeply involved in the study of history. His great masterpiece is "The Greatest Accidents in the Nile Valley", which he organized in his youth's vision of ancient history and modernity.

He had a delicate sense of language and a musical skill to choose the words that are composed of each other to make the melody that attracts and attracts the ears. His hair came to a pure melody and a wonderful tone that Arabic knew only a few poets.

In addition to his Arabic culture, he was an expert Frenchman who enabled him to learn about her arts and craftsmanship and to be influenced by her poets, and this is what appeared in some of his productions and what he invented in Arabic writing poetry play for the first time.

The poetry of the Arab in all its purposes of praise and lamentations, and description, and wisdom, and has a wonderful oud to elevate it to the top of Arabic poetry, and has traces of prose written in the beginning of his literary life, such as: "Virgin of India," the novel "Ladias" and "paper Ace, "and" Gold Markets ", has been written the book" Gold hoops "of Zamkshari, and the spread of preaching in bold phrases.

Shawki collected his poetry in a Diwan called "Al-Shawwiyyat". Then Dr. Mohammed Sabri Al-Sarbouni collected the poems that were not included in his Diwan, and made a new du'aa in two volumes entitled "Unexpected Cravings."

His death

Shawqi continued to appreciate the people and their admiration and tongue, so that death surprised him after his absence from the systems of a long poem salutes the project of the shark, which rose by the youth of Egypt, and exceeded the spirit of generosity in (13 Jumada II = 14 October 1932
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