القائمة الرئيسية


who is he Salahaddin 

Salah al-Din editor of Jerusalem of Richard the Lionheart

Men have made the greatest work, and the building of man is stronger than the building of skyscrapers, and there are men of one thousand, and there are thousands that do not equal one man. In the midst of total darkness, dark days, and nights filled with black, people see a ray of God's light. God sends them to renew their religion and their lives. God wills men who carry this religion, leave the world and adorn it, and make its decoration behind them.

 And Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi - may God have mercy on him - was of this type, a man of a nation. It is one of the miracles of Islam, and one of his apparent signs .. But why talk about Saladin?
Is it singing in the past or crying on the ruins? Or is he bemoaned the harsh reality?

The right to talk about Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi - may God have mercy on him - is required, or say:

Is an Islamic necessity and a legitimate duty; for things including:

First: because Jerusalem in distress is similar to what it was before the coming of Salah al-Din.

Secondly: because the Ummah today has lost the path of guidance, and the ways of righteousness have been overcome, and the alleged path of peace has been abandoned.

Thirdly: Because our nation needs those who follow him in an era in which I said the Qadwaat, and the men were not there.

 Fourthly: because our nation is waiting for the example of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi to restore its dignity and dignity.

 Fifth, because the extrapolation of history is necessary to know the nation how the advances prevailed; to walk on the back road, and to teach how to return Jerusalem first; to do the same way to return it II.

Sixth, because optimism about victory is required, whatever the state of falsehood is, it is an hour, and the state of truth to the hour; there is no need to despair, no need to despair, but work to work, we need to tender the rich, and the scientists, and the jihad of the pious, and perseverance preachers, Men. Yes, we need to reunite, sharpen the mind, unite forces, discard disagreement, unite the class, and good trust in God.

The origin of Saladin

Salah al-Din (may God have mercy on him) was not of the Arab origin to which many of his claimants recited. Salah al-Din, may God have mercy on him, was from a Kurdish family, dignified with great honor. He was born in Tikrit, an old town between Baghdad and Mosul. His father is the ruler of the citadel of Tikrit. The truth is that the age of descent does not lend itself to bad manners, and the increase in the calculation does not dispense with the weakness of religion. Was it the most great of this nation and the builders of this civilization, except for non-Arab Muslims ?! Walsh of that date tells you the names of brilliant such as Bukhari, Muslim and Tirmidhi and other scholars and leaders of armies.

It is strange that the birth of Saladin Yusuf ibn Najm al-Din Ayoub ibn Shadi, was forced to force his father to leave Tikrit, Vtahm father of him, one of the attendees said to him: What do you know that this child has a great king of his name ?!

When Najd al-Din Ayoub emigrated from Tikrit, he came to Mosul at Imad al-Din Zanki, honored him, and the child Salah al-Din grew up blessed, where he graduated to the splendor, and raised the equestrian, and trained on arms, and grew to love jihad, Memorizing Hadith, learning from the language what you learn.

Salah al-Din al-Ayoubi Minister in Egypt:

Egypt was before the arrival of Saladin, the headquarters of the Fatimid state, and the Fatimid caliph had only to pray on the platforms, and all things were in the hands of the ministers, and the Minister of State was the owner of the command and the prohibition, and then Egypt was looted the internal revolutions between the various communities, the Mamluks Turks, . When he saw the leader Nur al-Din Mahmood these differences, and looked to him the greed of the King of Jerusalem Amory crusader to enter Egypt, sent Nour al-Din Mahmud from Damascus to Egypt army led by Assad religion Shirkoh, assisted by his nephew Salahuddin, when the Crusaders learned the arrival of the lion of religion Shirkoh, Egypt, and entered the lion of religion, and the Fatimid Caliph near him, and soon became a minister after that, and did not continue his ministry only two months, the Caliph chose his nephew Saladin as his successor.

Saladin appeared to be the emergence of Shi'ism in Egypt. He founded two large schools, the Nasiriyah school and the whole school, to convert people to the doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah, as a prelude to the change he wanted. . Nur al-Din Mahmud in Damascus was much more insistent on Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi to change the sermon on Friday and make it in the name of the Abbasid Caliph al-Mustaqid, instead of the Fatimid background. It was the request of "Nur al-Din" alone, but was the request of the whole nation, but Salah - may God have mercy on him - was waiting and waiting for the right time, when the Caliph Fatimid Friday sermons in the name of the Abbasid Caliph, and became Saladin Ayyubid Sayed Egypt, .

Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi and Bayt al-Maqdis:

Salah al-Din - may God have mercy on him - stirred his heart with the love of Jihad passion for him, has seized his wings. He was abandoned by God - for that his family and his son and his country, and had no inclination to him, and no love except for his men. The judge says Bahaa al-Din bin Shaddad: "If a man wanted to approach him to urge him to jihad, even if he swore that he did not agree after his departure to the jihad dinars or Dharma only in the jihad or in charity, to sincerity and righteousness right.

Every man has his own concern, and they are the man as much as he cares, as if he were Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him. He describes Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi when he said: "Bliss is not aware of melancholy, and according to the riding of horrors and the possibility of hardships there will be joy and pleasure. For those who have no patience for him, nor for those who have no affliction, nor for those who do not suffer. " And if the souls were big *** tired in the direction of objects

Thus, Salah al-Din - may God have mercy on him - was all his life Jihad, and was back from invasion to invasion, and from battle to battle, and the Battle of Hittin of his battles written to him with pens of light on the pages of gold, And sacrifice. It was his words - may God have mercy on him -: "How can I enjoy the joy and food and the pleasure of a dream and the Holy House in the hands of the Crusaders ?!".

Baha al-Din ibn Shaddad and Salah al-Din said: "God's mercy on him from Jerusalem is a great thing that only the mountains can bear." He also said: "He is like a bereaved mother, walking around his horse from a request to a request, urging people to fight, and circling among the students himself. He calls out:" O Islam, and his eyes are shedding with tears. The more he looks at Acre, the worse it becomes. But he was drinking glasses of medicine that the doctor was referring to, and some of his doctors told me that he stayed from Friday to Sunday, but he did not take anything from food to anything but to distract him. "

I saw the reader's reader, his concern and his illusion, that he did not feed the food from Friday to Sunday, as he said: Hmmm avoided the engagement by *** Farahn from country to country that Saladin Ayyoubi - mercy of God - had an end, and in the end would not accept without it , It is the saying of the saying: We are people do not mediate with us *** Our chest without the Worlds or the tomb to insult us in the souls of our souls *** And speeches of Belle did not dowry the dowry and wanted Salahuddin Paradise and satisfied with the headquarters instead of the world, and gave her dowry dearly May God have mercy on him. And when Akram Allah "Salah al-Din" in Hittin, even came a message on the tongue of the Aqsa Mosque, which said: O King, who *** the landmarks crosses Nks came to you the darkness *** Seeking from the Holy House all the mosques purified *** And I am on my honor Ednes

And God honored the House of Jerusalem Salaheddin as Akram Salah al-Din in the House of Jerusalem opened on 27 Rajab in 583 e, and Judge Muhiuddin ibn Zaki al-Din to address the first Friday after nearly a hundred years, and he said, addressing Salahuddin and his army: "Blessed are you from the army! You have renewed the Islam of the days of Qadisiyah, the Yarmukian settlements, the Khaybari and the Al-Khalidiya attacks, and God rewarded you with your prophet with the best reward. "

Why was Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi victorious ?: Salah al-Din al-Ayyoubi (may God have mercy on him) was not looking for false titles or a fleeting world, but he was a true advocate, a man of battle and a believer, and therefore his victory was not God's mercy. Luck I realized, but was the fate of God after the introduction of reasons, and these reasons:

1 - Tightness of God and guard against sins:

"If he heard that the enemy raided the Muslims, he prostrated himself to Allah, saying: 'If he hears that the enemy has raided the Muslims, he will prostrate himself to Allah. "My God, my earthly reasons have been cut off in your religion, and there is nothing left except to confer upon you, sit in your love, and rely on you. You are my agent and the agent." It is nice to say that he was always listening to the hadith, so he heard part of the hadith standing between the two rows, and said in that - God's mercy -: "This is an attitude that has not heard anyone like him recently."

 2 - Full preparation and attention to the issue of liberation:

He was concerned that he should not make himself a dwelling place, but rather a tent where the wind would strike the right and left. It was said in his description: "God's mercy on him from Jerusalem was great and only the mountains could carry." He also showed his interest in the manufacture of weapons, shipbuilding, cracking, mines and tanks, and other fighting tools.

3 - Unification of the country:

This was what Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, may God have mercy on him, did on the day that he was the guardian of the ministry of Egypt and entrusted him with its authority. He rejected the Shiite doctrine and annulled the Fatimid caliphate and made him the Abbasid caliph.

 4 - The purpose of fighting:

 It was not his goal - God's mercy - to raise his voice, or to praise the praise of the people, but was to uphold the word of God. And I listen to him when he says: "In my soul, when God pleased to open the rest of the coast, divided the country, and recommended, and said, and installed this sea to his islands, I follow them so as not to keep on the face of the earth who disbelieves in God or die !!!

The death of Salah al-Din: The death of Salah al-Din - may God have mercy on him - as he died from the previous people of prophets and messengers and preachers and reformers, as God - mercy on him in 16 Safar 589 AH, and his death on 27 Safar 589 AH. Although his spirit has departed his body, and moved his body and soul from the world of people, but his eternal works alive people remind him at all, and people look to like everywhere.

And now .. Is not the situation the situation and the situation is the case ?!

 God is not like the night before! And like today today! A nation divided into pieces, fragmented and divided into states, in every state and state, ruler and ruler, and in each locality of banner and flags, and in every corner of opinion and jurisprudence, with the pride of each position and the admiration of every opinion in his opinion .. All with loss Jerusalem and the influx of Palestine, violation of privacy and sexual abuse, and the killing of children, and houses. Is the Muslims of the new Salah fit the minimum religion, and renew their religion? We ask God that.
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