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Tutankhamun is the youngest ruler of Egypt

Tutankhamun is the youngest ruler of Egypt

Tutankhamun, also known as the "King Child", was one of the 18th Egyptian pharaohs in Egypt's ancient history. Pharaoh was Egypt from 1334 to 1325 BC. In the era of the modern state.

His reign was very short and quiet, as he did not make a mark in the history of Egypt. However, his name became one of the most famous names in the world overnight, thanks to the discovery of his magnificent tomb and treasures without any damage in 1922, and his mummy was intact Fully and 3000 years old.

- But the life and death of this little pharaoh was and still is a mystery ..
Here are the facts about King Baby ..!

1 - Tutankhamun ascended the throne of Egypt at the age of nine, and his name was "Tutankhamen", which changed to "Tutankhamun" after taking the throne of Egypt.

2 - It is believed that the rule of Egypt between 1333 and 1323 BC.

3 - It is said that he had strong advisers helped him to rule at this young age.

4. Tutankhamun was born in 1341 BC, and his father was King Akhenaten Amenhotep IV, who was the son of Amenhotep the Third and Queen T.

5. Although there is no information on the mother of Tutankhamun, DNA analysis has shown that his parents were brothers and sisters.

6. Prior to the discovery of his tomb, there was no information on the appearance or condition of Tutankhamun.

According to the CT scan, the king was 5 feet 8 inches long.

8. When the skull was shown on x-rays, the skull was found to be abnormally stretched, but scientists believed that this was probably a feature of the family.

The skull of the king under X rays

9 - The rays showed that the little king, may have suffered a blow to his left foot, which explains the presence of drawings and a stick in his hand, as well as the presence of reeds and medicines in his grave, where he suffered a disruption in walking.

10 - It is believed that the king had married his sister, sister "Ghnach Asen" and changed its name after the marriage to "Ankh Asen Amun" was the daughter of "Akhenaton" and Queen "Nefertiti", but "Tutankhamun" was the son of one of the wives of " Least known.

King Tutankhamun and his wife Ghanach Asen
11 - King Tutankhamun had no offspring but studies of the DNA of mummies found two dead embryos were found for females believed to be his daughters.

The tomb of the king

1. In comparison to the tombs of kings in Pharaonic Egypt, King Tutankhamun was smaller than the rest of the pharaohs' tombs, possibly due to the sudden death of the pharaoh.

2. The Tomb of Tutankhamun is situated in the Valley of the Kings, on the west bank of the Nile River, Luxor.

3. The tomb of the Little King was discovered in 1922 by English archaeologist Howard Carter, who says the cemetery was hidden by sand and stones and by floods.

4 - Although there are many treasures of the king inside the cemetery, but it is believed that half of the treasures were stolen shortly after the burial of the king, but the burial chamber was not touched until 1922 when discovered by "Horad Carter"

5 - Although the cemetery was small, the king was buried with hundreds of artifacts and tools that were on the way to use in other life - according to the belief of the ancient Egyptians - and was kept all the artifacts in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

6. One of the most famous artifacts is the "Mask of King Tutankhamun" which consists of pure gold and precious stones such as lapis lazuli, turquoise and quartz, and weighs about 24 lbs.

The stone coffin was made of granite and contained three wooden coffins covered with gold. The pharaoh's mummy was found inside the inner coffin and was covered with gold and weighed about 243 lbs.

8 - The rest of the other artifacts in the tomb were either pure gold or covered with gold, and also include the throne was lost was covered with gold and studded with precious stones.

9. Other pieces include furniture, carriages, arches, arrows, sticks, clothes, shoes, food, wine, beer, toys, jewelry, perfumes, oils, etc.

- The mystery of Pharaoh's death!

- There are many stories that explain the death of the little Pharaoh .. And most famous

1 - Head injury.

According to studies on the mummy, the king was found in the head at the back of the skull, and the death was due to this injury, but it may also have occurred during the mummification process, or during study on the mummy after it was discovered.

2 - the fall of a murderer.

- The demolition of the thoracic cavity of the mummy led to the belief that the king may have suffered the fall of a killer that led to the fracture of his thoracic corpse and then death, but may have been broken thoracic crotch during the treatment of "Howard Carter" and his men with the mummy.

3 - temporal lobe epilepsy.

- It is believed that the king suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy, which led to sudden and unjustified death.

Malaria and leg injury.

- It is believed that the king was suffering from malaria, which he suffered several times, and also suffered from a fracture of the leg, leading to osteoporosis, leading to his death.

* But most of these theories are mere speculation, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove the authenticity of one. Although the cause of the king's death may have been due to murder, it is more likely that his death may be due to a combination of disorders and disease.

The Curse of King Tut

He still believed that anyone who dared to open the tomb of King Sop was suffering from his curse and anger. This belief may have been confirmed by the sudden death of some of the people who entered the King's tomb during the Howard Carter mission!

* Lord Carnarvon who funded the mission died in 1923 for a mosquito bite on the cheek, which led to blood poisoning!
The dog of the Lord also died shortly after the death of his master! , And it is strange that there is a wound on the cheek of the pharaoh also has become orphaned and probably was a mosquito bite.
- but many of the people who entered the cemetery were not hurt, and some of them lived for more than seventy years, including the daughter of Lord Carnavon, who was the first to enter the cemetery!
 * Howard Carter's Canary Birds have been devoured by a Cobra-like snake found in graveyard drawings
* It is said that the electric current had been cut off from Cairo at the time the cemetery was opened!
- But of course there is no scientific evidence of a curse in the tomb of King Tutankhamun,

Finally, the young king's graveyard, his riches, his wonderful treasures and the mystery of his death are still receiving much attention.
His mummy was kept in a glass box in the tomb itself to prevent it from decomposition, but the rest of the artifacts are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
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