القائمة الرئيسية


(Brief history of Egypt in the Greek era (323 BC - 31 BC

(Brief history of Egypt in the Greek era (323 BC - 
 31 BC

At the time, Philip of Macedonia was able to unify the decrepit country of Greece after the Battle of Kirunia in 338 BC. After his assassination, his son Alexander the Great, who marched in his victorious campaigns against Asia, defeated King Dara III In the position of Ephesus in 333 BC. From there he went to Syria, Egypt, which was handed over to him by the Persian governor Mazakis without a fight in 332 BC. The god Amun in Siwa Oasis where he was believed to be the son of This famous Egyptian god ordered the construction of the city of Alexandria and then returned to the city of Babylon after the great ancient Egypt became part of his fledgling empire and then began a new era in the history of the ancient Near East and the Mediterranean is known as the Greek era or the Hellenistic era, The ancient Eastern civilization of the Greek civilization and dominated by some of the Greek kingdoms in Egypt and the north and east of the Mediterranean.
Alexander was the owner of a large urban project aimed at unifying the East in the west, but he died young before he achieved his dream and his empire was divided into three main kingdoms: the Kingdom of Macedonia in Greece and the Seleucid Kingdom of Syria and Iraq and the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, through which Egypt became part of the Eastern Mediterranean The situation that continued until the advent of the Romans and enable them to overthrow the three Greek monarchies and extend their sovereignty over the west and east of the Mediterranean and unite its people in one empire is the largest in history, to become Egypt after that part of the Mediterranean world until the great opening of the Arabs in 641 AD Separated - and all the southern Mediterranean - from that world even today.
Ptolemy I, the founder of the Ptolemaic family (Sotir-Savior 223-284 BC), was one of the leaders of Alexander the Great. It was decided at the Babylonian Conference, which was held immediately after Alexander's death, that the administration of Egypt's affairs would be his specialty. Ptolemy returned to Egypt five months after the death of Alexander Clemomenis, the Nukarisi, who was Alexander to the administration of the affairs of Egypt and entered Ptolemy I in the long and complex military and diplomatic conflicts with the rest of the Macedonian leaders until it was finally independent by the rule of Egypt, but the fact that these conflicts were resolved only after the departure of the first generation of Macedonian leaders and therefore did not appear Egypt as an independent Greek state In the reign of his son and successor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, and that beside the two kingdoms Almekdonettin kingdom of Macedonia in the other two countries of Greece, headed Ontitjons second (Jonathas) and the Kingdom of greyhounds in Babylon and Syria, led by the first Ontyuhs.
The rule of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (the lover of his sister 284-246 BC) Egypt for a long time and under his rule was laid the basic rules of the Ptolemaic state in Egypt and the long reign of the most ancient history of Egypt Ptolemia in the era of most of the administrative systems of Ptolemaic Egypt was established as was the lighthouse and the library and the most important And the rise of the city of Alexandria and became the most important ports of the Mediterranean Sea trade and the most important cultural stations at the same time thanks to the existence of the library and the museum and the translation of the Torah into Greek - known as the translation of the seventieth because of about seventy Jewish scientists translated - Cultural Oshahraloamal in the reign of Philadelphus During his reign, also put the famous Egyptian writer Maniton Sammanud his book about the history of ancient Egypt, which is still - and has, despite its assets - the basic reference in the history of Pharaonic Egypt.
The Philadelphus was keen to strengthen the status of Egypt in the Aegean Center of the cultural weight of the era and encouraged the Greek cities in Asia Minor to revolt against the Macedonian presence there as it intervened against the Macedonian influence in the country of Greece original alliance with Athens and Sparta until they rebelled against Macedonia in 266 BC. Macedonia was able to defeat the rebellion of Athens and Sparta about 261 BC. The policies of Philadelphus failed to reduce Macedonian influence in the islands of the Aegean Sea and the country of Greece, which was his sister and wife, Arsenoi II, the main instigator.
As for his relationship with the Seleucid state in Syria and Iraq, the relationship was tense because of the constant Ptolemies' keenness to seize southern Syria. In 276 BC, the first Syrian war broke out between the two sides. The Ptolemaic forces took control of Damascus for a short time, However, Ptolemaic Egypt retained its control of southern Syria and the coast of Phenicia. After the death of Antiochus I in 262 BC, his son and successor, Antiochus II, decided to retaliate against Egypt, to help it with the calamity of the Sultana enemy in Asia Minor, launching a war known as the Second Syrian War. Asia Minor was the scene of the defeat. Egypt defeated the Egyptian fleet at the island of Kos in 258-256 BC. Egypt lost most of its property in the Aegean Sea. It seems that Philadelphus realized that the alliance of the King of Macedonia Antigonas Jonathas and the King of Cyrus Antioch II was the cause of these defeats. He strengthened his relationship with the king of Saluki by marrying his daughter Princess Berniki and carrying a huge foal to Antiochs in the hope that she would have a legitimate heir to both.

Philadelphus also managed to restore his rule to Egypt after his half-brother Magas had taken his own. But after the death of Magas in 259 BC, Philadelos married his son and successor to Magas's daughter and brought him back to Egypt.
Philadelphus also paid great attention to the Arab countries in order to secure the trade of Eastern Egypt and to link it directly to the Arab countries and to liberate it from the Nabataeans. He sent an expedition there, led by a man named Ariston. He established a commercial colony in the Arab countries called Ambeloni. He campaigned against the Nabateans in 278 BC. With another campaign in the following year.
Thus, Philadelphus succeeded in strengthening the basic orientations of foreign policy that his father, Ptolemy I, established. He even took further steps when he sent an embassy to the emerging Roman state in the western Mediterranean in 273 BC and was able to maintain his good relationship without being involved in the series of wars He died between her rival Carthage, who was known in history as the Punic Wars. He died in 246 BC. After forty years of rule, he was undoubtedly the happiest era of the Ptolemaic kingdom in Egypt, and was succeeded by his son Ptolemy III.
The reign of Ptolemy III Jurgitis (good 246-221 BC.) Egypt for a long time also appears from the title of Jorgitis, which is good that he had good qualities and it is known that he dropped taxes for the people of the conditions of famine experienced by the country, but he has imported large quantities of grain to help the people In those circumstances. The circumstances forced Juergitis to engage in a war with the Seleucid state of Syria, a war known as the Third Syrian War. His sister, Bernie, asked him for help following the death of her husband, Antiochus II, in mysterious circumstances. His first wife, Odicki, was announced by her son Seljuks II as a successor to his father instead of son As the Ptolemaic family in Egypt had hoped for behind the marriage of Antiochus to Bernicki. Yurgetis continued immediately to fulfill his sister's appeal. He invaded Syria and was able to enter Antioch, the capital of the Seleucid state, and Juergitis continued to advance through the Euphrates, despite the news of the death of his sister Bernicki and her son, which was intended to hold him on the throne but was forced to return to Egypt at the end of 245 BC. News of the great famine in Egypt as a result of the decline of the Nile flood led to a large state of chaos and disorder. Seleucus II took the opportunity and in 241 BC recaptured everything that Jurgetes had taken from my territory, but southern Syria (Palestine and the coast of Phenicia) remained under Egyptian control this time too. This war ended with the signing of a treaty between Egypt and the Seleucid state in 241 BC. The second to continue the war for his preoccupation with his younger brother Antiochus Herax.
Jorgetes' friendly policy towards the Egyptians and his respect for the Egyptian religion influenced the Egyptian priests in 237 BC. They issued their famous decision in Canopus, in which Ptolemy III was given the title of Good or Goodwill, one of the titles of the god Osiris. Ptolemy III died in 221 BC and was succeeded by his son Ptolemy IV Philopator.
The reign of Ptolemy IV Philopator (the lover of Abi221-205 BC) was the beginning of the era of weakness and deterioration in the history of the Ptolemaic state in Egypt. Although he took the nickname of his father's lover, his qualities were contrary to the qualities of his father whom his people loved. Minors such as Agathocles and Susebius, who incited him to kill his mother, Bernie, his uncle, his brothers and a number of other friends so that he could not control the king and manage the affairs of the country alone.
The weak rule of Villeopatore coincided with the reign of Antiochus III, the most powerful king of the Seleucid state, as well as with the reign of another powerful king in Macedonia, Philip V. These two powerful rivals forged an alliance to divide the Ptolemaic state. Thus, the king of Salouqi seized the opportunity of the death of Jorgetes and invaded southern Syria in 221 BC. But the Ptolemaic forces there confronted him and thwarted his quest. Susebius seized the opportunity of the king's occupation of the revolution that had taken place in Babylonia and was preparing to prepare the Egyptian army for the coming war. Of the Greek mercenaries resorted to the recruitment of Egyptians and trained about twenty thousand of them on the methods of war and the Macedonian annexation to the army.
When finished Ontyuhs third of its internal problems and the failure to restore southern Syria through negotiations came at the head of his armies once again to invade those areas Vastoly on the Phoenician coast first and then went south and seized the Gaza Strip and continued progress towards Rafah, but the Egyptian army was waiting for him there, led by Velopatur himself and his assistant Susebeos, who was driving the Egyptian teams and met him in the famous position of Rafah in 217 BC, where he inflicted defeat his armies tractor and Adtroh to make peace, the Egyptian teams played a crucial role in the win this battle and recovery of southern Syria after almost results tend in the beginning of the war in favor of the Seleucids was Naturally, this would have a future effect on the relationship between the Egyptians and their Ptolemaic rulers.
The location of Rafah is a dividing line between the era of power that preceded it and the weakness that followed in the history of Ptolemaic Egypt. After the history of this battle, several internal and external factors have joined together, weakening the state. The most important of these were the revolutions of the Egyptians who recovered their confidence after winning victory in the battle of Rafah The Ptolemaic state had many efforts to suppress it, especially in the city of Taiba, the stronghold of the revolution, as well as the weakness of the central authority, which was represented by successive weak kings on the throne, such as Filopator himself, and then the permanent dispute over the throne between the brothers. The third was the emergence of three young forces that were entangled in the Ptolemaic state, Antiochus III of Syria and Iraq, who worked very hard after the battle of Rafah to recapture southern Syria and succeeded in doing so and Philip V of Macedonia, who was looking to establish a great empire and control all the Aegean Rome, which began looking to take over the Eastern Mediterranean regions after the end of the control of the west through private and that the Kingdom of Macedonia and the Kingdom of greyhounds was supported Hanbeal leader Carthaginian in his wars against Rome and it was natural that Rome resort to revenge from these two kingdoms after it emerged victorious Punic wars Of these wars and completed control of the western Mediterranean as it was normal that the end of the Roman invasion of the eastern Mediterranean with the fall of EgyptBtalmip also, despite the Egyptian position in support of Rome during the Punic Wars and friendly nature, which marked the history of relations between the two countries. Alexander the Great
Philopator died in 203 BC and was succeeded by his son Ptolemy the Fifth Abiphans (Zahir 2020-180) with the custody of Susebius and Agathocles, who plotted to kill his mother Queen Arsinoe III. After the death of Socipius, Agathocles was appointed as the guardian of the little king and took charge of the affairs of the country alone.
Send Ojathocles Embassy to Rome asking them to mediate between Egypt and the third Ontyuhs but Rome has not shown enthusiasm for intervention because such those differences between the kingdoms Ptolemaic was in their interest in the end, as well as Ojathocles tried to get close to Macedonia, but that did not benefit where there was an agreement and alliance between Philip V King Macedonia and Antiochus III the Saluki to share Egypt's foreign property so that each of them seized their property near his kingdom. Philip took over Egypt's remaining possessions in Bahrija and seized Antiochs over the remaining property in southern Syria and Asia Minor.
Period Ojathocles control in the country as revolted by the people of Alexandria because of masterminding the murder of Queen Orsenauy III, in particular, supported the army so popular feeling declared Talpulemus commander of the garrison Bloziom disobedience and joined the garrison of Alexandria and stormed the rebel palace and dragged the king Alsgiroshaloua Ojathocles and his family in the street and Qtaohm pieces were set Talpulemus did not overlook Guardian of the king but was soon isolated by the person of Achriday Aristomines.
Created these events conditions for Philip V and Ontyuhs III to implement their agreement to capture Egypt's foreign assets came Ontyuhs third and invaded southern Syria and defeated the Ptolemaic army at Baon near the Jordan River in 200 BC and lost Egypt, southern Syria this time forever, as well as lost property in Asia Minor. At the same time, Philippe destroyed Egypt's property in the Cyclades, the Bosphorus Strait, the Thrace region in the north of the Aegean Sea, and also by the year 200 BC, only Cyprus and Cyrene remained in possession.
Philip V's activity in the Aegean led to the fear of Rhodes and the kingdom of Bordamah. They sought the help of the Romans, whose ambitions and aspirations were similar to that of Alexander the Great, both of whom were from Macedonia, with the difference that Alexander was looking east while Philip V looked forward to The West was intended to establish a Macedonian empire adjacent to the Roman Empire and hence its support for Hannibal in his wars against the Roman state, from which Rome emerged victorious in the end.
Rome took the opportunity and sent an embassy to Egypt in 200 BC. In order to reconcile Ptolemy the Fifth and Antiochus III and ensure that Antioch stood neutral in the event of a clash with Philip and at the same time took the Greek cities to Philippe and sent to him warning of interference in the affairs of Rhodes and Egypt, Warning. Philip's refusal to launch the Second Macedonian War, in which Rome won a major victory over Philip's forces at the site of Kinus Kigali (the heads of dogs) in 197 BC. This was followed by the proclamation of the freedom of the Greek cities and its strength increased and began to aspire to control the eastern Mediterranean.

Rome took control of the activity of Antiochus III after he took possession of the property of Egypt in southern Syria and Asia Minor and expected to come to the assistance of Philip V But Antiochs did something more than that as he advanced to the country of Greece and seized some areas of Philip in Thrace and Greece, They believe that they became dependent on them and when they tried to persuade him to retreat, he refused, as Philip did before him, but it is strange that Egypt in this conflict has sided with its traditional enemy Antiochus III and not to the Romans. Negotiations between the two sides took place in 195 BC. N Cleopatra's son Ontyuhs third bride price to be some areas of southern Syria entered as if Egypt took these circumstances to restore the old control of southern Syria.
Ptolemy the Fifth abolished the treaty with Antiochus III and sent to the Romans help to repel the attack of Antiochus on the country of Greece in 192 BC But Rome rejected his offer, displeased by his previous position in the alliance with Antiochus. In 189 BC, the Romans clashed with Antiochus III in the battle of Magnesia and inflicted a humiliating defeat on him. They expelled him from Greece and took over all of Asia Minor. In the following year 188 BC he signed with him the peace of Abamiya, which was deprived of northern Syria (north and west of the mountains of Taurus) and proclaimed the freedom of the Greek cities and distributed his possessions in Asia Minor to its allies Rhodes and Barjama, Egypt has remained in the relationship of alienation and did not return property there . The Apamea peace brought about the rise of Rome in the eastern Mediterranean and the beginning of the decay of Egypt and the two other Hellenistic kingdoms.
In the era of Abiphance, Rosetta Stone was discovered by a soldier of the French campaign in 1799 and was a decree issued by the priests of Memphis after their meeting in 196 BC, expressing their gratitude to the Ptolemaic king and was written in the ancient Egyptian and Hieroglyphic and Demotic languages, He studied comparative study and decoding the ancient Egyptian language.
In 1805 BC, Ptolemy V Abiphans died, leaving two sons and one daughter of his Syrian wife Cleopatra the First. The eldest son, aged seven, died in the custody of his mother the Syrian Queen. He took the title of Ptolemy VI Philomator, a lover of his mother (180-145 BC). Filometor married his sister Cleopatra II, and at the age of 15 he was crowned by Pharaoh in Memphis in 172 BC.
It was normal for relations to remain good with Syria under the tutelage of Queen Cleopatra, but after her death, the guardianship of the throne was turned into two of the palace's servants, Julius and Linnaeus, to appease the Salukist state, seeking to restore southern Syria. This was followed by the preoccupation of King Antiochus IV in Syria in the conflict with the Jews, taking the opportunity and preparing the army for war and became the sixth Syrian war at the door but before the fire started each party to send an embassy to Rome to justify his position was normal not to take Rome side of one of the parties because it was busy In the Third Macedonian War and was keen to be preoccupied by both parties with his problems and to avoid them from participating in that war.
In 170 BC, Antiochus IV marched on the Egyptian border and defeated the Ptolemaic army at Plouzium. He went to Memphis. He was said to have crowned Pharaoh there. The king summoned the child and forced him to sign an agreement accepting the protection of Antiochus IV. But the Alexandrians rejected that agreement and attacked the guardians Julius and Linnaeus, Philomitor was king over Egypt and prepared to confront King Antiochus IV in the event of his advance on Alexandria. Indeed, Antiochus prepared to march on Alexandria and restore Philomitor to his throne, but the conditions of the Jewish revolution in Palestine forced him to change his plans and to Palestine. K Malakan on Egypt and one in Memphis and the other in Alexandria and was supposed to be their dispute arises on governance, but efforts to reconcile them managed to jointly rule with the participation of sister second Cleopatra, which was Tkbarhama in order to miss the opportunity to Ontyuhs to interfere in the affairs of Egypt. But after the suppression of the Jewish revolution, he returned to Egypt in 168 BC under the pretext of preserving the rights of Philomitoro. He took over the island of Cyprus and took the progress towards Egypt, despite receiving from the two kings Mayved their agreement and the absence of justification for his intervention in the Egyptian affairs and indeed managed to besiege Alexandria and tried to subject the two kings to his demands The Romans were ready to intervene, especially after their victory in the Third Macedonian War, where they were not prepared to leave Egypt falling into the hands of King Saluki.
Rome has sent a mission to Ontyuhs headed by the noble Roman Publius Inas and his message from Alsnato asking him to evacuate Egypt immediately and only became an enemy of the people of the Roman and when the king asked Saluki deadline for Tvkirsm Publius his baton circle around him and told him that he provide the answer before going out of the circle and Bagot Ontyuhs act And he extended his hand shaking hands and declared his desire to remain a friend of the Romans and left Egypt for his country.
It was natural that this incident had a far-reaching impact in the history of Ptolemaic Egypt if Rome had saved it from the occupation of the Saluki. It was natural that the natural introduction of Egypt's fall into the hands of the Romans themselves. Since then, the Romans have intervened in all the affairs of Egypt, a revolution in Alexandria, led by a man named Bitusrabis demanded the ouster Velomator of the throne, and when extended revolution to Upper Egypt Velomator directed his troops to suppress them, but after returning to Alexandria, he found that his brother had masterminded a plot to remove him from power Mmajolh flees to Rome and seeks help in order to bring it back to his throne. Sinato decided to divide the kingdom so that Philometor would remain king over Egypt and Cyprus and give the younger brother a state of grace to be his king. Indeed, the agreement was implemented and little Ptolemy left a commandment recommending that a kingdom would succeed in the event of his death without a heir to Rome. In 145 BC, Philomitor entered the conflict that arose on the throne of Selo after the death of Antiochus IV in an attempt to recover southern Syria but was killed on the battlefield and was succeeded by his second son Neus Filopator in the custody of his mother Queen Cleopatra II.
It was natural that this king did not continue to rule the child in the presence of his uncle, King of Berqa, who enjoyed the support of the Alexandrians, in addition to the support of the Romans, who became in control of the Mediterranean Sea after the defeat of Percyus, the son of Philip V of Macedonia in Bodna in 168 BC. Later in the year 147 BC.
Under this creep Ptolemy king gently on the Alexandria conditions and managed with the help of the Romans elevate the throne under the title of Ptolemy VIII Iorgits II also married his sister Cleopatra II, but soon Macam some of the brutal acts that alienated him his subjects as wrested the child King Ninos Velopatur from his mother's lap and ordered his execution as He married his third cousin, Cleopatra III, although he had married his mother, the widow of his brother Cleopatra II, and the latter came to him and the people sympathized with her. The revolution broke out in the Ptolemy VIII. He could not return again except with the help of the Romans. Egypt is growing day by day. In 116 BC, Ptolemy VIII died. Cleopatra II died, so Cleopatra was the third to rule the country. Ptolemy VIII left the task of choosing the best among his two sons to succeed him.
Thus he took the eldest son of Ptolemy IX under the title of Soter second throne, but his mother was not happy with special behavior because of his divorce from the fourth sister, Cleopatra and his marriage to the other sister fifth Cleopatra known for the name of Cleopatra Moon, Vhrdt by the people of Alexandria fled to Cyprus and called his mother, his younger brother, where he ascended the throne under The title of Ptolemy the tenth Alexander the first in conjunction with it, but he was alone in the throne after her death in 101 BC. - which was probably his management - and remained on the throne until the year 88 BC until the revolt of the people of Alexandria and fled to Cyprus in turn, where he died there.
After the escape of Ptolemy X so called Alexandrians Ptolemy IX to take the throne again and after his return married his sister, the third Bernie in the hope that the birth of the heir to the throne, but that was not achieved, so when he died in 81 BC.
The Ptolemy IX witnessed more Romanian intervention in Egyptian affairs, as well as the deterioration of the internal situation and the outbreak of the revolutions of the Egyptians, despite attempts by the building of the temples and the proximity to the priests, and after his death and singled out Berniki rule it became necessary to search for a husband and resulted in the search for find the son of Ptolemy X Alexander I had Onjbh from one of his mistresses and lives in Rome Vthms the Romans to his residence on the throne in Egypt, and were quick to send him to Alexandria, where he married the queen Berenice third and took the throne, carrying the title of Alexander II, Ptolemy atheist Ashrgar he soon Matnker pulp Nikkei and kill her and was the darling of the people of Alexandria, prompting angry masses to the revolution and killed in 80 BC, his reign did not last for more than just twenty days and was the last person of the breed Ptolemies immigrants.
Thus, the court in Alexandria faced the problem of finding a legitimate heir to the king, but they finally found out that the illegitimate children of Ptolemy IX Suter were living outside Egypt and were immediately summoned in order to miss the opportunity to intervene against the Romans. It was decided to appoint the youngest king over Cyprus and to take over the throne of Egypt in 80 AD.
Thus Ptolemy II Ashralmlk (80-51q.m) and married his sister Cleopatra sixth and took the title of News Dionysius any new Dionysius, but the people of Alexandria called him the title of piper (Oaolic) because he was loves to play the oboe nickname this title in history. But the Romans refused to recognize him as king of Egypt and they were told that Ptolemy the Eleventh had recommended that his kingdom be transferred to the Romanian people. For his part, the pimp tried to appease the Romans and to preserve the independence of Egypt at any price.

The Seleucid state was overthrown and turned into a Roman state by the Roman leader Pompey and the leader of the Republican Party in 64 BC. In contrast, the leader of the Democratic Party in Rome, Crassus presented a project to annex Egypt and entrusted the young leader Julius Caesar to carry out the project but the Republican Party opposed it Project temporarily. Then, in 59 BC, when Julius Caesar became a consul in Rome, he was able to bribe him to recognize him as king over Egypt, without referring to the position of Cyprus. Rome was declared the following year, 585 BC. Cyprus was annexed to the property of the Roman people. With the king of the brother of the zammar to commit suicide without the slightest objection from the pair on that, which led the people of Alexandria to revolt against him and expelled from the city.
Pimpius went to Rome, hoping to bring him back to his throne and took the Roman leaders with generous rewards if they carried out the task and came to the guest of Pompey leader of the Republican Party and already tried Pompey to make a decision to do this task, but Sinato decided to assign the task to the consul of that year 57 BC. But fate did not help His execution was a lightning bolt on the statue of Jupiter in the city. The Romans explained that the god was not satisfied with the imposition of the conspiracy on Egypt by force and therefore they decided to follow the diplomatic means to achieve this, but differed about the person who should head the embassy of Rome to Egypt. And Gabinos of Pompius promised him a great reward if he returned to the throne. Jabinus agreed to this and marched on Egypt in 55 BC with the consent of Pompey without the permission of the Sanato in Rome on the pretext of provoking the forces of the Egyptian Queen, the son of the pair, which was set up by the Alexandrians after his escape to the Roman forces and indeed managed to invade Bluseum and enter Alexandria But differences in Rome prevented Egypt from declaring a Roman mandate and Ptolemy returned to his throne and Gabinos returned to Syria after leaving a Roman garrison in Egypt to help the pair.
In Egypt, Ptolemy took the pimp in the pursuit of his opponents and abuse them and executed them. Among them was his daughter, who was appointed by the Alexandrians as queen after his escape, and because of the accumulation of his debts to the Romans, one of them was named Rapperos as Minister of Finance, which led to the Alexandrian revolt. The pair left two sons and daughters and had recommended that his eldest daughter Cleopatra marry his brother Ptolemy XIII and that they should rule together and that the Romans should carry out this commandment.

The conflict in Rome between the Republican Party led by Pompey and the Democratic Party led by Caesar ended with Caesar's victory over Pompey in the battle of Persalus in the country of Greece in 48 BC. Pompey fled to Egypt seeking help from his friend Ptolemy the butcher, but he found the pair dead and he sought the help of his son Ptolemy XIII who had He already took the throne with his sister Cleopatra VII (51 - 30 BC).
Pompey arrived in Egypt at a time when the dispute between Cleopatra and her brother the king had reached a climax so that she had to flee outside Alexandria because of the anger of the palace men and her accusation of trying to seize power. Cleopatra was mobilizing her forces and preparing to return to Egypt once Ptolemy XIII was mobilizing his armies On the eastern border of Egypt at Belozium in preparation for a decisive battle with it. Under these complicated circumstances, the men of the palace in Alexandria took a decision to assassinate Pompey, fearing that his escape to Egypt would give the argument to his rival Julius Caesar to conquer Egypt and entrust to Achilles the commander of the Ptolemaic army. In fact, Pompey was assassinated when he came to the beach of Alexandria in an event of dramatic history and cut off his head and was carried to Alexandria to satisfy his creeping opponent of Egypt. But that did not come to Egypt at the end. On 2 October 1948 BC Julius Caesar arrived in Alexandria, The men of the palace in Alexandria, head of Pompey and his conclusion, so sad for the scene did not retreat from the occupation of Alexandria.
Caesar announced that he came to carry out the commandment of the Zimmer, which puts his children under the tutelage of the Romans and summoned Cleopatra and her brother and indeed attended to Alexandria and represented Cleopatra in front of Caesar in an impressive way if one of her agents and fear of her life wrapped in a rug and when he arrived in front of Caesar individual carpet came out Cleopatra beauty and charm Vslt Old Caesar's mind from that moment. The next day, when Ptolemy came to meet him, he appeared to be biased towards Cleopatra, which aroused the people of Alexandria. Although Caesar had initially reached a compromise between the two brothers, the palace men did not like it and summoned the Ptolemaic army from Belize And besieged Caesar in the royal district near the port, which forced him to burn his ships anchored there for fear that the Alexandrians seized on them and believed that the fire had caused the burning of the Library of Alexandria and then began the war in Alexandria in 48 BC. And nearly Caesar to be defeated and die without the arrival of some teams In the war, Caesar was victorious in 47 BC. Ptolemy XIII died, and a new Caesar was appointed to inherit the throne of Egypt, where Cleopatra proclaimed the queen of Egypt to marry her younger brother Ptolemy XIV.

Caesar spent the winter in Egypt, enjoying with Cleopatra and together they took a Nile trip to the heights of Egypt and a love relationship arose between them, which resulted in the birth of a son of Caesar called Ptolemy Caesar, but the Alexandrians called him the title of Caesar. After Caesar returned to Rome, he was sent to Cleopatra's request and was sent to his palace in Rome, where she lived in the pomp of the eastern queens. This aroused the wrath of the Romans, who had doubts about Caesar's intention to become king of the Romans according to the customs of the East. The followers of Caesar prophesied that the Romans would not defeat the Parthians - who had already exterminated a whole Roman army - only under the banner of a king and therefore Caesar must be given the title of king and decided to hold a meeting in Sanato to discuss that proposal on 15 March 44 BC. To the Council Chamber, the Republicans murdered him with stab wounds . In the face of these events, Cleopatra found herself forced to return to Egypt. She fled there the following month immediately after she got rid of her brother Ptolemy XIV and engaged her son Caesar as a partner in the government, which she declared to be the child of the god Amun who was represented by Caesar.
In Rome, chaos and chaos prevailed after the death of Julius Caesar, but Consul Marcos Antonius managed to control the situation. He summoned the grandson of Caesar's sister and his heir, Octavius, from Greece and together in the hunt for Caesar's killers, led by Brutus and Cassius, and defeated them in Philippi, .M. Then they divided the empire between them, so Antonius became the ruler of the lands of the East, while Octavius ​​became responsible for the West and divided the supervision of Italy between them. Their friendly relations initially went.
Antony returned to Syria and summoned some leaders to clarify their position during the war on the murderers of Caesar, including Cleopatra, who did not take a clear position in that war, and only sent the Roman teams that Caesar had left in Egypt. But Cleopatra - who attended royal estates - managed to convince Antonius safely Her intention and grew up with him a love relationship from the first moment as happened with Caesar before and invited him to visit Egypt. Indeed, Antious spent the winter of 41-40 BC with Cleopatra in Egypt. At the time, Octavius ​​had no objections to Antonius' behavior, but in the meantime Octavius ​​discovered a plot against him in Rome by the wife of Antonius and his brother. Antonius, but the friends of the two sides managed to reconcile them and the reconciliation between the two parties in Brindisi in 40 BC. It was supported by the marriage of Antonius from Octavia's Octavia but things did not go well after that. He declared that Caesar son of Caesar was the legitimate heir of Julius Caesar. This was a serious challenge to the legitimacy of Octavius, who had been hunting Antony's errors ever since, without any new hope of reconciliation. Antonius Octavius, for his part, helped to express his intentions in violation of the Roman customs. After his victory in Armenia in 34 BC, he helped establish the Victory Festival in Alexandria, not in Rome, as was customary. He also distributed the states of the East to the sons of Cleopatra, This is in addition to his desire to be buried in Alexandria after his death and abandonment to his Romanian wife Octavia, which enabled Octavius ​​to mobilize Roman public opinion against him and declare war on him in the end.
Indeed, Octavius ​​defeated Antonius and Cleopatra at the Battle of Aktium in western Greece in 31 BC and chased them to Egypt. Antonius was defeated again in a land battle near Alexandria. Antonius, who entered Octavius ​​Alexandria and attempted to take Cleopatra captive in his triumphal march to Rome, She preferred suicide in her turn, killing a living bulldog as is known in history.
After that, Octavius ​​ordered Caesar the son of Caesar, whom he saw as a serious rival. The Cleopatra sons of Antonius took them to Rome and entrusted them to his sister Octavia to sponsor them as the sons of her late husband. Thus the Ptolemaic state fell forever and Egypt became a Roman state.

The Ptolemaic era had a great influence on the civilized development of ancient Egypt. The Greek culture and the scientific methodology imposed on Egypt and the Egyptians after Alexander's invasion of Egypt. Thousands of Greek settlers flooded the cities of Egypt and its countryside. The Egyptians also learned the Greek language and emerged from them a team of Greek language scribes wrote the history of ancient Egypt to teach their new citizens the ancient civilization of Egypt, most famous Maniton Samanoudi, whose method is still studying the history of ancient Egypt in successive families is the Adopted in the study of the history of Pharaonic Egypt approach so far. The Egyptians were also influenced by the African literature and learned the writing of epics like the Iliad, which formed the basis of African education in Egypt such as the epic of Pete Osiris and its legendary hero Inaros. They also wrote historical novels such as the famous Egyptian magician Satani Kalamus, the most famous Egyptian magician during the reign of Ramses II (1304-1237 BC). ) And the story of his charming son Sinuzir, who tried to descend to his father in the other world to know the secret of the power of his charm. In addition to the great cultural interaction, the Egyptians were also influenced by the cultures of the peoples included in that great cultural range, such as the Babylonians and the Hebrews. They were influenced by the Babylonian astrology and were considered the most famous of the Mediterranean seers. Petosiris was known as the Seer
Egyptians in the Mediterranean and became the destination of the students to know their future. They were also influenced by Hebrew religious literature, especially after the translation of the Torah into Greek during the reign of Ptolemy II.

There is no doubt that the largest product of the interaction of Greek and Egyptian culture is the new Egyptian national language, the Coptic language that emerged in the Roman era and was written in Greek letters after the addition of seven Egyptian voices to this language, the Egyptians wrote their literature and dated their Christian history.
In the fields of engineering and applied sciences, we find that the Egyptians were influenced by Greek sciences. In the field of architecture, for example, in the architecture of temples in the Ptolemaic era there were architectural innovations and innovations in sculpture and photography, in writing, in handwriting, in theology, astronomy and astrology. Art and architecture distinguish it from previous times.
The emergence of the god Serapis was the official god of the Ptolemaic state. Ptolemy I, the founder of the Ptolemaic state, recognized the importance of bringing together the Egyptians and the Greeks on one God that combines the Egyptian religious heritage with the Greek thought. Among the great theologians, including Maniton Samanoudi, to achieve this, they were born in the cult of Osirbis or Serapis of Greece, which was a revival of the religion of Osiris, the husband of Isis and Abu Horus, the official trio of the Egyptian religion in the era of the Pharaohs, Although the Egyptians refused to accept that hybrid god and considered it a distortion of their religious heritage and continued to worship their ancient Lord Osiris, Serapis worship spread throughout the Greek world but throughout the sea. Average.
There is no doubt that the city of Alexandria with its harbor, school, library and lighthouse was the greatest of the Ptolemaic era to Egypt. The city became the largest port of the Mediterranean thanks to the successive Ptolemaic efforts to activate Egypt's foreign trade, the scout missions they sent and the activities of the Alexandrian school scientists in the field of geographical studies. The products of Africa, such as ivory, ebony, gold, spices, Olive oil, wine, honey, salted fish, meat and sponges. In Alexandria there were trade representatives from many countries such as France, Italy, North Africa and Persia. Alexandria was also a center for the export of Egyptian products, mainly wheat, which was transported from the rest of the country through Alqorab in the Nile and is collected in the market of the great wheat in Alexandria, and Alexandria was exporting some of the products that are famous for manufacturing Egypt, such as glass and linen and papyrus. Alexandria Library
Alexandria also took the lead in the scientific and cultural life of the Mediterranean until it surpassed Athens itself. The establishment of the Seven Houses of the Seven Arts and Sciences and the Library of Ptolemy of Philadelphia also had the greatest impact on attracting scholars and scholars from all over the world. In the field of science and mathematics, the school of Alexandria has become a major and well-known science by the scholar Euclid, who wrote a book on the origins of engineering, as Archimedes, author of the law of buoyancy and in the field of medical studies, excelled the scientists of Alexandria in anatomy and surgery. The school of Alexandria paid great attention to geosciences and Aristarchus reached the theory of Earth's rotation around the sun. Erato Stennis succeeded in measuring the circumference of the Earth, and his estimation of the current studies was only 50 miles. Historical studies have received the same attention. The result is the book written by the Egyptian priest Maniton about ancient Egyptian history in Greek. It is possible to say that it was the scholars of the Alexandria School who established the foundations of literary criticism and worked on the study of ancient Greek literature. Their greatest achievements were the publication of the epics of Homer and the history of the ancient Greek literature. Herodotus, as well as the works of the great poets of the Greek drama.
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