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The life story of Alexander the Great Part IV and the last

The life story of Alexander the Great Part IV and the last

Alexander's parents had a great influence on his character and character. His mother was ambitious, and led him to believe that he was able to invade the Persian Empire. Plutarch says this ambition is what kept Alexander's heart and soul tall and hopeless throughout these years of campaigns and conquests. As for his father, he was the role model he emulated at every step. Alexander's relationship with his father refined the competitive side of his person; he felt an urgent need to overtake him and overshadow his achievements, perhaps explaining many of his reckless actions on the battlefield. Alexander was worried that his father "would not leave him with an important or great achievement to show him in front of the world," but nevertheless played down the latter's achievements in front of his companions. Undoubtedly a role in his decisions. Alexander is known for his stubborn intransigence and stiffness of opinion, but he nevertheless was receptive to any discussion and listener of his author as long as it was logical. Alexander had another more prudent aspect, characterized by his foresight, logic, and vigilance, and inclined towards science a great tendency, and loved philosophy, and was focused on reading the books binge, and learn what came from the wisdom and memorized quickly, thanks to Aristotle, the great teacher, has Alexander's intelligence and reckless side of his character contributed greatly to his success as a military commander. Alexander had a great ability to control himself and prevent him from indulging in the “pleasures of the body”, and on the contrary, he was unable to control himself when it came to wines, so he continued to use it uncontrollably; Alexander was knowledgeable, loved science and the arts alike. He sponsored it. However, unlike his father, his interest in sport and the Olympics was minimal, and he always pursued the Homeric ideals of honor and glory. The Macedonian leader had the power of persuasion, supernatural persuasion, and great personal power, the building blocks that would make anyone a great leader, and the most striking manifestation of these unique features was that he united Macedonia, the whole of Greece and the Persians into one empire, and kept it together. Despite the accumulation of great contradictions, and after his death, no one of his leaders was able to maintain that unity, and the country dispersed and divided into a few different countries, Alexander suffered a state of perjury and paranoia in the last years of his life, especially after the death of his close friend Hvistion, probably because of this What he has achieved great vacations through A relatively short period of time, and the sense that he seeks Allaosfi behind the ability, flattery and admiration of his fellow people around him. The state of Alexander and his illusions can be seen in his will, which some say is a desire to conquer the world. It appears that Alexander believed that he was a god, or at least sought to deify himself, because his mother had always insisted, according to some sources, that he was the son of Zeus, and that this story was confirmed by Egyptian priests in the temple of Amun in Siwa Oasis, and he began calling himself. The son of Zeus-Amun, since then, after quoting from the Persians several habits, insisted that his men and his army commanders prostrate to him and kiss his hand, as the Persians were doing with their deified king, but the Macedonians categorically rejected it and boycotted their commander to That decided to reverse that habit. Alexander was nevertheless a realistic king, understanding the difficulties of an empire inhabited by peoples of different cultures, some of whom lived all his life in a kingdom where the king was considered a worshiped god. Accordingly, it is possible that he may not have been paranoid, but that his actions were a practical attempt to consolidate his rule and to keep the territory of his empire united.

Alexander had a close relationship with a friend of his age and his companion, Hvistion, the son of a Macedonian nobleman, bodyguard and commander in Alexander's army. It is so close that the death of Hephaestion played a role in making Alexander's health decline more frequently, and probably in his mental imbalance, during the last months of his life. He saw her and fell in love with her; Statera II, the daughter of Shah Dara III, was purely politically motivated; and Grushat II, the youngest daughter of Shah Ardashir III, whom he married in Sousse along with a number of his officers who made them associate with Persian princesses. It appears that Alexander had only two sons: Alexander IV of Rakhsana, Hercules of Macedon of his nation «Persin», and a child died once, when Rakhsana aborted in Babylon; Alexander's sexual orientation has been the subject of controversy for years. There is no old text stating that he was homosexual, engaged in such a relationship, or that his relationship with Hephaestion was sexual. In spite of this, the Greek historian Alianus Tektikos recounts a story that when Alexander visited Troy, he went to the tomb of Achilles and his flowers. Akhil's lover did not visit each other's grave without the other if not. He also refers to the phrase «Eromenos», which means «beloved» in ancient Greek, and says that it does not necessarily have sexual meaning in its folds, it may mean that Hvistion was the closest friends and men to him. In any case, the homosexuality of Alexander, if true, was not forbidden or unnatural in his days, but was common. Peter Green says that the old texts and documents do not indicate that Alexander was interested in women a lot; Having a son only in the last days. Other researchers have responded to this assumption that Alexander died when he was still relatively young, but nevertheless he had married more women than his father did in the same age, and that he knew many women other than his wives, so he was a harem as Shah Fares He showed great restraint and prevented him from indulging in the “pleasures of the flesh”. He did not even impose himself on Raksana on the night of their marriage, although it was fascinated by him. Green adds that Alexander made good friends with a number of women, most notably Ada Curry, who adopted him, and even Sisypampis, the mother of Dara III, who loved Alexander as her son and is said to have died of grief.

Alexander's legacy extends to many things other than his military conquests. His campaigns have increased communication and trade routes between the Western and Eastern worlds, and brought Greek culture and civilization to many aspects of Eastern life. Many of the cities founded by Alexander became major cultural centers, some of which still exist today. The Greek historians who accompanied Alexander in his campaigns recorded valuable information about the areas they had crossed, and for the first time the Greeks felt that they lived in a world larger than their Mediterranean world.

The most important legacy of Alexander's legacy is undoubtedly the extension of Macedonian influence into vast areas within Asia. At the time of his death, Alexander had an area of ​​5,200,000 km 2, making it the largest country of that era. Most of these areas continued to be directly or indirectly subject to Macedonians, for the next 200 or 300 years, and the successor states of Alexander or the kings of the sects of Alexander were the most powerful countries in the world, at least at the beginning of their reign. The provinces on the eastern border of the Macedonian Empire began to take off one by one when Alexander was still alive. The political vacuum created by Alexander in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent caused the emergence of one of the greatest dynasties of India in history, the Maori dynasty founded by Emperor Pandrawgupta Maurya, of humble origins, after taking control of Punjab and launching military campaigns to open the territory of the Nanda Empire. .

Alexander founded more than twenty cities bearing his name in various parts of his empire in many areas of the territory he conquered during his military campaigns, but most of them occurred east of the Tigris. The greatest undisputed city was Alexandria in Egypt, which was later destined to occupy a prestigious position among the world's cities in general and the Mediterranean basin in particular. The cities founded by Alexander fell on important trade routes, often in fortified places, inhabited by the Greeks and native people.After his death, many Greeks tried to return to his native country, but another section survived.About a century after Alexander's death, Its cities are witnessing the best of its times, where built hospitals, observatories, astronomical temples and other interests, and increased the population of people of Greek and municipal origin and added to them a new element is a mixture between the two.

"Hellenism" is an Arabization of the German-Latin term (Hellenismus) coined by the German historian Johann Gustav Drizen to refer to the spread of the Greek language, culture, and population in the territory of the Persian Empire during and after the conquests of Alexander. This spread is certainly not disputed, and its effects can still be seen in some major Hellenistic cities such as Alexandria, Antioch, and Seleucia, both in historical establishments and in some forms of food of Greek origin, and others. Alexander was very confident in the greatness of the Greek civilization, and aspired to spread the banner of this civilization in every land set by his horses, but he dreamed that the whole world dyed the Greek character, and at the same time believed in the need to unite peoples, in order to seek to introduce some elements That culture to Persian civilization and hybridization of both cultures. His successors did not believe in this, neglecting the policy pursued by their late leader, but nonetheless, the Helena peoples of the East continued throughout their reign, as the Greeks who settled in the new countries gradually took on the basis of the Hellenistic culture. Men from all over Greece have a role in fusing different Greek dialects into one melting pot, and the emergence of the so-called Quinnian dialect, or common Greek slang. Greek Quinnism spread rapidly in the Hellenistic world until it became the language of common communication for many years, and modern Greek was born from its womb. In addition, urban planning, education systems, the form of local governments, and patterns of works of art were based on their traditional Greek counterparts, and over time evolved into distinctive methods known as Hellenistic styles. Certain manifestations of Hellenistic culture continued to be evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire during the mid-15th century.

Some distinctive aspects of Hellenisticism can still be found in India, particularly in the region where a few Hindus established the kingdoms.The isolation of its early inhabitants from the Greeks, and their distance from their native homeland in Europe, led to the fusion of their Greek culture with Indian culture, especially Buddhism. It is noteworthy that the first human-shaped Buddha sculptures began to emerge during this period, and were carved on the basis of the Greek statues of Apollo. Several Buddhist traditions are believed to have been heavily influenced by ancient Greek religion. The Mahayana rituals, such as burning incense, wreath and placing food at altars, are similar to the ancient Greeks. In addition, adultery Buddhism derived some of its ideas and principles from Greek stoic philosophy. It is believed that one of the kings of the Greeks, called Menander I «savior», converted to Buddhism sincerely, was memorialized in the texts of Buddhists, and referred to as «Melinada». India's Helena was not limited to cultural and religious aspects, but extended to science as well. Many astronomical ideas and theories leaked eastward until India reached astronomy with great influence by the first centuries AD. Greek instruments dedicated to studying the locations of planets and stars were found in the Greek city of Ikhanim, present-day Afghanistan, and Greek spheres of the earth were surrounded in India by other spherical planets. , The idea of ​​a spherical Earth replaced the idea of ​​the flat Earth that prevailed in India for a long time.

Alexander and his accomplishments gained the admiration of the Romans in general, and the military commanders of them in particular, took him by example, and often compared their career to his career, after they had seen the author of the Greek historian Paulipius, entitled "Dates" (Latin: Historiae), in which he reminded the Romans of Alexander's achievements. The Roman Commander Gumbi took the title "Magnus" (Latin: Magnus) after Alexander, but he was cutting his hair in the same way as the latter's haircut, and he was very impressed with the Macedonian commander that he searched in the countries opened by the Macedonians for the cloak of Alexander, 260 years old, Which he puts as a sign of greatness. Julius Caesar ordered his artisans to cast a bronze statue of him on his horse, a replica of one of Alexander's statues, and to replace his face with the latter.Emperor Augustus Caesar, during his visit to Alexandria, replaced the inscription of the Sphinx on his ring side by side with Alexander. Among the most prominent Roman emperors who liked Alexander also: Trajan, Nero, and Caracalla. The Macrinian family, the Roman dynasty during the reign of Emperor Macrinus, retained images of Alexander on her belongings, such as jewelery, or embroidered them on the clothes of its members. Of conflicts generated by the latter by upholding the ideals of the Supreme Republic. Other writers put Alexander's qualities as an example of all the rulers.

Alexander's biography encompasses a number of myths and fairy tales, which Alexander himself may have encouraged to propagate and write. His own historian Calistines says that the sea retreated for fear when he was in Cilicia. Shortly after Alexander's death, another historian, Onesecretus, invented a story that Thalitris, the queen of the Amazons, had visited Alexander and had a kind of friendliness. All the myths about Alexander were collected centuries after his departure in a book known as 'The Romance of Alexander', probably in Alexandria, which was mistakenly attributed to Callistence, which is why he is sometimes called Pseudo-Callisthenes. This book has undergone numerous revisions and additions throughout ancient times to the Middle Ages, and therefore contains a number of doubtful stories, and has been translated into many languages ​​such as Greco-Roman, Armenian, Syriac, Latin, and most of the languages ​​of Western Europe.

Alexander and his great achievements were mentioned in the texts of several civilizations, both ancient and modern. The first to mention in their texts was the Greeks themselves during his life, and others after them continued to tell the stories of this leader generation after generation until the present time. Alexander's romance and novels played a significant role in influencing his image in later civilizations, notably Persian, Central European, and contemporary Greek. (1) Alexander appears more prominently in contemporary Greek folklore than any other ancient figure. ) Is a nickname for many families, and is the only old hero to appear in karkuz shows to entertain children. One of the common myths among Greek sailors speaks of a lone mermaid who hangs in front of boats and ships during storms and asks the captain: “Isn't Alexander still alive?” The captain must answer: “He is alive and well and governs the whole world!”, The nymph returns to the sea, but if the captain responds otherwise, the nymph becomes a rebellious Gorgon, dragging the ship and its passengers to the seabed. After the introduction of Islam to Persia, the decline of the Magi in isolated small pockets, and the perception of the Persians to the author of «Romance of Alexander», took a new image more positively replace the old ones gradually. In the book of kings (in Persian: Shahnameh) of Abu al-Qasim al-Firdawsi, Alexander is mentioned in the list of legitimate kings of Persia, and described as a legendary person who traveled to the far corners of the world in search of the fountain of youth. Some Persian writers later linked Alexander and philosophy, drawing him sitting in discussion with great philosophers such as Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, talking about how to find out the mystery of eternity.

The Syriac version of the "Romantic of Alexander" embodies the Macedonian leader as a good Christian king who perseveres in prayer, opens the invincible kingdoms for the pleasure of God and invites people to worship him as the true God. Alexander was described by ancient Egyptian priests and writers as the son of Nectanebo II, the last pharaoh of Egypt before the Persian invasion, and his defeat of Shah Dara III was the salvation that Egypt long waited for, and that Egypt continued to be ruled by an Egyptian.

As mentioned in the Bible, the Bible mentioned explicitly the story of a good leader, named Zhi al-Qarnayn, Sahib al-Qarnayn, or 'Lugranai'im'. Confirmed or uncertain; Book of the Maccabees I: Alexander the son of Philip Macedon after leaving the land impermeable and rhythm in the King of Persia Dara and Madai king in place and is the first to reign over Greece. He then provoked many wars, opened multiple forts and killed the kings of the earth. And he passed to the ends of the earth, and spoiled the spoils of a multitude of nations; And mobilized a very powerful army. He took over the country, the nations and the sultans and they carried him a tribute. Then he lay on his bed and felt himself dead. And his servants called the elders who had grown up with him since the cactus, and divided his kingdom among them in his life. And the king of Alexander was twelve years old, and died: [Maccabees 1] And Daniel traveled: The good goat was king of Greece, and the great century between his eyes was the first king. And when he was broken, and raised four instead of him, four kingdoms shall rise up from the nation, but not in his power. At the end of their kingdom, when a transgression is complete, a king who is dry-faced will come up and understand the tricks. His power is greater, but not his power. He shall perish, and shall succeed, and shall destroy and destroy the great and the people of the saints. And by his ingenuity he also succeeds cunning in his hand, and glorifies his heart. In the reassurance perish many, and is based on the head of presidents, and without hands broken. [Daniel 8] In the Koran, Fmma came and said to the possibility of referring to Alexander the Lord in the Cave, which is: Ra bracket.png and ask you about a centuries say I will read to you from him a male Aya Verily we have enabled him -83.png in the ground and gave him everything a reason Aya-84.png reason follow Aya-85.png even if it reaches Morocco, the sun goes down and found her in the eye Hmeh and then some people found a centuries we said O M A to freshen up and either take them Well Aya-86.png La bracket.png; also: Ra bracket.png even if reached between the two dams was found without them some people can hardly understand a word Aya-93.png They said: The centuries that Gog and Magog corrupters Will we make the land you came out to make a dam between us and them Aya-94.png said what McNee the good Lord Voaenoni strongly make between you and them ruin Aya-95.png Atoni iron zapper even if equated Alsdwin said Blow, even if he made it a fire Atoni emptied it in diameter Aya-96.png What Asitaawa and what they were able to make him known to him Naqba Aya-97.png said this mercy from my Lord, if my Lord promised to make it Dca came and was promised my Lord really Aya-98.png La bracket.png. Scholars of interpretation say that this two centuries was a good slave roamed the world and built a huge dam in the face of the people of Gog and Magog who wreaked havoc in the land, and some said that this man is Alexander, others disagreed with this view. The name 'Alexander' or 'Alexander' in India and Pakistan, specifically in Punjab, refers to a young, talented young person whose capabilities are growing little by little. Alexander was made a member of the "Nine Virtues" in Europe during the Middle Ages, and the group included men considered to be the most magnificent and noble knights of their time, such as Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, and others. Hollywood produced a film about the life of Alexander in 2004, in which Irish actor Colin Farrell played the Macedonian leader. Greece tried to sue the production company and director.
All the texts written by people who had socialized Alexander and accompanied him in his campaigns or collected from the news of his comrades and companions, have all been lost and left only a few manuscripts of which is complete and some of which became impossible crumbs. Alexander's contemporaries who wrote about his life include his own historian Calistines, commanders in his army Ptolemy and Nirajos, a young officer named Aristopoulos, and the chief skipper Unisecretus. All the texts dealing with the life of Alexander were written on the basis of those written by these men. The first transcripts were those of historian Diodorus Seleucus (1st century BC), followed by the text of Quintus Cortius Rufus (between the middle and late 1st century BC). Arian (between the 1st and 2nd century AD), Plutarch (1st to 2nd century AD), and finally Justin, author of the 4th century AD. Arian's author is the most authoritative on the whole, since he used the texts of Ptolemy and Aristopoulos as primary references, followed by the author of Diodorus

Here ends the story of the life of Alexander the Great
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