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stone Age

The Stone Age is a period of the prehistoric era in which man generally used stones to make tools. The tools are made of many types of stone by cutting or carving them to be used as cutting tools, weapons, and for other purposes. The Stone Age is divided into three main sections:

    The first Stone Age (ancient): began with the emergence of man on the surface of the earth, and continued until the year 10000 BC. Man in this age was dependent on moving from one place to another and living on hunting. He makes his tools from bones and stones. In this age, humans learned to light a fire after lightning struck a wooden stick that had ignited.
    The second stone age (modern): It starts from the year 10000 until the year 4000 BC, in which the human settled where the animals were domesticated and worked in agriculture.The man used tools of polished stone has emerged during this period the industries of the work of ceramics, carpentry and weaving and also appeared domesticated animals.
    The Age of Stone and Minerals: An era that began after the year 4000 BC, in which man was acquainted with metals and methods of smelting, the oldest iron tool formed by roads is the dagger made before 1350 BC.

It means the ages that led to the knowledge of human writing and blogging, a long period of human life extends from the beginning of human civilization to the eighth millennium BC, where the manufacture of pots of tools of ordinary stone and there are traces and inscriptions in many areas dating back to this era.
The Stone Age is the time when human civilizations began to grow before man used minerals. Tools and weapons were made of stone. The beginning and end of this era were different in different parts of the world.

In the developed parts of the Middle East and Southeast Asia the Stone Age ended around 6000 BC but remained around 4000 BC in Europe and the rest of Asia and Africa. In the Americas, the Stone Age began when the first human arrived in the New World 30,000 years ago and ended around 2500 BC.

During the Paleolithic, significant changes in climate occurred and in other circumstances influenced human culture.The Paleolithic was accordingly divided into three periods: the Paleolithic, the Middle Paleolithic (Mesolithic) and the Neolithic (Neo-Lithek).

The Paleolithic was the longest. It began about two million years ago, when stone tools were used by creatures and ended by the end of the last ice age around 13,000 BC.

Hunting and hunting were the norms of this period, and a variety of simple tools were used for specific purposes. Around 100,000 years ago, primitive cultures had several types of tools and were using bone tools.

At the end of the Paleolithic age man made many specialized tools such as needles, spears and some light metal tools. During this period man was painted on the walls of the caves and lived in them.

After 13,000 BC more temperate climate patterns caused the large availability of food. In temperate and tropical forest areas, humans have adapted to this period, known as the Mesolithic period.

In the Middle East and Latin America, agricultural villages began to evolve around 8000 BC. This period was known as the Neolithic and the tools became more diverse. In about 6000 BC, pottery emerged in the Middle East and copper was first used in some areas, but in many others they did not know the Neolithic period until later.

Paleolithic period from the oolodan period from three million BC to 1.8 million BC:

Lasted about a million years from three million years BC to 1.8 million BC was characterized by the emergence of skilled monkey (Homo skilful), a clever kind of human skilled chimpanzees, and this monkey was called a dowry because he used deaf stones to break what he needed instead of using his hands just like The rest of the chimpanzees discovered no traces of any intelligent civilization of that era. The Oludeniz period of the Lower Paleolithic coincided with the geological phase called the Gelasi stage.

Lower Paleolithic Age of the Ashulan period from 1.8 million BC to 300 thousand BC:

Lasted a million and a half million years from 1.8 million BC to 300 thousand BC, the Ashlonian period was characterized by the emergence of monkey (Homo erectus and Homoerectus working) homoerectus, which are monstrous wild hairy monkeys dark-colored beings like monkeys and some people called the error of semi-human just because they walk On the feet like humans and gorillas, but proved to be genetically different from humans by three million difference, and there is no similarity to the actions of monkeys erect with humans, except that they were eating, drinking and hunting like other animals of the earth, did not distinguish monkey erect from the rest of the animals only that he used parts A broken neighbor has two halves which have a sharp edge in hunting, killing and chopping prey to eat. Otherwise, the erect monkey has not shown any other kind of intelligence. In vain, some scientists have tried to prove a link between homo erectus and the present human but proved to be genetically different from humans by three million differences. Any traces of any clever civilization in that era, except for the unpolished deaf stones that cannot be regarded as manufactured tools. The Acholene period of the Lower Paleolithic coincided with the Calabrian geologic phase. The period of Mysterian and Clactonic civilizations from the lower Paleolithic period from 600 thousand BC to 300 thousand BC.

The Musterian period of the Upper Paleolithic period lasted more than three hundred thousand years from 600 thousand BC to the year 300 thousand BC. This era was characterized by the emergence of man, the first human sapiens complete human genes capable of speaking and they call the man Heidelberg Homo heidelbergensis and has not yet been determined Specific date of the emergence of the first human, but it is certain that it appeared in the Upper Paleolithic suddenly on Earth about half a million years BC and also certain that with the emergence of human civilization began smart on the planet Earth as fossils indicate where the history of intelligent monuments discovered coincided with the history of structures Bone It is scientifically likely that the first man has appeared and lived first in East Africa Man Heidelberg and then migrated some of his descendants to Asia and Europe characterized this era the emergence of the first man and his descendants after him and discovered traces indicate the existence of civilized human traits smart, which distinguishes him from animals and monkeys Wild erect that was filling the land around him such as:
The invention of complex and polished stone tools (Clacton and Misteria tools) are stone tools, but they are quite different from the stones that the monkeys upright around them use in that the clactonic and Misteria stones used by the firstborn man were manufactured by hand and polished and thus man made. The first two-sided cutters used as a knife or ax
 2 - Control the fire
 3 - Use the language of communication
 4- Burying the dead
 5 - Use of wood and stones to make primitive buildings coincided with the last period of the Lower Paleolithic period with the geologic phase called the Middle Pleistocene and climatically it coincided with the glacial period named Kansan from 600 to 500 thousand years BC, and then the pre-Ionic warm period from 500 to about 300 thousand years BC

Middle Stone Age from 300 thousand years BC to 50 thousand years BC

The Middle Paleolithic period lasted more than two hundred and fifty thousand years from the year 300 thousand BC to 50 thousand years BC This era was characterized by the emergence of two strains of human beings of different shapes and natures live in scattered tribes in Europe, Asia and Africa of the descendants of the first human and Homo sapien strain appeared in East Africa and the Neanderthal strain appeared in Asia and Europe. Homo neanderthalensis both descended from Homo heidelbergensis.

The first half of the Middle Paleolithic period coincided with the geologic phase called the late Pleistocene and climatologically. The first half coincided with the penultimate ice age on Earth (Silionic or Ionian), isolating the populations of Europe and Africa from each other and leading to the emergence of the two different breeds in Africa. The Neanderssel in Eurasia remained isolated until the end of the penultimate ice age and the beginning of the penultimate warm era in 140 thousand BC. The second half of the Middle Paleolithic coincided with two climatic periods of the warm era of 140 thousand BC. One thousand years and then the beginning of the last ice age in 110 thousand BC, which continued after the end of this era in the late Middle Paleolithic and during the last ice age, specifically in 80 thousand BC occurred the great disaster of Toba, which led to many earthquakes and volcanoes did not Its cause is known to date and led to the extinction of several species of animals and killed most of the existing and destroyed large areas of land and then the second major migration from Africa to the continents of the world around the year 70 thousand BC after the disaster of Toba and happened to rebuild the land and It is worth mentioning that the first half of this period from 150 thousand to 80 thousand is F. Rh pre-disaster Toba bone is still mysterious to scientists and not inferred that many traces of her

Paleolithic age from 50 thousand years BC to 10 thousand years BC

Forty thousand years lasted from 50 thousand years BC to 10 thousand years BC The effects show the emergence of Homo sapien sapien and the extinction of all human strains that have already migrated throughout the earth for an unknown reason may be an environmental disaster or floods and three new strains appeared The Negro, the Caucasian and the Mongolian dynasties were all three of them from the core of a spin. And political 3-fishing 4 - Painting on the walls of caves 5 - Carving stone and wooden sculptures 6 - Domestication of animals 7 - Building houses as well characterized by the extinction of many of the animals from the ground and in particular the extinction of monkeys upright wild savage homoerectus, which lived simultaneously next to the human coincidence of the Upper Stone Age With the continuation of the last ice age to its end, the Upper Paleolithic period can be divided into two halves, each 20 thousand years. The first half of 50 thousand BC to 30 thousand BC, it took rainy ages, which led to a number of great floods during the first half of this era. The second half became climate c A cool modern stone age from the year ten thousand BC to the year five thousand BC

Continued five thousand years from the year ten thousand BC to the year five thousand BC The Neolithic period was characterized by the following developments 1 - the discovery of agriculture 2 - stability and the emergence of single-city states and the emergence of complex political systems 3 - the invention of pottery witnessed the beginning of the Stone Age end of the era Icy completely and the beginning of the warm period that has lasted until now
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