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Did you know that Egyptians speak hieroglyphs to this day

Did you know that Egyptians speak hieroglyphs to this day

 Did you know that Egyptians speak hieroglyphs to this day

It is not a rumor or a joke but rather a fact, the Egyptians still speak the ancient Egyptian language, known metaphorically as hieroglyphics, although hieroglyphics is one of the lines and not a language, and the vocabulary of the ancient Egyptians became part of their vernacular, which is passed on for generations.
The words spoken by the Egyptians in their colloquial dialect are old words that were used by the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt, where they appeared for the first time in an official manuscript between 3300 BC and 3200 BC, and they were called hieroglyphs because they mean in Greek a "sacred inscription", in which symbols were used to express Sounds.
In the age of the Pharaohs, hieroglyphs were used to engrave and decorate religious texts, and the language of writing remained in circulation until the fourth century AD, when it was deciphered with the help of the archaeological discovery of the Rosetta Stone by the French Champollion

 Did you know that Egyptians speak hieroglyphs to this day


The words that the Egyptians still use today without knowing that they originate in the ancient and many ancient Egypt, such as "mm" and means food and food. And “Embo” means drinking, and in Upper Egypt they say “Yeh Yaboubi”, and “Tah” came from the ancient Egyptian word “open” and means pulling or pulling, and “spirit of twisting and distant nose” and winding is the sound of spitting, and the nose is the sound of nasal mucus.
The word "pile" means filth, the word "tata tata" in the hieroglyphic walk, and the word "baba" from the word "bobo" is the name of an Egyptian puck used to intimidate children.
There are popular terms such as the word "slipper" and its origin is swear Sweep, meaning the foot scale, and the word "madame" means flat beans in the oven, and its origin comes from the word "touch" hieroglyphics, which means ripening the beans by burying them in the soil.

In the winter season, the Egyptians say "rainy rakhi rakhi", and the word "rakhi" hieroglyphic means "get off", and there are other words that they circulate and they are originally hieroglyphics, such as the word "nono" which means the little newborn, and "mkahh" means "the graying old man", and "Battah" means hitting him in the head and shedding his blood.

Among the words used by the Egyptians so far are the word “tanch” which means not responding, “six” means a woman, “Khum” means a hoax, the word “yama” means a lot, and the word “oppressed” and its meaning is sad, and “obsession” and "Dosha", which means noisy and loud, and "Karkar" means laughing a lot, and the word "Kani and Mani", which is milk and honey in hieroglyphs.

Dr. Ahmed Saleh, General Director of Aswan’s Antiquities, said that the ancient Egyptian language was used over a time period of three thousand five hundred years, but it was written in hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic lines, but in the Christian era it used the same ancient Egyptian language but with a mixture of demotic and Greek letters, which is What is known as the Coptic language.
He added that it is known that the last hieroglyphic text was written in the middle of the sixth century AD on the walls of the Philae temples in Aswan, and the ancient Egyptian language with its hieroglyphic lines remained unknown until 1822 when Champollion revealed the ancient Egyptian language, but the language did not die throughout this period, it was still used on the lips Egyptians, in what is known as slang and slang.

He pointed out that the language was used in Christian places of worship and is still to this day, and the Copts and the general Egyptians have a preference for knowing the sounds and the way the language is spoken, which is what Champollion relied upon, and the Egyptians may not know that they still retain the same language of their ancestors despite speaking in Arabic, even if they looked into The strange words found in the Arabic dictionaries, and they replied to the hieroglyphic and Coptic dictionaries, will realize that they are still associated with their ancient Egyptian ancestors.
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