القائمة الرئيسية



Who we are and what is the benefit of the blog

The blog belongs to all Egyptian, Arab and international civilizations, to get to know the ancient world and know their life story before the recent developments.

How was their life before the discovery of fire and what they were doing in the cold of winter and was the taste in these days only vegetarian or the taste was meat.

He was a master of Adam, peace be upon him, and Mrs. Eve were the first to inhabit the earth from humans. After this came the flood of Noah, who gathered from the people who believed in him and gathered from animals of every kind. Civilizations.

Who was the first Pharaoh to rule Egypt, and from where did he come to Egypt? And whoever ruled Egypt before the Pharaoh, what was called them.

The prophets and messengers, how was the life of each and every one of them, from the first master of Adam, peace be upon him, to the master of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Where did the Babylonian civilization, the Indus civilization and India come from?

Together, we will get to know all the things on the blog. Welcome to the Hall of Civilizations and the love of history to bring you and us to the top of old and new discoveries.

Let's get started
Post Navi
