القائمة الرئيسية


History of Islamic CivilizationHistory of Islamic Civilization

Civilization There are some concepts that must stand and reflect on them. Examples of these concepts are the concept of civilization. Civilization is the human endeavor to serve humanity and to provide the best for it at the public and private levels. The meaning of civilization also implies the positive, moral and material progress described by states and societies. And sometimes even the people. The country's civilization is proof of its elevation and the efforts made to bring it to the surface and its progress in various fields of life. Islamic Civilization The Islamic civilization is what Islam has given to the world from solid rules and great principles, authentic values ​​that have benefited humanity and contributed to the advancement of the world through the system of Islam, which derives its virtue from the sources of divine legislation that benefit people in their religion and their world. Has covered all walks of life with its material and moral values. The Islamic civilization in the world has affected various forms of civilization, both on the industrial scientific level, the economic and financial level, the social level and many other levels Human civilization. This Islamic civilization has an authentic and ancient history that reflects the sincerity of this civilization and the extent of its power among the other civilizations that preceded it. Suffice it to say that it is a civilization derived from the comprehensive Islamic religion of everything. The history of Islamic civilization began with the first manifestations of this civilization when the spread of the Islamic religion began to call him, especially when the Muslims were founded state and their capital city of Medina, led by the Prophet peace be upon him, which began the first days of Islamic civilization, which took care of aspects of human life and religion to the extent Whether it has enacted fair judicial legislation, and applied the provisions of divine law in the land that belongs to the right of its owners, and removes injustice from the hands of the oppressors, there is no injustice and aggression, and these are the most important elements of civilization, there is no civilization in the presence of chaos and remained M. The chain of history of Islamic civilization extended in the era of the Caliphs who followed the Prophet's approach in the land. They expanded the Islamic lands and spread the values ​​and principles that are at the heart of Islamic civilization and continued on the path of justice and wise legislation. The Umayyads and the Abbasids, and others who established civilizations rooted in the principles and values ​​of Islam, took advantage of the science and founded an unmatched scientific civilization, especially in the time of the golden Abbasids, the scientific and industrial movements in which the science emerged, Was a scientific civilization, as well as in the urban development that characterized the Islamic civilization, which was famous for urban creativity and the art of Islamic construction, especially in the era of the Umayyads and Andalusia beautiful civilization.

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