القائمة الرئيسية


Omar Ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him

Omar Ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him

Abu Hafs Omar ibn al-Khattab infection Qurashi, nicknamed Balfarouk, is the second caliph of the Prophet Muhammad and senior owners, and one of the most people and leaders in Islamic history and the most influential and Nfoma.ho one of the ten missionaries heaven, and the Companions and scholars Zhadhm. He took over the Islamic caliphate after the death of Abu Bakr on August 23, the year 634 AD, corresponding to the twenty-second of June the second year 13 AH. Ibn al-Khattab was an expert judge. He was known for his justice and his people's correctness of grievances, whether they were Muslims or non-Muslims, and that was one of the reasons for calling him al-Farouq, to ​​differentiate between right and wrong.
He is the founder of the calendar, and in his reign was Islam a great amount, and the expansion of the Islamic state until the whole of Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Persia, Khorasan and eastern Anatolia and southern Armenian and Sajestan included, who enter Jerusalem under Muslim rule for the first time, which is the third holiest city in Islam, and thus absorbed by the state Islamic entire territory of the Persian Empire Sassanid and about two-thirds of the territory of the empire Albezntah.tjlt genius of Omar ibn al-Khattab military organization in the various campaigns addressed to subdue the Persians, who outnumbered the Muslim force, enabling the entire empire open in less than two years, as venerates V political and administrative ability and wisdom through preserving the cohesion and unity of the state was growing in size by the day and increasing its population and diverse ethnicity.
Historians and scholars agree that the Prophet Muhammad sent in 610 AD, at the age of forty years, and the Islamic call at the beginning of its time a secret invitation, and after three years of his mission, the Prophet ordered ignorance in inviting people to Islam, and returned sharks, especially after he began to despise Their gods; Hubble, Al-Walat and Al-'Uzzi are all idols. The Quraish masters were given to defend their beliefs, and they attacked and abused Muslims. And Omar ibn al-Khattab was one of the greatest enemies of Islam and the most of the people of Quraish hurt the Muslims, [18] and was hearty towards them, he was torturing a slave who knew her Islam from the beginning of the day until the end, and then leave the end of the matter and say: "God, I left you only a curse," [19] ] And the severity of his cruelty recruited himself follows Muhammad wherever he went, whenever he called someone to Islam, Omar feared him and made him escape from that call.
After the Prophet Muhammad ordered the Muslims in Mecca to migrate to Abyssinia made Omar fear of the dispersion of the Quraysh and the collapse of the foundations of the tribe of ancient them, he decided to prevent the killing of the Prophet in exchange for offering himself to Bani Hashim to kill him Quraish had been rid of the threat of this new religion. ]
My life hid behind this cruelty and intensity rare paper. Tells the wife Amer bin Rabia Anzi ally of Bani Adi, so when he saw Omar and is preparing itself for the migration to Ethiopia, he said to her word I felt through it mildly fresh inside, and she felt in her heart that it is possible to deliver life, so he said to her: "God Sahbkm "[19] [21] The wife of Amer ibn Rabia did not hesitate to tell her husband what she saw of Omar, and he replied by saying: "Did you obey his conversion?" "Yes," she said. And because the first impressions are still engraved in himself, her husband replied by saying: "Do not deliver what I saw until the donkey delivered the speech." [19]
In this period, Omar ibn al-Khattab lived a severe psychological conflict, his heart told him that these people may be right, and saw that their stability is very strange in what they are exposed to, and they read strange words did not hear Quraish like before, in addition to their President Muhammad is not It is suspicious of something, he is honest and faithful by the recognition of his enemies of the sharks. [19] The religion divided Mecca into two halves, half believing in it and half fighting it. Six years ago, the Qarashids suffered trouble and problems because of it, and they entered into debates and debates. [19] And in the midst of this internal conflict and because of the pattern of decisiveness and lack of hesitation, he decided to end all that he feared, and wanted to save himself and save the entire Mecca who created these innovations and those problems, he decided to do what many of the Quraish thought before, but They did not succeed in it, namely, the killing of Muhammad. [22]
And he had pushed him to take this decision - also - what happened two days before a severe insult to the father of ignorance in Mecca by the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, which became Islam, and was motivated by the father of ignorance was the uncle Omar ibn al - Khattab, Omar saw that he was injured in his dignity just as Abu Jahl was injured, and rehabilitation in such a situation in the Arabs is usually with the sword. He said to him, "Where do you want, O Omar?" He replied, "I want Muhammad, who is the one who has divided the command of the Quraysh, "And when he knew that he was going to kill the Prophet, he said to him:« God, you have lost yourself O Omar, I see the sons of Abd Manaf Tarkik walk on the ground and killed Muhammad? Do not you return to the people of your house Vtqim order? Your cousin Said ibn Zayd ibn Amr, and your sister Fatima bint al-Khattab, may Allah be a Muslim and a follower of Muhammad on his religion, then you have to do that. "Then he hurried away and angered them. He found the companion Khabab ibn al-Art sitting with them. The Koran teaches them. And he read the newspaper, including: Ra bracket.png Taha Aya-1.png What we sent you the Koran to taste Aya- 2.png Only a ticket to those who fear Aya-3.png Downloads of those who created the earth and heavens Ola Aya-4.png (Aya-6.png La bracket.png, [24] Vahtaz Omar said: "What is this in the words of men" and is safer than his watch, [25] ] On the day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah of the fifth year of the mission [26] and after the Islam Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib three days, [27] was about thirty years old, or twenty-one years, the various narratives. [28] ] I then went to Dar al-Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam where the Prophet Muhammad was meeting with his companions and declared his Islam there. [23] According to Islamic sources, God responded to the call of the Prophet Muhammad, saying: «Oh God, the most precious of Islam in one of the ages, Omar ibn al-Khattab or Amr ibn Hisham. He said: "And he loved them Omar." [29] »He had preceded the age of Islam thirty-nine Sahabia was the complement to the forty, it was Ibn Abbas that he said:« Muslim with the Messenger of God Mohamed peace be upon him.svg thirty-nine men, then (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Prophet, may God reward you and those who follow you from the believers." [30]
In another account, Omar became Muslim after the migration of Muslims to Abyssinia - in the fifth year of the mission - that is, he became Muslim in the sixth year of the mission. It was also reported that Omar had converted to Islam shortly before the migration to Medina in the thirteenth year of the mission. Some historians have reported that Omar was Muslim after 40 or 45 men, [31] while all the Muslim immigrants who had been aka the Prophet with them and the Ansar in Medina did not exceed this number only slightly,
And he had pushed him to take this decision - also - what happened two days before a severe insult to the father of ignorance in Mecca by the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, which became Islam, and was motivated by the father of ignorance was the uncle Omar ibn al - Khattab, Omar saw that he was injured in his dignity just as Abu Jahl was injured, and rehabilitation in such a situation in the Arabs is usually with the sword. He said to him, "Where do you want, O Omar?" He replied, "I want Muhammad, who is the one who has divided the command of the Quraysh, "And when he knew that he was going to kill the Prophet, he said to him:« God, you have lost yourself O Omar, I see the sons of Abd Manaf Tarkik walk on the ground and killed Muhammad? Do not you return to the people of your house Vtqim order? Your cousin Said ibn Zayd ibn Amr, and your sister Fatima bint al-Khattab, may Allah be a Muslim and a follower of Muhammad on his religion, then you have to do that. "Then he hurried away and angered them. He found the companion Khabab ibn al-Art sitting with them. The Koran teaches them. And he read the newspaper, including: Ra bracket.png Taha Aya-1.png What we sent you the Koran to taste Aya- 2.png Only a ticket to those who fear Aya-3.png Downloads of those who created the earth and heavens Ola Aya-4.png (Aya-6.png La bracket.png, [24] Vahtaz Omar said: "What is this in the words of men" and is safer than his watch, [25] ] On the day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah of the fifth year of the mission [26] and after the Islam Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib three days, [27] was about thirty years old, or twenty-one years, the various narratives. [28] ] I then went to Dar al-Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam where the Prophet Muhammad was meeting with his companions and declared his Islam there. [23] According to Islamic sources, God responded to the call of the Prophet Muhammad, saying: «Oh God, the most precious of Islam in one of the ages, Omar ibn al-Khattab or Amr ibn Hisham. He said: "And he loved them Omar." [29] »He had preceded the age of Islam thirty-nine Sahabia was the complement to the forty, it was Ibn Abbas that he said:« Muslim with the Messenger of God Mohamed peace be upon him.svg thirty-nine men, then (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Prophet, may God reward you and those who follow you from the believers." [30]
In another account, Omar became Muslim after the migration of Muslims to Abyssinia - in the fifth year of the mission - that is, he became Muslim in the sixth year of the mission. It was also reported that Omar had converted to Islam shortly before the migration to Medina in the thirteenth year of the mission. Where some of the historians stated that Omar was Muslim after 40 or 45 men, [31] while all the Muslim immigrants who accuse the Prophet between them and the Ansar in Medina do not exceed this number only slightly. [32] Some of the narrations suggest that Omar was late Who converted to Islam, where some historians mentioned that Omar was a Muslim from Muhammad in Makkah who prayed and read aloud and heard him recite in his holy prayer at the Sacred Mosque two verses of the Spider: Ra bracket.png and what you read before him from a book and do not skip it with your right hand, 48.png But it is signs of signs in the chest Who have given the science and what defies our verses except the oppressors Aya-49.png La bracket.png, and affected the age and the safest. [33] It was the last surah of Sura which was revealed in Mecca before the migration to Yathrib.
The Muslims before the Islam Omar and Hamzah conceal their faith for fear of being hurt, because of the lack of tricks and the absence of those who defend them, but after the Muslims became Muslims to defend and protect them, especially as they were among the most men in Quraish and prevent them, not satisfied, for example, Muslims perform prayer in coral Makkah far away from harm Quraish, but preferred to confront people with determination, so he said to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah senna on the right?" he answered: "Yes", Omar said: "Are they not on the wrong? "He said:" Yes, "Omar bin al-Khattab said:" What is hidden? "The Prophet said," What do you see, Omar? "Omar said: The Prophet said to him: "Yes, my life," [23] Muslims went out for the first time they grow up and cheered in two rows, a row over his head Omar ibn al-Khattab described the head Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and their Prophet Muhammad, even entered arrived at the Kaaba. From afar, Quraish looked at Omar and Hamza as they advanced the Muslims, and their faces became very gloomy. [34] Omar says: "I was the Messenger of Allah.
Islam Omar was a landmark event in Islamic history, it has a strong presence in a row Muslims thorn, and became them to defend them and protect them from harm from left to idolatry, and notes the joy of Muslims with Islam Omar in several statements attributed to a number of companions, including what he said Suhaib Rumi: "We did not have the right to pray at the Kaaba until we were able to pray." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Omar, "and:" We are still proud since Omar passed away. "[35]
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