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The Egyptian army in the era of the Pharaohs

The Egyptian army in the era of the pharaohs "the first army in history"

The Egyptian army in the era of the pharaohs "the first army in history"
Since the invasion of Egypt in the battles of the national unity of the unification of the various Egyptian provinces since about 8 thousand years emerged the need to organize armies for each province and became the city of "Memphis" headquarters of the armies of the provinces of the delta and the city of "Taiba" headquarters of the armies of Upper Egypt, and each army consists of teams, Each provincial division of provinces.
At the beginning of the Third Dynasty in 2686 BC. Egypt was attacked on its borders by the Bedouins. Zoser took the first step to build a stable Egyptian army, the first in the history of the world. Zoser himself took over the army. The division is divided into a number of factions, each with a population of 50. The soldier is called "Nefer", the young man.
The ancient Egypt had a huge fleet consisting of a large number of ships. Zoser sent 40 of his ships to Lebanon to bring cedar wood. The army had a department called the House of Arms, followed by the supply and armament sections and the construction of fleet ships and military correspondents.
The evolution of the Pharaonic army (2181-2040 BC) in the ancient state
Each region in Egypt had a special ruler who had a special army to protect the territory and to impose control over its parts. The army included the spearmen who were walking in sections and each section had ten ranks and each row of five soldiers had special uniforms and each individual armed with a spear, dagger and armor.
The peace mission was accompanied by the missions that the pharaoh sent to Sinai to bring resources from minerals and stones to build the temples, as well as accompany the commercial maritime missions to the shores of the Red Sea and Lebanon for trade. The military tasks were represented in campaigns of invasion and conquest in the region South of Egypt.
The development of the Pharaonic Army (2040-1786 CE) in the Central State
Each army governor had an army under his command, and the soldiers joined the pharaoh in repelling the invasions of Egypt. The army developed in the pharaonic era through training and arming. It became under the supervision of full-time specialized officers and for the first time became uniform and unified armament. Military training became constant. Fitness.
Evolution of the army -1552- 1085 (s. M in the modern state
The army developed during this period a clear development in terms of its theories and components. This period was considered the era of great Egyptian empires and the age of championships and military glories, the most important of which was the defeat of the Heksos after a long conflict between the Egyptian army and the Hyksos, which resulted in an Egyptian army of the oldest and greatest armies in the history of the ancient world.
In this age, the army consisted of infantry and wheeled weapons. It became a system of professional soldiers trained and qualified to fight major battles. It was joined by mercenary forces of the Sami, Asians, and Libyans, joined by elements of the Mediterranean peoples from the island of Crete, especially during the rule of the 1920s.
The most prominent development of the army was the entry of warplanes, which became an offensive weapon marked by the speed of the enemy's surprise, and the arming of the spears and throwers was further enhanced. They used new weapons such as batons, short swords and long-range arcs. The soldiers wore a war shirt made of leather and covered with bronze Soldier.
A number of departments have been formed, including the Border Administration, which is responsible for the Egyptian border and includes the Eastern Border Division, the Western Frontier Section and the Southern Border Section.
The soldiers paid food during the campaign and received the spoils of war and there was no fixed salaries for them, and the officers were rewarded with the acquisition of pieces of land exempt from taxes, and the land was inherited to the children in the event of the death of their parents provided the army enters.
The army is considered one of the 18 armies of the people, not the Pharaohs, and the wars it led were not only for the sake of what it was called, but for the benefit of a united Egypt. This is why the flags of the Egyptian army in the Levant, Iraq, Nubia, Yemen, Somalia and Libya have increased, and thanks to it, it formed the first empire in human history.
Second: Ahmose I and the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt
Egypt was a period of prosperity and economic recovery during the Middle Kingdom during the period (2061-1785 AD) where security and order and the prosperity of the arts, literature and architecture. By the end of this era the power of the pharaoh weakened and the power of the rulers of the provinces increased. Corruption fell the central state began the era of decay and the darkest ages of Egyptian history is the period of the families (13, 14). This weakness has made racist migrations spread to Western Asia, particularly in Syria and Palestine, prompting some Asian groups
And the arrival of these foreign immigrants known as the Hyksos, who ascended to power for the first time in the history of Egypt become subject to foreign rule by these invaders during the 15th and 16th centuries.
The Hyksos ruled Egypt for nearly 150 years. They treated the Egyptians with all their strength and intensity and destroyed the Egyptian temples. They resembled the Egyptians in their clothes, customs and traditions and wrote their names in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language, and there were attempts to expel the Hyksos.
The first Egyptian war of liberation
The 17th Dynasty, which ruled the city of Luxor, ruled the war of liberation of Egypt from the Hyksos, the first liberation war in the history of mankind since about 3500 BC. M . Some great Egyptian queens participated in the war.
The liberation began at the hands of King Svenn the Great, and was encouraged by his wife, Queen Titi Shri. The war continued under the reign of his son Sven Ra and his wife Queen Ahtep. Egypt completed its liberation by King Ahmose

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