القائمة الرئيسية


The Ottoman era. And the enslavement of the Egyptians

The Ottoman era. And the enslavement of the Egyptians

Although the Mamluks in most of their periods of rule to Egypt were the worst example of unjust rule, which depends on the oppression of the people and exploitation of the worst exploitation, and looting of wealth and money in every way possible - but many of the evidence indicates wisdom and discretion in many matters related to governance was regular But it is not strange to say that the Mamluks were somehow stuck, did not mix with the people of the country, and did not organize in a normal social life; they were overwhelmed by the characteristics of brutality, indecision and coarseness; but they were associated with Egypt bonds of solid, strong ties and made them careful It was beneficial to all Egyptians in one way or another. Of course, the Mamluks were not aware of the necessity and importance of the factors of social control that keep society apart from the abyss of internal conflicts and rivalry that leads to disintegration and collapse, and perhaps have the ability to recognize the seriousness of the persistent injustice and oppression to the degree to which the public paid to the revolution or armed struggle against them, so we can say that they somehow understood the nature of Egypt's peaceful character that tend to stability and Tstmri Kno The Mamluks respected the customs and traditions of the Egyptians, and kept the relations of respect and affection with the sects of the people, led by scientists and students of forensic science .. And certainly has the ceremony of this era Which was spread for more than two and a half centuries of incidents amounting to the extent of atrocity, and practices against the Egyptians without mercy; but in the whole was the era of the effects of the effects on the spirit of Egypt art and culture and paper and progress .. When the incidents took place in the occupation of Egypt by the Ottomans, Hanafi of every right to say: lament on Egypt is D .. accident was swept misfortune of mankind.

At the end of the era of the Mamluk state Ghali Sultan al-Ghuri in the imposition of taxes and excise, after the country reversed a major setback because of the transformation of the world trade route to the head of good hope, and the suffering of the Egyptians to the extent of the tragedy because the attempt by the Mamluk princes to compensate their losses further robbed money from the hands of merchants and peasants who were forced To abandon their land and villages, which threatened to exacerbate the crisis. Al-Ghouri was forced to cancel all decrees concerning the collection of funds from the farmers, and some funds were returned to them. This was informed by new decrees that immediately went to the sheikhs and sheikhs. The sources pointed out that otherwise, Egypt would have been devastated by an unprecedented devastation. Therefore, some have labeled good in Sultan Selim I. They saw that it is possible to come up with a fairer system, but they were shocked by the bad order of the country, especially in the financial aspects. Egypt's history of economic and social in the era Alosmana- Egyptians believe that there is a system governed by the Ottoman and his men as they are doing it "was happening to him, and his ministers every new dark day, killing and taking people's wealth unlawfully ... and did not have a system known as neither he nor his ministers nor princes and militarization, but they Hmja, the boy did not know of them Professor. "
The system of "forced labor" or as it was called by the general at the time (Awna) was one of the most important features of the Ottoman rule in Egypt. This system was not modernized in Egypt by the Ottomans. It was present on a small scale in the Mamluk era. The floods, as the peasants were forced to leave their villages to "lift the banks and bridges and keep them unpaid for their efforts and alienation, and this was the case in the years of locust invasion." Dr. Abdel Hamid Hamid Suleiman, the concept of the term forced labor, ".. By checking the documentary data through the period of study and consider the implications of adding to the insults From the visions and concepts, most of them went to the blatant form of forced labor associated with compulsory forced labor, in which the meanings of forced labor corresponded to many words such as aid, service, mission and mages, serving the honorable Sultanate, royal importance, royal mocking, greening, clover, ossification, ditching and clearing of canals, bridges, forced disguised adds to the direct meaning of abstract forced deeper and more comprehensive meaning not turn a blind eye to the tax tyranny, which falls and eroded with the farmer return to the extent that it almost comes from the powerful and committed military administrators and most of the output De and his race in various forms and names, and it remains his only what lives and keep the lion in the wheel of work and his family.

The artisans and merchants, especially the simple ones, are protected, blackmailed, and maimed, who take an important and necessary part of their revenues without justification except for those who are powerful, military, Mamluk, committed and sheikhs of power, power and influence. And the management at different levels, and this represents in our opinion colors of indirect forced labor, which clearly illustrates the comparison and linkage between the burdens in their different names and the predecessor of the efforts of their motives and times and outcomes of their work.
We'll see then that it did not stop when leveling the Egyptian industry, grabbing the most skilled craftsmen and forcing them to leave the country on their way to the capital of Bani Othman, and keep them there to work day and night to build the glory of the Ottoman Empire and false Almstalp, and not allow them to return to Egypt only in Sriah- visits even it arrived in the enslavement of the vast majority of Egyptians forced labor system, which was the result of several factors, including the multiplicity of influential forces in the Egyptian society of Mamluks and Janissaries military and administrative leaders as well as the governor and his men and his staff met their will to exploit the Egyptians on the worst face fortunes do not enter Among the official revenues, most of which go to the treasury of the Sultan, was the failure of the Ottoman economy and its closure, and stopped at the old methods at a time when many European economies have leapt large - pushing to load more mandates over taxes and levies, War on more than one front.

Dr. Sulaiman pointed out that the expansion of the system of commitment, which took the form of military feudalism in the late sixteenth century, contributed greatly to the expansion of the system of forced labor, and the multiplicity of manifestations of direct forced labor such as the greening of the land of Kashufia The cultivation of Ossia (tax-free land within the land of the obligor) and aid, which are related to harvesting, "digging channels, clearing banks and the establishment of Osias House and its barns and their wages." And forcing the Egyptians to hand over their riders and cattle to the authorities to transport loads or equipment for the military campaigns on Abyssinia or southern Arabia, as well as the use of Nile boats owned by Egyptians in the transfer of crops and crops without charge.
The rule of Beni Othman was an unjust and unjust rule, but a continuous chain of exploitation, enslavement and injustice, without any deterrent from religion or conscience. He kept all forms of corruption in the Mamluk rule and created what he did not think of the means of oppression, oppression, To become meritorious and worthy of the age of enslavement Egyptians without any prejudice or reap.

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