القائمة الرئيسية


The story of the great king

Sakhnin Ra'a Ta'a II was one of the greatest kings of Egypt. He was the first to begin the actual battle to expel the Hyksos from Egypt, which was completed by his son Ahmose the First.

"(The Story of the Great King Saknin Ra, the first king to die on the battlefield in defense of his country's freedom)
Sakhnin Ra'a Ta'a II was one of the greatest kings of Egypt. He was the first to begin the actual battle to expel the Hyksos from Egypt, which was completed by his son Ahmose the First.
It is the son of King Sankt that the first Ra'a Ta'a is also called Sakhnin Ra Ta'a I and Queen Teti Shri and the dates of his reign are uncertain but he is believed to have taken power in 1560 BC or 1558 BC. M

"(The Story of the Great King Saknin Ra, the first king to die on the battlefield in defense of his country's freedom)
Who looks at the head of the mummy of King Seknen Ra sees a story of rare heroine stories in the life of mankind. He is one of the seventeenth kings of the family. The great King Sakhnin Ra II, nicknamed "Ta'a", is the greatest of the great kings of ancient Egypt because he was the first to start the struggle against the occupying Hyksos and the first king to die on the battlefield in defense of his country's freedom and dignity. He was the son of King Sankthen Ra of his wife Titri Shri, the husband of the great national queen Ahhotep, and the father of King Kamus and King Ahmose, who sent the Hyksos from Egypt. He is believed to have assumed power in 1560 BC. The mummy of this great king was found in 1881 with his head crowned with five stabs, a window between a sword blow, a spear stump, a war muzzle, and a combat machete. He received these fatal blows on the battlefield during his battle, leading himself the Egyptian army in his blessed struggle against the Hyksos tyrants and died in the battlefield Strikes to be the first king in history will die a martyr in the arena of defiance in defense of the dignity of his homeland and the freedom of his country. We see in the picture the arrows pointing to these deadly window stabs. The story tells us how the dispute between the King of Hyksos and King Sekhnen Re began, and the king of the Hyksos was sent, From his capital (Hat and Art), located in the northern delta in Egypt, which was occupied by the Hyksos, a sarcastic message to Sakhnin Re, who ruled the south of Egypt and his good rule, in which he commands him: "Silence the hippos in the West Lake. And between Tiba (Luxor currently) more than about 600 kilometers, and ordered him to find any stream To eliminate them. This sarcastic message was tantamount to declaring war and hastening the expulsion of the occupant of the Hyksosite from Egypt, where Saqnen Ra could not tolerate this cynicism and was not patient with it. He entered a battle that was not adequately prepared, but it was the spark of the elimination of the Hyksos. Saqnin Ra advanced with his army, and the battle intensified and the great Egyptian king fell on the battlefield. His mummies were found in 1881 inside a coffin in the monastery of the monastery of the sea in Luxor. His mummies were subjected to several tests by scientists. The mummy of King Saknarra shows us that difficult period in the history of Egypt, where there are hideous traces of death on his skull, which is full of wounds and fractures, as a result of beating with bayonet, phalanx, dagger and dagger, a group of Hikus soldiers seemed to surround him during the battle and the reddishness and attacked him before any help or assistance. To reach this lion. It is clear from the mummy of this great king that he was tragically exposed at the beginning of the barbaric killing of those who attacked him to a heavy blow from the clot of a soldier of the Hyksos on his left cheek was damaged by the teeth and revealed the strike from the rest of the gums and teeth and the internal jaw on the jaw bones And he hit him on the knees of the impact of this strike, and then hit him with blows, spears, swords and daggers, and hit him with a bulge above his forehead penetrated the bones of the skull fell on his back a feather on the ground, and then came a blow on his face in the right part, and then came two blows one above the nose and the other down the eye. And his chest and nose are shattered by the blows of the gunpowder. It is clear that he has resisted his attackers with great determination and steadfastness and defended himself with ferocity and ferocity before receiving the fatal blows of those who surrounded him. This is evidenced by the apparent contraction on the muscles of the face and jaws, which gives an indication of constriction and Anger. It is visible above the right eye that a part of the brain is removed after a blow on the eyebrow and was treated during mummification with a crease in the cut part of the forehead. The pulled lips also show the jaw on the teeth and tongue. The king's mummification was hastily mingled in the battlefield for fear of damage, until he was transferred to Tiba, where a second attempt was made to mend him, which caused his mummies to suffer great damage. His mummy is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The mummy also shows that when the king fell a martyr, he was just over 30 years old. He was 170 centimeters tall, muscular, healthy, with a thick head of black hair. The chin was clearly worn on the morning of battle, The mummy 's cheek shows that the chin' s hair was also clogged. After the martyrdom of Sakhnin Ra, nicknamed "Ta'a", the great leader led his wife (Ahtep), she pushed her son Kamis to complete the blessed struggle led by his father and mobilized the Egyptians and bloomed in their patriotism to regain their dignity and revenge for their homeland and their kings. The Ahmus, who took over the banner of the struggle and gathered around him the Egyptians and filled them and blew them out of their spirit and patriotism, and Ahmose and his brave army marched on the blessing of God, by land and on the Nile page, completing the march of blessed liberation. . The capital of the Hyksos was a terrible battle And the Egyptians took hold of their land, remembering their glories and kings, and they performed well, and expelled the Hyksos from Egypt, the evil of the ark, and besieged them, and wiped them out of history completely. Ahmose returned with his army wreath garlands to the land of Alknana received by him and his army in the celebrations of great and joy to establish the great family of the eighteenth. The story of the great king Saknan Ra inhabit the hearts of Egyptians, always remember and sing as a model of patriotism to the present.
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