القائمة الرئيسية


The story of the life of the Arab writer Taha Hussein

The story of the life of the Arab writer Taha Hussein

a brief about his life

He was born on 14 November 1889 and lived in an area called Ezbet al Kilo, 10 kilometers away from El-Mina Governorate, Upper Egypt. He lost sight at the age of 3 years due to an ophthalmologist in the same eye. He was blinded by the barber, who lost his eyes due to ignorance and underdevelopment. History and the world
His father was an employee of the sugar company and had 13 sons and Taha Hussein was seventh in the ranking
Antoha sometimes feel depressed 0 serious in his life 0 went out in his childhood to listen to stories and Hadiths and verses of the Koran and stories of invasions and conquests and news Antar and then mastered the Tajweed and memorize the entire Koran before the completion of ten years

Joining Al-Azhar University
He left for Cairo at the age of 14 and in 1908 his rebellion against most of the Azhar sheikhs followed his followers Ahmad Hassan al-Zayyat and Mahmud al-Zanati and the student at the time of Imam Muhammad Abdo, thus expelling him from Al-Azhar because of his harsh criticisms. From a senior sheikh
Entry to the Egyptian University
In 1908 he left Azhar and joined the Egyptian University and listened to the lessons of Ahmed Zaki Pasha and Ahmed Kamal Pasha in Islamic and Egyptian civilizations and lessons in geography, history, astronomy, literature and philosophy, and from here began a new phase in his life in self-education and goal setting
Doctoral thesis
The letter was written on May 15, 1914. The letter caused a huge uproar and conflicting positions that reached the demand of one of the deputies in the parliament to deprive Taha Hussein of his university degree because he wrote a book on atheism and infidelity and the intervention of Saad Zaghloul, Taha Hussein University and went to Paris on a mission from the university
In Paris
He left in 1914 and joined the University of Montpellier, which was far from Paris because of the First World War at the time, studying French. In 1915, the Egyptian University abolished its envoys for financial reasons, but returned to the University of Paris in the Faculty of Arts and took lessons in history and then at the meeting, Meeting Emil Durkheim was on the subject of social philosophy at Ibn Khaldun and obtained a doctorate in 1919 and then a postgraduate diploma
His life partner
Taha Hussein knew about Suzanne when she read a piece of Raisin's hair. She loved the tones of her voice and the love of the way she gave it and hung his heart on this foreign bird. When he was in his seat in the auditorium he heard the voice of a young woman saying to him: "I can help you. (With this man you can trust that he will stay with you forever) and married him on August 9, 1917 and already lived the most beautiful and happiest days with a man I love with his heart Without seeing the same eye and had a preaching effect He said in his lifetime: "It was the sun that came on that day of the spring." He told her of his daughter: "Only the managers have the powers to look at this picture. This woman has made your father another person.
His return to Egypt

He returned to Egypt in 1919 and was appointed professor in Greek and Roman history until 1925. The Egyptian University became a public university and appointed a professor of Arabic literature history
In 1926 he published his book on pre-Islamic poetry, which caused another political uproar and filed a lawsuit against him because of his enlightenment and respect for reason. The prosecution proceeded to withdraw the book and stopped distributing it.
In 1928, the second uproar broke out. He became a dean of the Faculty of Arts. Taha Hussein resigned, but on condition that he stay for one day. In 1930 Taha Hussein returned as Dean.
In 1932, the major crisis in the life of Taha Hussein, where the government wanted to grant honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Arts to some politicians, Taha Hussein refused to maintain the status of the degree, forcing the government to resort to the Faculty of Law instead of the literature Fataa Taha Hussein work in the campaign against them The University Press went to retirement March 29, 1932 Taha Hussein took his home and practiced writing. He returned to the university at the end of 1934 and was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Arts in 1936 until 1939.
Al-Wafd Party was elected as the director of the Alexandria University until June 13, 1950. It was first appointed Minister of Knowledge in the Vedic Government until June 26, 1952, the day of the burning of Cairo. Taha Hussein went to intellectual production. He continued to write about the Egyptian revolution during Gamal Abdel Nasser's era.
Taha Hussein died on 28 October 1973 at the age of 84 years
One of his most important works
The Days - The True Promise - The Tortured In The Land --- In The Pre-Islamic Poetry - In Words - Criticism And Reform --- From The Greek Representation Literature --- Taha Hussein And The Arab Maghreb - Duaa Al Karwan - Hadith Wednesday - The Voice Of Abi Alaa --- From afar --- On the sidelines of the biography --- In the summer --- the memory of Abi Alaa --- Ibn Khaldun's social philosophy --- Democracy in Islam
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