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Do you know how he was doing in the era of the Pharaohs doctors to treat the disease

Do you know how he was doing in the era of the Pharaohs doctors to treat the disease

Miracles of "pharaohs" medical .. Wheat for the type of fetus and lettuce to treat sexual weakness
History has recorded many miracles of the pharaohs and their progress in various sciences. Despite the scientific and technological advances of the modern world, it is still unable to explain many of the mysteries of ancient Egyptians, their sciences and their miracles.

The ancient Egyptians were characterized by research and knowledge in the medical field, and knew a lot of diseases and methods of treatment and prevention. The doctors pharaohs recorded their observations about the disease scientifically, and this was recorded on the walls of temples and papyrus papers, and the ancient Egyptian considered that the doctor Amhotep Minister of King Zoser He is believed to have been a papyrus writer (Edwin Smith), the oldest of the medical manuscripts that included many diseases and methods of treatment.

Edwin Smith Papyrus
The most famous papyri that revealed the achievements of the Pharaohs in the field of medicine. This papyrus is the most famous in the history of medicine at the time of the pharaohs. It was named after American antiquity dealer Edwin Smith. The papyrus is now in the collections of the New York Academy of Sciences and was translated by Henry Henry in 1930 after the merchant's daughter Smith gave it to the Society of History in New York , And dates back to 1600 BC, and has specialized in medical operations such as head, neck, shoulder, chest and breast surgery, as well as cases of fractures in the body, and show through this land, which extends to 5 meters, it describes how to deal with 48 multiple surgical cases.
The rest of the papyrus was found, where it was found incomplete and archaeologists speculated that it was supplemented with other surgeries of the body parts.

Papyrus Cahun (Theology)
Dating back to the reign of King Amenemhat III in 1825 BC, this papyrus consists of three pages. The papyrus is specialized in the diagnosis of gynecology and obstetrics, the identification of the fetus and the medical ointments for women, as well as the treatment of dental pain.

It was named after the Egyptian scientist George Ibs, who translated it in 1875. This papyrus is one of the oldest medical papyri, dating back to 3000 BC. The papyrus is 20 meters long and 30 centimeters wide. Medical treatment of diseases such as the eyes, women, surgery, anatomy, internal and skin.
In addition to other papillae, the medical field is less important than the previous papyrus. In addition, large parts of it were lost during the discovery of the Chastrinje Medical Center, Leiden, Ramessium, Herst and Berlin Medical, which contain lengthy explanations of the cardiovascular system and most of the drugs.

Women and childbirth
A papyrus found in the Brin Museum was found dating back to 1350 BC. The papyrus explained how to know the type of the fetus, by urinating in a few barley and wheat grains in two containers. If barley grows, the woman is pregnant in a boy. The type of the fetus is a girl, but if one does not grow up, the pregnancy is a lie.
Another method practiced by ancient Egyptians to see if the woman is pregnant or not or whether sterile or not, in the same papyrus provided a way to put watermelon juice in the milk of a woman carrying a child, and the woman wants to know that it will be loaded or not to take this juice if her belly swelled Of the drink means that it did not carry a mother if vomited it will be charged.

Birth Chair
The ancient Egyptian has a chair where the woman sits to give birth. The Egyptian Museum contains an antique carved with a chair and a woman sitting on it. She puts her hand on her legs (squatting) and looks on her face with signs of birth. Hathor is one of the most important gods of ancient Egyptians. Surprisingly, archaeologists and medicine in the West praised this situation in facilitating the birth process, and the West recently invented a birth device similar to the birth chair in the Egyptian Museum now.

Infertility treatment
One does not lose sight of the fact that modern science, with all its modern capabilities and equipment, is unable to reveal many of the Pharaonic miracles in various fields. There is a branch of Alfarainin located in the area of ​​Kafr El-Sheikh, headed by women since the time of the Pharaohs until this time. In the delta region, this water has a magic formula for treating infertility. This water was used in the Pharaonic era for purification before entering the Temple of God Horus who The ancient Egyptian would come to offer offerings and blessings.

The historian of Herodotus mentioned various names and degrees of dentists as it is now known. Some of them were chief specialists such as Hassi Ra and Samtek Snapp. He also mentioned names as the doctor (in Anj Shakhmat) dental (Mnkora Ankh). Nefertris, who was an assistant to the doctor (Spatzat Hetp), amazing that the Pharaohs reached the use of advanced techniques in the treatment of teeth and problems of caries, and also known methods of filling, by using a piece of linen processed by rice oil or fig juice and then they putting the place to be part of the cavity filling.

The discovery of the achievements of dentistry in the pharaohs through a recent study at the University of Ontario on a mummy dating back to 2100 BC. The study found the existence of advanced medical materials used by the ancient Egyptian in this specialty, and found skulls by Effects of the removal The doctor was said to connect the tooth or teeth with a strong wire decay and then pull them and remove them strongly, in addition to finding the effects of "scraps" inside the bones of the jaw, it was said that the treatment was mired in fire through the return of iron. As for the treatment of gums and dental pain physician was advised to cut off the body of Fa And put it on the place of pain, and that was the belief that the mice protected by the sun and perhaps this method as a means of anesthesia. Not to mention dental implants where we observed a golden wire connecting the two in a decoder Mummies.

He was a physician (Hesse Rey) in 2600 BC, the first processor in this area has been defined inside his tomb as a dentist.

Anesthetic and sedation in the discovery of surgical operations
As usual, the old Egyptian was used in the field of anesthesia and they did this through simple primitive materials. It was a mixture of marble powder and vinegar, and then the doctor performed operations such as the discharge of the carriages or others. This was mentioned in the Papyrus papyrus, Which were found in pharaonic tombs such as rectangle and corrugated machines, as well as threading and peat in sutures. Archaeologists speculated that anesthesia should be performed on the area where surgery is to be performed. His body means that they are They were the first to use surgical instruments in the treatment of some tumors, such as breast cancer, which also knew the pharaohs and were able to differentiate between the benign tumor and malignant or malignant tumors, the doctor of the University of Cairo and the former dean of the National Institute of Oncology and former Minister of Higher Education Dr. Hussein Khaled explained that If the disease is not treatable and was one of the treatment methods of the Pharaohs using moxibustion and also summarized that the disease is not treatable. The Egyptian chemist Dr. Mohammed Al-Far surprised the ancient Egyptians or the pharaohs. Studies have shown that they were the first to use the method of phototherapy for some skin diseases and relied on the sun, stressing that it was the treatment of photodynamic tumors and cancer.

The doctrine of the Baath and immortality that dominated the ancient Egyptian made him invent the art of embalming to preserve the body of the dead after the return of the soul to him again, he believed that there is a second life after death, which requires him to preserve the bodies of the dead and put everything desired by the deceased during his life inside his grave hoping it The ancient Egyptian should be good at dissecting the bodies as well as inventing medical tools used in the process of embalming, which remained and remains a secret of the Pharaohs. Despite the efforts of scientists to discover the mysteries of the process of embalming, the mystery still lingers on them.

The process of embalming takes place in several stages and at every stage we discover the ancient Egyptian creativity in the sciences of medicine and anatomy. The Pharaohs knew of the existence of soft bodies inside the body that help in the process of rotting the body after death. This made him remove the brain from the skull by sucking through the nose using chisel and hammer to cut. Through the nasal wall and then draw the brain through the nose hole with a hot hook and extract the viscera completely from the body except the heart as the only one who will be held accountable (or play a role during the trial) also known as tap oil and put it in the viscera so as not to rot, Salt Na Tone and Wolfaf flax and its role in the drying of the body parts of water to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and bacteria that help the process of rot, was used beeswax to close the nose and eyes and mouth, they painted the body with liquid resin to fill all the pores of the skin to be a barrier to moisture and haunted microorganisms and insects in different circumstances .

Pharaohs also addressed the cupping, which is a prophetical treatment mentioned in several prophetic traditions, which is a way to rid the body of bloody impurities, by removing blood retained in the diseased area, and it increases the activity of blood circulation in the body, and also strengthens the immune system to get rid of toxins within the body .

It seems that all this did not ignore the ancient Egyptian, has been found in the drawings inside the tomb of King Tutankhamun shows that they used them in the treatment of some diseases. It seems that they used it initially through metal claws, bulls and bamboo trees, and they emptied it from the air after placing it on the skin by sucking the air, and then developed it to the glass cups, which they emptied the air by burning a piece of cotton, wool or paper Inside the cup.

Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes
The Iberus Papyrus described the symptoms of a diabetic, that the patient suffers from severe thirst and urination frequently,
In the two descriptions No. 5 and No. 197 of the Iberus papyrus treatment and diagnosis of many diseases, the old Egyptian knew diabetes through diagnosis in the following way: If a patient examined the area of ​​the upper abdomen and found his body as a patient, such as Sorbh, and if examined and found no disease in the abdomen and found secretions of urine in His body, like honey, was said to have an internal decomposition meant to be a diabetic.

It is processed by iron ore, linseed, and hawthorn. It is used every four days for thirst and to get rid of internal decay.

It is important to note that body atrophy, thirst and honey are the main symptoms of diabetic patients.

And honey is a sign of diabetes In all the ancient medical manuscripts that came even after the ancient civilization of Egypt that honey is a sign of diabetes, and the current Latin name also carries the description of urine honey.

Also known as the old Egyptian baldness and hair loss and succeeded in the installation of some materials to feed the hair and prevent the fall, use a mixture of crocodile fat, ducks and snakes to treat the problem of baldness, which is recommended by cosmetic experts, and was introduced in some medical materials for the treatment of hair.

Treatment with herbs and plants
The pharaohs discovered the treatment of herbs and plants, where remains were found inside the graves, as well as mentioned in medical papyri, not to mention painted on the walls of temples and tombs.
The herbs and plants currently used, known as alternative medicine, were used by the pharaohs to treat many diseases and emerged through their writing and the diagnosis of each herb and plant in the treatment of each disease.

Pharaohs knew onions in Pharaonic Egypt and cared about him so much that they were said to have sanctified him and wrote his name in writing on the walls of the pyramids, temples and papyrus leaves, has recently discovered that onions strengthens the stomach and refresh it and prevent clots, regulate sugar in the blood, Coconin, which is equivalent to insulin in the ability to regulate blood sugar. The pharaohs' doctors were concerned about the onion and their keenness to distribute it in the lists of fortified foods that were distributed to the workers who built the pyramids. They also described it as nutritious, appetizing and diuretic.

Also known as the value of onion in the individual alert after fainting, they put the onion plant in the cemeteries and in the coffins of the dead with the bodies stuffed because they believe it helps the dead to breathe when the return to life.

The onion was also used to predict weather conditions. The ancient Egyptian believed that the high crusts surrounding the onion provide reliable predictions about the weather. If it was numerous, thin and transparent, the winter was harsh.

Anise is mentioned in the Pharaonic manuscripts (papyrus) among several therapeutic recipes. The anise seeds boiled in the pharaonic medical paprika as a drink for the treatment of stomach pain and dyspnea, and in the papyrus hest that the anise used by the ancient Egyptians as an aromatic embalming exhaled and against the bulges of the intestines expel gases as well as within the mouth and treatment of pain of gums and teeth, the archaeologists have found the fruits Aniseed in the tombs of the eastern desert of the city of Taiba.

The lichen

In 1923 the roots of the licorice were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun

It was mentioned in the medical papyri and described that the diluted ferment is useful in cases of vomiting and gastric irritation. This plant has a high therapeutic value in the Egyptians because of its strong and rapid effect in many diseases of the digestive system and also the liver and intestines, it is very effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and has proved recent research that the licorice contains the substance glycerin and derived from the substance of carbon oxalone Helps heal stomach and intestinal ulcers.
In addition to the treatment, the ancient Egyptian was used as a drink of juice and they were also mixed with bitter drugs to hide the bitterness of the medicine.

Doctors advise to drink hibiscus in the treatment of blood pressure, but this fact was the Pharaohs first to reach through their medical documents, they have been interested in the cultivation of hibiscus and used flowers in some of the prescriptions treatment, especially as a drink analgesic and head pain of worms.

Linum seed
They used flaxseed in the medical and industrial fields. I mentioned the medical papillae of Hearst as part of a recipe for treating hemorrhoids, while another medical papyrus was used to treat wounds, ulcers, eczema, wetness, baldness, baldness, and localized infections, as well as in aromatherapy and massage compounds to treat certain diseases and injuries.

In industry, linen was used in the textile industry

The pharaohs used cactus as a quick treatment for eye ulcers, wounds and burns from the outside, and as they praised it as an intestinal lice and a drink to remove bile.

Grape leaves were found in the cemetery of Ptahhotep and inscriptions on the tombs of the fifth and sixth families as well as the 18th and 19th families in Taibah. It is scientifically proven that grapes contain a large quantity of vitamins such as magnesium, iron and potassium, sugar, vitamin A and vitamin (C) Green grapes prevents dizziness and thirst and removes relaxation, sagging and removes itching.


Archaeologists have found the date palm in many Pharaonic tombs, in addition to offering offerings to the gods. This indicates the height and prestige of the ancient Egyptians. They made a kind of wine. Helps to rid the toxins of the blood and acidity in excess and also helps to form red blood cells, and they knew that it provides the body energy and activity.

Cumin in ancient papyri came in more than 60 prescription treatments. Including the treatment of cases of fever, tapeworm, indigestion, intestinal colic and chasing the wind. The Egyptians also made cumin for the pains of the stomach, the rheumatism, the joints, the colds, the healing of the burns and the scabies. They also used cumin from the outside to disperse sores and wounds with a foul smell. They also provided it as gifts and offerings to the temples.

Ace plant

The Pharaohs were known as the ancient Egyptian plants whose branches were painted on the walls of the pharaonic tombs in the hands of the dancers. The scientists also found branches of the plant in some Pharaonic tombs in Fayoum and Hawara

The ace plant has been included in many prescriptions in Pharaonic papyri for the treatment of epilepsy, cystitis, urinary regulation and removal of abdominal pain in the form of oral doses. As well as cream for the treatment of low back pain and abdominal fever, headache and cough and to increase hair growth.

Pharaohs used Cypress leaves in several purposes, the most important of which is an ancient pharaonic recipe for dyeing hair. The roots of the plant were used after crushing and kneading it with vinegar and then placed on the head hair in the shape of a bottle for the purpose of strengthening it and dyeing it.

The scientists found some of the trees of this plant from the era of the sixth family and the era of the Twelfth Dynasty in ancient Egypt. Cypress trees were also inscribed on the outer walls of the Ramses III temple in Karnak,

The fruit of berries
I found the fruits of berries in the tombs of Huara and used by the Pharaohs as food and within the prescriptions. It is called the berries in the pharaonic language "Khut" and the word is very close to Arabic .. The Pharaohs used strawberry juice drink to treat cases of schistosomiasis and stomach pain and cases of cough and cough cock.

The dates came in a medicinal recipe in medical papyri for the expulsion and killing of worms in the abdomen.

Magic therapy
The Pharaohs knew the magic spells that were inscribed on the walls of the temples to protect himself from the dangers of life and also to protect his body after the burial. It was also known for recovering from the bites of poisonous animals and harmful insects. It was also said that God (Thoth) was given healing skill to doctors.

Pharaonic recipes for sexual dysfunction, contraception, depression, wrinkles, joint pain, sciatica and heart disease
A-Cosmetics (removing wrinkles and strengthening nails and hair)

Carrots to remove wrinkles
Carving carrots on the walls of the temples of Pharaonic where used by the ancient Egyptian. The researchers have recently discovered that the islands are rich in vitamin A, which is essential for the safety of the skin, in addition to several vitamins, mainly led by stimulating and stimulating the process of regeneration of the tissues Cells, a useful process to remove facial and forehead wrinkles, reduce skin sagging, and also strengthen hair and nails.

Figs for the treatment of chest, skin and heart diseases
The figs were used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, the removal of worms from the abdomen and intestines, resistance to chest infections, heart disease and hair loss, as well as facilitating the movement of the joints and increase their elasticity.

Oranges to get rid of depression
Orange flower, used to combat tension and optimism, as well as bathing out and foot massage out, are given further recovery.

Black bean to treat the digestive system
Black seed oil to reduce cholesterol, treat gastrointestinal infections of diarrhea, colic and stomach pain, in addition to poor digestion and strengthen the immune system, daily dose of 4 drops on any drink.

Sandal to get rid of joint pain
The ancient Egyptian sandalwood used to eliminate the pain of the joints and muscles by massage the diseased part of the body for 15-20 for 3-4 days a week.

Peppermint oil for the treatment of colds
Inhaling drops of peppermint oil over a cup of boiling water to treat colds and bronchitis.

Cactus Contraception
The cactus leaf juice is fresh and has an effective effect on sperm killing. This was confirmed through medical documents that an ointment containing sapotin-gessiwik was already prepared for local use as a means of contraception. Scientific research has been conducted and this has been demonstrated.

Lettuce to treat sexual weakness
The Pharaohs doctors mentioned in the medical papyrus that it is included in many treatments, and amazing that the lettuce was a great interest through the inscription on the walls of the temples have linked the god responsible for fertilization and reproduction of lettuce by placing piles of lettuce under his feet. In addition to finding the inscriptions have always represented God Fertility (Maine). The males stood in front of him to receive his help and advice in return for large quantities of lettuce, which means that lettuce addresses the problem of sexual weakness in men, also known that it helps in the digestion and strengthens the eyesight and alleviate the pain of menstruation and has the ability to give psychological comfort. Recently, the nutritional value of the lettuce plant was known to be enriched with vitamin A and vitamin D. The scientists and researchers discovered that it was rich in vitamin E, which is the fertilizing vitamin and the balance of sex hormones and increase their secretion. This supports the old medicine's interest in strengthening the sexual force and treating the ancients Egyptians are making cases Infertility.
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