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?Secrets about Mayan civilization

According to the Central American chronology, the Mayan civilization was initially founded during the pre-Classical period (about 2000 BC to 250 AD). The Mayan people established their civilization in Central America, now known as Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and El Salvador.

The 3,000-year-old Mayan civilization has been characterized by art, architecture, painting, ceramics and sculpture. The Mayan people also made great advances in astronomy and mathematics, and developed their own annual calendar. The Mayan civilization reached the maximum stage of its great development in the middle of the third century AD and lasted about 600 years and beyond, until after the classical era and until the arrival of the Spaniards.

During that long time they spoke hundreds of dialects in these lands, from which 44 different "Mayan" languages ​​originated. Their civilization was known as the only civilization that showed a development in the written language of the Americas in the time before Christopher Columbus. They also left a world-renowned scientific and astronomical legacy.

Their civilization has been positively influenced by many other civilizations that have surrounded them in Central America, due to the great interaction and dissemination of the culture that has characterized this region. There were also architectural and artistic monuments attributed to the Mayan civilization outside their lands, which is believed to be due to the exchange of trade and culture in this region among different civilizations.

The Mayan peoples did not disappear completely, either at the time of the decline of the classical era or with the arrival of the Spanish invasion and colonization of the Americas. The Mayans are now the majority of the Central American population because they have preserved their distinctive traditions and beliefs, Which is a fusion of the ideas and cultures of the pre-Columbian and post-Spanish periods.

The Mayan literature also reflects the life and the exploits of this culture. Examples include the play "Rabinal Achchi" written in Aceh, which was declared by UNESCO in 2005 as one of the masterpieces of the intangible oral heritage of mankind. One of the most notable literary works is the "Popul Fuh" of historical legends, and "Shillam Balam", which has nine books. What was destroyed by the Spanish invasion is a model of the pre-Columbian civilization, which is estimated at 3,000 years of ancient history.

In this report we review with you, strange facts, you do not know about the Mayan people.

Mayan mothers pressed their fingers on the foreheads of children to create and motivate certain traits and special features to distinguish them from others.

They were also deliberately infecting their children because they believed that the year was one of the qualities of nobility and people, by hanging things over the heads of children in front of their eyes for long periods.
It was called all children, names of the days they were born!
They were very advanced in medicine, so they were the first to use "hair" to sew wounds, invent dental fillings, and made alternative prosthetic limbs.
Some Mayans still continue to practice the sacrificial ritual of the gods. But they stopped offering human offerings, and they only shed the blood of chickens and offered them as offerings.
They extracted narcotics and narcotic substances from medicinal and aromatic plants, used them in surgery and in medicine, and also used them in religious rituals as hallucinations and for infusion.
They were fanatical athletes of Mesoamerican ballgame, and even believed that the losing team in each match was slaughtered and used as human sacrifices on the stadium, which was called the ballcourt.
But the remaining effects of their civilization, explained the use of heads cut, as balls in the following matches. Although this sport is still practiced among the Mayan peoples of Central America, it is called Ulma; however, the cutting of the head is no longer part of this game.
They believed that steam baths and excessive sweating caused by hot steam, purified the soul of sins and alleviated sins.
They were brutal in torturing prisoners and slaves; they were blue-colored, then hoisted on top of a small pyramid, and then rained with arrows. Or take their hearts out of their breasts while they are alive and put them in the temples. Sometimes the priest would remove the skin and head of the imprisoned victim to wear it as a cloak!

Contrary to what Hollywood and the Western media promoted, the Mayan people did not predict the end of the world in 2012. Their long-term assessment of 2,880,000 days (one of three Mayan calendars) ended in 2012, The confusion of the end of the world and the Day of Resurrection.
They never used iron or steel, so their weapons were made of volcanic rocks and black volcanic sponges.
The Mayans were the first to use "zero" as a placeholder, while Indian mathematicians were the first to use zero as mathematical value in arithmetic.
No one knows how the Mayan empire ended. Long before Spain invaded Central America, the great Mayan cities were empty on their thrones and in ruins. Scientists and researchers attributed the reason to climate change, drought and population growth, which may have led to famine and mass exodus.
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