القائمة الرئيسية


Secrets of the Sumer civilization shake the world

Secrets of the Sumer civilization shake the world

At the beginning, we must look at the pages of history filled with rich information and ancient implications to add to us authentic additions that are not superior to the evolution and progress that took place in those epochs. Through our reading of everything written about the civilizations and history of the world shows us that primitive humans who began his life in hunting first and then settlement and start farming and the manufacture of some agricultural and household tools that were meeting the requirements of living and maintain the sustainability of his life.
Life over the ages has been a continuum of evolutionary cycles and every civilization has been evolving by the amount of creativity and progress in its daily life, some of which flourished to the highest degrees of the ladder of creativity in history. In the Paleolithic period there were stone vessels with handles and drawings of animals and plants. Also found are machines made of flint and bone stone.
Ancient civilizations emerged in the world. In Mesopotamia, Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations were among the most prominent civilizations. There are other civilizations in different regions of the world such as the Kingdom of Saba in Yemen, and the civilization of Greek, Chinese, Pharaonic, Phoenician, Roman, and Mayan civilization. The Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and dates back to the sixth millennium BC, with a long time difference with other civilizations.
The first appearance of the development of the Sumerian land was in the field of agriculture. First, they moved from a consumer society to fishing and hunting for wild fruits and plants to a productive agricultural community and animal sanctuaries to benefit from their milk, meat and skins. They dipped the leather, sewed wool and sewed. Thus, civilization began to build villages and cities, in commerce, culture, plastic arts and music. They created different musical instruments, organized the musical scale and established teams for singing in occasions and in temples.
The first alphabet known in ancient history was in Sumer, where it was discovered in fragments of clay slabs written in Sumerian script. And lived Sumerian writing for 2000 years and was a language of communication between the inside and outside and even became a tool for generations to come to read the details of that ancient civilization. In medicine and engineering, the construction of huge palaces, ziggurats and the planning and construction of large cities have preceded all civilizations of the world. They also worked in industry, commerce, the arts, administration of the state, enacting laws and regulations, and publishing them in special forums. They are also considered to be the first people to become involved in the manufacture of giant vessels, and to deal with the sea by drawing navigational maps on which ships are traveling and arriving in distant countries. They were also pioneers in astronomy.
The Sumerian ring was found back to the fourth millennium BC. M accurately dictated by a cosmic map showing the solar system. It turns out that the number of planets is ten in addition to the sun and the moon. The Sumerians were counting the sun and moon as a planet, so the number of planets became twelve planets. The solar system's map shows the position of each planet in relation to the sun, and the size of each, with astronomical information and distances that match what was reached in the present age in astronomy. They also set the solar and lunar calendars and the dates of the seasons. They made concave and convex lenses and reflective mirrors. As has been the case in the gold, silver and other metals.
Sumer's name came in the time of the Hittites before the third millennium BC. (Mesopotamia), Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) and Mesopotamia are not limited to the Sumer region, which is known only in southern Iraq, but also includes all of Iraq. The Syrian territory is confined between the western borders of Iraq and the banks of the Euphrates River in Syria to the east and part of southern Turkey to the north, while the south includes all the Gulf countries, including the Sultanate of Oman. If the civilization that arose in Mesopotamia is the oldest civilization of China, India, Egypt, Yemen and others. But was this civilization the oldest and the same land?
A stone newspaper was found, carved in the name of the king's newspaper, which is one of the oldest newspapers preserved in the king's coffers.
King's newspaper
This newspaper is one of the most strange effects of the treasures and the history of the history of that civilization, which is carved on a stone and this news dates back to 400 thousand years before the Sumerians. How was that civilization? What is in this very important and well-preserved newspaper, not reached by the hand of distortion, and information in which the Cheryli that the Sumerians were dividing history into two parts. The first section is before the flood of Noah and the second beyond. It was reported in the newspaper that three gods came from heaven on earth and their drawings appeared on murals with strange vehicles with wings and their names:

(Nebhilim, Nefilim, Elohim)

It is strange to see the name of Elohim among these names. Elohim is the name of God Almighty and as mentioned in the books of the Old Testament. Is that God the Triangle of the Avenues? It is said that the three gods mentioned are the sons of one God. The Sumerian mythology confirms that the religious prayers were directed to the Father of the three gods mentioned in the monotheistic formula, which was considered the Sumerian god and inhabited the planet Nibiru. From that planet came the sons of that god to visit the land of Sumer.
Subsequent civilization replaced the name of the planet Nibiru with the name of the planet Murdoch, that is, after the name of their greatest God. We are also surprised by the existence of religious beliefs in those groups that are somewhat similar to those of Christianity today.
In the Bible, the apostle Peter says in his second letter, 8: 3 (But, dear friends, do not forget this fact: one day in the sight of the Lord is one thousand years and one thousand years as one day), and this is close to the beliefs written in the Sumerian stories. Where the civilization that lived on Nibiru believed that one year there was equivalent to 3600 years and was called Sarr when the first gods arrived on the earth. It was 120 years old, or 432,000 years old.
We conclude from this that another civilization existed on Mesopotamia, specifically in the land of Sumer, known in southern Mesopotamia, where it lived in the time before the flood of Noah.
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