القائمة الرئيسية


Qutuz asked his master to sell it to the good king Najm al-Din Ayyub to fall under his kingdom, and his master agreed to sell it. Teaching them the Arabic language to read and write, then memorize the Holy Quran and the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, then the martial arts of darts, fighting with swords, riding horses and drawing up war plans and disposition of state matters.Islamic and combat education helped Qutz in childhood and youth in his uncle's palace Sultan Jalaluddin where He took his upbringing after death His father, in the superiority of Qutuz over his fellow Mamluks bought by the good king, Qutz grew up to hate the Mongols and heard and witnessed the fighting and battles led by his uncle and father in the land of the Khwarizmites.

It was the Tartars who called the son of Prince Mamdoud Mamdouz Qutz, and this word Tatar means fierce dog, it was clear on Qutz signs of strength and bass from his young, so the Tatar called this word, historians described Qutz as a young blond, thick beard, A brave hero pardoned incest, elevated the minor, persevering in prayer, fasting and recitation of dhikr, married his people, and did not leave a male boy, but left two daughters did not hear anything about them after him.

His life in the Ayyubid state 

Qutz moved from Syria and joined the Mamluks of King Saleh Najm al-Din Ayyub, who used to buy more Mamluks and included them in his army and educates them on loyalty to his army, and because Qutz is of royal origins in the state algorithm has learned martial arts, and witnessed the battles and wars that took place between his people and the Mongol Tatars All this helped him in his promotion to the ranks of the naval power Mamluks, and he rose rapidly until he became the right-hand man of Prince Jund Sultan Ezzedin Aybak, who had an important role in the political events in Egypt and the Ayyubid House, Qutz came to Egypt and may have a great strong army Of the marine Mamluks, who confronted all of them For the foreign attempts to invade Egypt, the most important of which was the Seventh Crusade led by King Louis IX. Egypt, then backs on the scene as sultans and rulers of Egypt and the Levant

The Qutz of the King Saleh's army took part in repelling the Seventh Crusade. I hear the shouts of Turk like thundering bombarded, and looked at the luster of their swords and shine like lightning flash, God dirhams have revived Islam that day again, every lion of Turk his heart of iron, it was not an hour and if the Franks have gone on their backs defeated, and the black Turk to the shoulders of the swine pig committed » The most important events of the battle of pain One of the most important results of the battle is the arrival of the Mamluks to rule Egypt and eliminate the Ayyubid state.

Turan Shah 

King Turan Shah led the Mamluks and the rest of his army to complete the victory in the battle of Mansoura and repel the seventh French campaign, but this victory did not result in the stabilization of political conditions in Egypt, but a dispute emerged between the Mamluks who showed their strength and durability in fighting the Franks and the son of their teacher King Turan Shah The historians stated that Turan Shah was not good to rule for his recklessness and pride, and for his bad dealings with his stepmother Shajar al-Dur, and to deny him to the Mamluk princes, headed by Prince Faris al-Din Aqtay, Rukn al-Din Baybars and Saif al-Din Qutz, the naval Mamluks decided to get rid of Turan Shah, and in 27 Muharram 648 AH Corresponding to 2 May 1250 Turan Shah was killed by the Mamluk princes, having ruled sixty-one days

Durr trees 

After the Mamluks killed their sultan Turan Shah, there was a vacuum in power, as there was no substitute for the Bani Ayyub family to rule Egypt.Therefore, the Mamluk princes, including Qutz, chose the wife of their master Shajar al-Dur as Queen of Egypt. In May 1250, once the reins of power came to the rejection of the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad, scientists condemned the installation in the pulpits, and revolutions erupted in the Islamic world, what was the Durr tree to the abdication of power to one of the Mamluk princes, after Egypt ruled eighty days.
To complete the rest of the life story of Saifuddin Qutz
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