القائمة الرئيسية


The migration of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

The migration of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

Migration of the Prophet is a historical event and a memory of the status of Muslims, and is intended to migrate the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.svg and his companions from Mecca to Yathrib, which was named after the city of Medina; In 1 AH, corresponding to 622 AD, the Prophet's immigration was taken as the beginning of the Hijri calendar, by order of the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab after consulting the rest of the companions at the time of his succession. And revealed many verses urging Muslims to emigrate, until the conquest of Mecca in 8 e - Yes.


Go out to Taif

After the harshness of the Quraysh on the Prophet Muhammad and his companions intensified after the death of Abu Talib, the Prophet Muhammad decided to go out to Taif, where a tribe of Taqeef lives, seeking support and immunity from his people, and hope to surrender.
He went out on foot, and with him Zaid ibn Haritha, and in the remaining three nights of Shawwaal ten years of the mission (3 BC e), corresponding to late May in 619 AD, and stayed in Taif ten days does not let any of their supervisors only came and spoke, did not answer, and responded It was a severe response, and seduced his fools made him throw stones so that his legs were bloody and Zaid bin Haritha protect himself until he was wounded in the head, and departed the Prophet Muhammad and returned to Mecca.

The Prophet presented himself to the Arab tribes
The Prophet followed the pilgrims in Mina, and asked about the tribe tribe tribes, and asked about their homes and come to them in the markets of the seasons, namely: Okaz, and the Commission, and metaphor, no one answered. Jabir ibn Abdullah said: «The Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him.svg expose himself to the people in the situation and says: not a man offering me his people, the Quraish has prevented me to tell the words of my Lord», and al-Waqidi said that he came Bani Abs and Bani Selim and Ghassan And the sons of a warrior and the sons of Nadar and once and excuse and civilization, they respond to the ugliest reply, and say: «Your family and your clan know you where they did not follow you».
The first obstacle allegiance

While the Prophet presented himself to the tribes at the "Aqaba" in Mina, six people from al-Khazraj from Yathrib were killed: As'ad ibn Zararah, 'Uf ibn al-Harith, Raf'ah ibn Malik, Qutubah ibn' Aamir ibn Hudaydah, 'Uqbah ibn' Aamir ibn Nabi, and Jabir ibn. Abdullah, he invited them to Islam, and said to each other «O people, you know, God that the Prophet promised you Jews, do not Tbakonkm to him». The Jews were threatening Khazraj to kill them by the Prophet of the end of time. He surrendered those people, and then turned back to their country. When they introduced the city reminded their people of the news of the Prophet Muhammad, and invited them to Islam, even Fsha them there was not left the role of the role of the supporters only where the mention of the Prophet Muhammad. Even if the next year, and the season of the supporters of twelve men, they met him hurdle in Mina, Vbayoh, was the sale of the first obstacle.

Islam Ansar
The prophet Mus'ab ibn 'Umar sent with those who pledged allegiance to Yathrib, who read them the Koran and taught them Islam. He stayed in the house of Asaad ibn Zaraara calling people to Islam, and pray them. He turned to Sa'ad ibn 'Ubaydah and' Ubayd ibn Hudayr. From the house of the Umayyad ibn Zayd, Khatma, Wael, Waqif.
Second pledge of allegiance

Mus'ab bin Omair returned to Mecca, and seventy-three men and two women went out of the Ansar during the pilgrimage season, and said to him, "O Messenger of God, we are telling you?" And to say in God do not be afraid in God blame blame, and that Tnzroni Vtmona if you made what you prohibit yourselves and your spouses and your children, and you paradise », Vbayoh a man a man starting from the happiest bin Zaraara, the youngest. It was the second sale of Aqaba and was in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah three months before the migration to the city, corresponding (June 622 AD), and then said to them: «Take me out of you twelve captains shall be on their people, including», and took out twelve of them, nine of them Khazraj and three of the Aws, and told the captains: «You are on your people, including sponsors as sponsors dialogues to Isa bin Mary, and I am a guarantor of my people».

Immigration permission
When the scourge intensified on Muslims in Mecca after the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, Muhammad authorized his companions to migrate to Medina, and ordered them to catch up with their fellow Ansar, Aisha said:
Prophet peace be upon him said the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.svg that day in Mecca: «I have seen the house of your migration, I saw a sabkha with a palm tree between two lattes» the two free, he emigrated from Hajar before the city when he mentioned that the Messenger of God Mohamed peace be upon him.svg Some of those who emigrated to the land of Abyssinia returned to the city, and prepared Abu Bakr immigrant, said the Messenger of God to him Mohamed peace be upon him.svg: «On your messenger, I hope to be authorized to me» Abu Bakr said: «Do you hope that Abu you?» He said: «Yes» Abu Bakr locked himself on the Messenger of God Mohamed peace be upon him.svg to accompany him, and fed two trips had paper Samar four Month.
Prophet's migration

Ibn Isaac stated:

«That the Messenger of God Mohamed peace be upon him.svg said« that God has made you brothers and a house you believe in »So they went out to send».
Migration of the companions to the city

After the immigration permission began to go out to the companions of Yathrib and conceal it, was the first to submit to Abu Salamah bin Abdul Assad, and then Muslims sent a message and landed on the partisans in their role Fawoh and Nasrohm, leaving only the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr and Ali bin Abi Talib, or imprisoned , Or weak all out. Muslims began to leave Mecca, infiltrating them hidden, individually and in groups, lest they learn Quraish ordered them to prevent them, leaving behind everything they have houses, money and trade, to flee their religion and faith.
The migration of the Abu Salama family
He was the first to emigrate to the city Abu Salamah bin Abdul Assad, and was emigrated to it before the second sale of Aqaba a year because Quraish hurt him after his reference from Abyssinia he decided to return to it, then Islam reached some of the people of Yathrib and determined to emigrate to it, when Abu Salamah united to go out to the city The men of the sons of Mughira (Folk or Salamah) prevented his wife Umm Salamah from emigrating with him, and the sons of Abdul Asad (Folk Abu Salamah) prevented his son from emigrating with him. Until a man of my cousins ​​passed me, one of the sons of Mughira saw what Farahmni, he said to the sons of Mughira: Do not you go out of this poor? Vtqtm between her and her husband and her son, they said to me: the right to your husband if you want. », I took her son and traveled to Yathrib, until I met Osman bin Talha smoothing brought to Yathrib.
Then the migration of the companions after Abu Salamah, Amer migrated Rabia and his wife Laila bint Abi Hathma, then Abdullah bin Jahsh, and his brother Abu Ahmed bin Jahsh, and encamped on the missionary bin Abdul Munther.

The migration of Omar bin al - Khattab
It was narrated that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab when he emigrated, did not immigrate undercover, but imitated his sword and put his bow on his shoulder and carrying arrows, and went to the Kaaba where he cruised seven times, then went to the shrine of Abraham quarterly, then said to the Quraysh combined: Except these mawtas, who wanted to be bothered by his mother and orphaned his son or widowed his wife let me behind this valley ». None of them followed him, then went to Yathrib and with him about twenty people from his family and his people, including his brother Zaid bin al-Khattab, Amr bin Saraka and his brother Abdullah, and Khanis bin Huzafa, and his cousin Said bin Zaid, and encamped when they arrived in Quba at Rafa bin Abdul Al-Mundhir, had been preceded by Musab bin Omair and Ibn Umm Maktoum and Bilal bin Rabah and Saad bin Abi Waqas and Ammar bin Yasser.
The migration of Suhaib bin Sinan Rumi
Ibn Hisham said: When Zuhaib wanted to emigrate, the Quraish said to him: «You have come to Tsaalk despicable Vkther Malik and reached who reached, and then want to go out with your money and yourself, God does not have that.», Suhaib said to them: They said: «Yes» He said: «I have made you financial» and the Messenger of God said: «Suhaib profit, Suhaib profit».
Prophetic immigration events

The Prophet Muhammad remained in Mecca waiting to be authorized in the migration and did not fall behind with him in Mecca, only Ali bin Abi Talib and Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr was asking permission to go out to Medina, but was saying to him: «Do not hurry may God make you owner», Abu wanted The firstborn to be the prophet
The night of the Prophet's migration
When the Quraysh saw the exit of the Muslims, they feared the departure of the Prophet Muhammad. Gabriel told Muhammad the news and ordered him not to sleep in his bed that night. These people met at his door, but he came out of their hands that no one had seen them, urging their heads to the dust next: Ra bracket.png and made us from among their hands a dam and from behind them a damn, and he was swept away. 9 And when they went to Ali, the prophet counted him, and when they saw me, they said, "Where is thy friend?" He said, "I do not know," and the verse was revealed: Ra bracket.png. The best of the makrins Aya-30.png La bracket.png, it was said that his Tonight was his on Saturday, a non-static.
Muhammad had ordered me to lead the secretariats to its people, so he did, where the people of Quraish put their secretariats to Muhammad. In Mecca they knew that Ali followed Muhammad wherever he went, so his stay in Mecca was a disguise to make people doubt the Prophet's emigration because they believed that if he emigrated, Ali would have been taken with him. For the city.

Laurel Thor

The Prophet came to Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr had prepared two trips to travel, and the Prophet Muhammad gave it to Abdullah bin Ariqit, to provide them in Ghar Thor after three nights, and be a guide for them, and went out the night of 27 Safar 14 of the Prophet's mission, corresponding to 12 September 622 AD, and Abu Bakr carried all his money and with him five thousand dirhams or six thousand, and went out of Khokha Abu Bakr in the back of his house, and then deliberately to the cave of Thor, a cave in a mountain at the bottom of Mecca Vdakhlh. Abu Bakr ordered his son Abdullah to hear from them what people say during the day, and then come to them if he becomes what is that day of the news, and ordered Mawla Amer bin Fahira to graze his sheep day, then come them if he became in the laurel, was Abdullah bin Abi Bakr In Quraish during the day with them, hear what they are doing and what they say about the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr, and then come to them if he becomes evening tell them the news. Amer bin Fahira was grazing in the shepherds of the people of Mecca, if he became rested on the sheep of Abu Bakr Vahlba and slaughter, if tomorrow Abdullah bin Abi Bakr from them to Mecca follow Amer bin Fahira effect of sheep exempt him. As they fit, Asma said: «When the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr came to us from the Quraish, including Abu Jahl bin Hisham, they stood at the door of Abu Bakr, I went out to them and said:« Where is your father, daughter of Abu Bakr? », I said:« I do not know God where Dad », Abu Jahl raised his hand and was obscene malicious, Vtmt my cheeks a blow put my earrings and then left». Asma bint Abi Bakr said: «When the Messenger of Allah came out and Abu Bakr with him, Abu Bakr endured all his money with him: five thousand dirhams or six thousand dirhams, so he started with him, and entered my grandfather Abu Qahfa has gone his gaze, he said:« God I see I said: «No, father, he has left us a lot of good», she said: I took stones and put them in a niche in the house where my father was putting his money, and then put a dress, and then took his hand and I said: «Oh Abt put your hand on this money, "she said: put his hand on him and said:« It is OK, if he has left you this has better, and in this communication to you », she said: God does not leave us anything, but I wanted to live Sheikh When they arrived in the laurel Abu Bakr said to the Prophet: «and who sent you the right do not enter until you enter it, if there was something came down before me», and he entered and make a petition in his hand whenever he saw a burrow said his garment and his pity, and then bitten the burrow until he did it with all his garment , And remained a burrow, and it was alive and he put his heel on him, his sting and his tears are descending
Quraish chasing the Prophet
Ibn Hisham said that the Prophet and Abu Bakr when they entered the cave of Thor hit the spider on his door Baash, so Quraish came out in his request until they reached the door of the laurel, some of them said: «that the spider before the birth of Muhammad» Vansrova. The story of the spider and the two pigeons has been weakened by some of the modernists and some of them are good.

«I looked at the feet of the infidels on our heads and we are in the laurel, I said: O Messenger of God! If someone looked at his feet, he would see us under his feet, and he said, “O firstborn! What do you think of God third? »
God said: only Tnasroh may God assist him, as narrated by those who disbelieve the second two as they are in the cave he says to his neighbor, do not be sad that God is with us Allah revealed his knife on it and supported soldiers did not see her and make the word of those who disbelieve the lower and the word of God is supreme, and Allah is Mighty, Wise))) Repentance:

Mohammed and Abu Bakr stayed in the laur three nights staying with Abdullah bin Abi Bakr, until they came out of the laurel on Monday 1 Rabi I 1 AH, and was told 4 Rabi I.
The stance of the son of Malik
The Prophet Muhammad and his companion came out of the laurel to Yathrib, and the Quraysh had made the prize of 100 camels for those who returned Muhammad. And while they were on the way, when he offered them the theft of the son of Malik on his horse, Muhammad called him Vsakht lists of his horse, he said: «O Muhammad I pray to God to release my horse and return from you», and he did and released and returned and found people seeking Muhammad said: « Come back, I have healed for you what is here »and returned from him. He tells the story of his catching up with the Prophet and says:
The Prophet's immigration came to us the messengers of the infidels of Quraish make in the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr, each friendly to those killed or captured, while I am sitting in a council of national councils Bani Medlej, as I accept a man of them until we rose, we said: O stealing . On the coast I see Muhammad and his companions, Saraka said: I knew that they are: I told him: they are not with them, but you saw so and so they set off with our eyes, and then stayed in the Council an hour, and then I entered and ordered my neighbor to go out of my horse, which is behind the hill Vtbsa Ali, and took my spear So I went out of the back of the house and I planned to stick it to the ground and lowered it high until I came to my horse, so I lifted it, so I lifted it closer to me, so I found my horse, and I was proud of it, so I gave my hands to my knives, and I took them out of them, and I divided them, damaged them, Approach me, even if you hear the reading of the Messenger of Allah does not pay attention, and Abu Bakr frequently abound For a few hours, a knight's hand was thrown into the ground, until they reached the knees, so she fell on her, and then she rose. In myself when I received what I received from imprisonment for them, that will appear is the Messenger of Allah, I said to him: that your people have made you friendly, and told them the news of what people want them, and offered them more and baggage did not see me. He did not ask me, but that said: lighter than us, I asked him to write to me in a safe book, ordered Amer bin Fahira wrote in a patch of Adam and then went the Messenger of Allah.

When he returned to the robbery has become a response to them the request, no one receives only his response, he tells them: «Siirt - I tested - the way I did not want anyone».
The position of a temple mother
The Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr and Amer bin Fahira passed, and their guide Abdullah bin Arqit on the way tent or a temple named "Atka", and asked her to buy something to eat, she said: «God does not have food and we have no grant or we have a sheep only Hail», Ibn Ishaq said: And the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) called upon some of her sheep, and he wiped his rib in his hand, and called on God and milk in the lentil, until he was forced to say: Drink, O mother of a temple. He watered his guide and then called for another barrier. .
Then came Quraish company to the mother of the temple and asked her about the Messenger of Allah, and I denied seeing him; she said: «You ask me about what I heard this year ago», and then said: «If you did not leave me to scream in my people» .
When her husband came to him told him the story and said to her: «Describe me, O mother of the temple», she said: «I saw a man visible ablution, sweet logic chapter is not lacking or Hzr, as if the logic beads systems descend».

Getting to the city

Muhammad Quba arrived on Monday 8 Rabi I, or 12 Rabi I, descended on Kalthoum bin demolition, and Muslims came to him, and Abu Bakr descended on Khubaib bin Isaf. Ali ibn Abi Talib stayed in Makkah for three nights and its days until he paid the deposits that Muhammad had for the people, even if he left for Muhammad. Muhammad and his companions stayed in Quba at Bani Amr ibn Auf for 4 days.
He was 53 years old. From that day it was named the city of the Prophet
It was called Yathrib,
The proponents went out every day to the free waiting for the Prophet, if the heat of the sun intensified they returned to their homes, when it was on the 12th of Rabi I when they went out of their habit when the sun protect them returned, and went up a man of the Jews on the Otam of the ruins of the city, and saw the Prophet Muhammad and his companions said: «O Bani Qila! This is your companion, this is your grandfather, which you are waiting for »and the proponents rose up to arms to receive the prophet.

«That the Messenger of Allah met Zubair in the knees of the Muslims were traders convoy from the Levant (to Mecca), Zubair Zbir Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr blank clothes, and heard the city's Muslims in the exit of the Messenger of Allah from Mecca, they were every morning to the free waiting for them to return them free afternoon, They turned one day after prolonging their wait, and when they took refuge in their homes, a man of the Jews fulfilled more than the rest of their sins for a matter to be seen. Muslims raised to arms, and they received the Messenger of Allah in the back of the free, and adjusted the same right Yen even came down to them in the sons of Amr ibn Auf, and that on Monday of the first month of spring, Abu Bakr rose to the people and sat the Messenger of God silent, Vtfq came from the supporters who did not see the Messenger of God greet Abu Bakr, until the sun hit the Messenger of Allah, so I accept Abu Bakr So the shadow of his robe, people knew the Messenger of Allah at that time, so the Messenger of God stayed in the sons of Amr ibn Auf a few nights, and founded the mosque, which was founded on piety, and prayed the Messenger of Allah, then rode his journey and walked with people until blessed at the mosque of the Messenger of Allah in the city He was praying there on that day, Muslim men, and he was a pioneer of dates for Suhail and Sahil, two orphans in the stone of As'ad ibn Zaraara. When God blessed his journey: «This inshaAllah home», and then returned the Messenger of Allah Ghulamin Vsawahm Balmbad to take a mosque, they said: «but we looted you, O Messenger of God», the Messenger of Allah refused to accept them a gift until he bought them, then built a mosque, The Messenger of Allah conveys with them the milk in its structure.
This porter is not a porter of Khyber

and say:
Oh God, the reward of the reward of the other Farah supporters and immigrants

It was the hair of a Muslim man who was not named for me. ''
Continued migration of Muslims to the city
The migration of Muslims to Medina continued until the conquest of Mecca in 8 AH, and remained immigration to the city is obligatory for Muslims, and revealed many verses urging Muslims to migrate to the city until the conquest of Mecca, when opened Mecca became Dar Islam, said the Prophet Muhammad: «No migration yet Some scholars stated that migration was conquered after the conquest of Mecca, and that what remained of the concept of immigration is moral immigration, meaning the immigration of God is what is left of the concept of immigration, and it was said that its rule was not copied, which is What is copied is the migration to Medina, but the migration from Dar al-Harb to Dar Islam lingers, which is the saying of al-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar al-Askalani, Ibn Katheer, and others.

The return of Abyssinian migrants
The rest of the immigrants returned Abyssinia with Jaafar ibn Abi Talib to the city; after the Prophet Muhammad wrote to Najashi to marry Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan and her husband Obeidullah bin Jahsh had died in Abyssinia. He also wrote to him to send him to the rest of his companions, his wife Najashi Umm Habiba and ratified him four hundred dinars and carried the rest of his companions in two ships arrived in the city after the invasion of Khyber in 7 AH.
Another who emigrated to the city
The last of the emigrated from Mecca is Abbas bin Abdulmutallab, he emigrated with his family in Ramadan in the eighth year of migration, and on the way the Prophet met with his army wants to open Mecca after the overturn of Quraish to reconcile Hudaybiyah, his family continued immigration and returned with the Prophet.
Immigration and the beginning of the Hijri date
The Prophet Muhammad had ordered the date after his arrival in Yathrib, and it happened since the first year of the Hijra.
In the year 17 AH caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab adopted the date from the beginning of the month of Muharram of the first year of the Prophet's migration, and it is mentioned in the reason for the adoption of Omar for history that Abu Musa wrote to Omar that he comes to us books have no history, he gathered the age of people, some said: « When he agreed, some of them said: "Start Ramadan," Omar said: "But Muharram, it is spent people from their pilgrimage," they agreed. . In another version, one of them raised an instrument for the age of the month of Shaaban, he said: «Any Shaaban, the past or where we are, or the next? Put people to something that they know the solutions of their debts », it is said that some wanted to date as the Persians chronicle their kings, whenever the king perished dating from the history of the mandate after which, they hated it, and some of them said:« chronicle the history of the Roman from the time of Alexander », they thought that, and said Saying: «Chronicle of the birth of the Messenger of Allah», and others said: «from the peace be upon him», and pointed out Ali bin Abi Talib and others to date from his migration from Mecca to Medina for his appearance to each one it showed the birth and the emitter. It is recommended that Omar and the companions, Omar ordered to date from the migration of the Prophet and chronicled from the beginning of that year of Muharram.
The way of the prophetic migration

 The path of prophetic migration

The Prophet Muhammad and his companions took the road to Medina starting from the house of the wife of Mrs. Khadija bint Khuwaylid in Makkah to the home of Amr ibn Auf in Quba in Medina, after drawing the approved road for the first three days. The journey to the city lasted for eight days on the first day of Rabi I of the first year of migration until the eighth day of Rabi I of the first year of migration, at an estimated distance of 380 kilometers through 29 agreed landmarks and varies in number from narrator to another.

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