القائمة الرئيسية


The story of our master Joseph with Zulekha, the wife of Aziz Egypt

The story of our master Joseph with Zulekha, the wife of Aziz Egypt




When we read the writings of the creators and authors today we find them always immersed in talking about love and we assume that they embody the most wonderful and noble meanings of love, but when we recall the stories of love that were in the days of the prophets and messengers, we find that we do not know anything about love and fulfillment, in their days he provided love without charge, It is not possible for the best-selling books in this regard to reach what they have reached with some of these tricks.

 The story of Mrs. Zulekha’s love for the Prophet of God, Joseph, peace be upon him, was a dramatic story full of details and exciting events, which embodies the highest meanings of love. There is no love like this lady’s love for our master Youssef, as she was one of the most beautiful girls in Egypt, and the wife of Aziz Egypt, but she loved our master Joseph in a way that could not Her description was Zulekha.

After Yusuf's brothers threw him in the well to get rid of him, an Arab merchant named Malik found him and sold him in the slave market to Aziz Misr Boutefar, and raised him in his palace between his wife and him, and considered him his son, and Joseph grew up between Aziz and his wife for eleven years, then he became a young man with a beautiful face His words are sweet, flowery, strong, brave and fearless in God a blameless blame, and he was the author of great knowledge and culture.

I loved Zulekha at that time, and there was not a day that passed, and Zlekha's passion for Joseph increased until he wanted about himself, thinking that he would obey her in disobeying God Almighty.

Almighty, but Joseph refused to commit sin and fled out, but they found Boutefar at the door.

Zulekha told her husband that he had tried to do the sin with her, so he told her that the Faisal in this case was Joseph's shirt.

Then, Zulekha became angry, and she strove to justify her work by holding a party for the women of Egypt, who spoke, then asked Joseph to come out on them. So, with the women, they cut off their hands with fascination from Gamal Youssef.

Zulekha ordered that Joseph be taken to prison until he complied with her wishes, but he maintained his position, and he spent ten years in prison, but Zulekha began to suffer from the pain of separation a lot and her love increased and her attachment to him until she spent her days crying longing for him, which weakened her vision and made her grow quickly and lose her beauty.

Because of her longing for him, Zulekha asked the jailer to go and beat Joseph in order to hear a voice. The jailer said to Joseph, “The queen has instructed me to beat you to hear your voice, but I will strike the ground while yelling,

They kept doing this for several days, but she knew about it, and after that she said to the jailer, "I want you to really beat Joseph," so he told her: "I am doing this, and I replied to him that you did not. If I did, I would feel the sound on his skin before he shouted."

The jailer returned to Joseph and told him what happened between him and the queen. The Prophet of God, Joseph, said: Do what was commanded to him, and the prisoner took the sound and hit Joseph, and at the moment the sound occurred on the body of Joseph, Zulekha felt it before Joseph screamed at the time. My heart.

When the Prophet Joseph interpreted the vision of the king of Egypt Akhenaten, “Amenhotep IV,” and his innocence emerged by Zulikha’s confession, as well as the confession of Egyptian women that Joseph was chaste and pious, King Akhenaten released him and appointed him dear to Egypt after the death of Zotikha’s husband Botivar, who was ill and affected by his wife’s betrayal and regret. Yusef’s prison will be for that period.

After Joseph assumed the king and became Zulekha from all other people, her head was blind, her eyes blind and her back curved in love in Joseph. On all of the days Zulekha sat in front of her house and next to her running to tell her that Joseph had approached, and that her love for him flames did not go out, and indeed, after that, the procession of Joseph stopped and Zulkha stopped him She appealed to Joseph and saw her in this condition, so he said to her, Where is your youth and beauty, she said that all this has gone for you, and he answered her how if you see another man of time more than me beautiful and generous and he is the master of the messengers and her ring. Zulekha, that God repented of it with the blessing of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.
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