القائمة الرئيسية


Insurance in America .. Different styles

In the early 20th century, the first health insurance program in the United States to provide care for specific categories for insurance premiums paid in advance. These programs, which continue to date, include Dr. Michael Al-Shadi, in the city of Elk in Oklahoma, established in 1929, as well as the Russian-Los Clinic, which provides caring for the staff of Los Angeles Water, energy and their families, clinic and Western Takuma City in Washington, Dr. Sydney Jarfield, Los Angeles, 1933, and the Collective Health Association in Washington, established in 1937 and the Seattle Group Health Cooperative System in 1937 and the New York Health Insurance System in 1947.



 After World War II, the US government agreed to improve the health coverage of their workers instead of raising their wages. In the mid-1960s, Medicare programs were launched for the elderly, and then followed by Madakir programs dedicated to low-incomes that provide free health care for a specific sanitation of the population, and are most prominent and poor families with children.


 As a result of the rise in health care costs of the US government, appeared at alternative insurance patterns such as health conservation institutions or vulnerability ", which put its idea of ​​a US doctor Paul Ewood, which gained official status when Congress acknowledged the health conservation institutions issued in 1973. On a tax advantage, where he spent every employer with more than 25 employees to insure them through these institutions, as well as the usual insurance.


 In addition to the services and medicines provided by those institutions, they were entitled to subsidies from the Government. Care institutions have proved The vulnerability is quick to rationalize the cost, after its costs have been reduced by between 10 and 40 per cent on the costs of traditional insurance systems, resulting in gradually transforming employers towards traditional insurance companies, but has not successfully launched only in the first half of the 1990s, When the number of registrants took rising by 10 per cent per year.


 Initially, the market has been dominated by the health of health conservation institutions, which possesses its own medical staff, and are physicians working Bedouin Mother has. And the model of collective health conservation institutions, including independent doctors working with decades with those institutions.



 With the early 1990s, a new kind of these institutions originated by the "Independent General Medicine Association", in which doctors work independently from the health conservation institution and they can conclude agreements with more than one institution at one time and they are fulfilled For the services they provide, although prices are discounted, and they are described to disclose the patients insured by the traditional insurance system. Patients prefer the program of "Independent Public Medicine Association" because of their low cost compared to traditional systems. Health conservation institutions play a direct role in managing and providing health care, other than the "fees" insurance companies "

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