القائمة الرئيسية


Egypt in the modern era

Muhammad Ali Pasha was born in the city of Qola, one of the cities of Greece in 1769. When Napoleon Bonaparte attacked Egypt and the Bab al-'Ali (Turkey) began to mobilize the people of Egypt, Its armies Mohammed Ali joined the battalion to defend Egypt, Mohamed Ali remained in Egypt, and witnessed the end of the French campaign.

Muhammad began to prepare for himself a plan not preceded by any one, namely, the courting of the Egyptian people, and the solicitation of his leaders to reach the summit of power, especially after the People's Revolution against the Mamluks in March 1804 from the large number of grievances and increase taxes on the Egyptian people. The events of this movement were supported. ''

Muhammad Ali took over the rule of Egypt in order to achieve the desire of the Egyptian people and its leaders and scientists, who issued their ruling to remove the Ottoman governor Khurshid Pasha and appoint Muhammad Ali Walaya to Egypt instead of him on May 13, 1805. Thus, Muhammad Ali Pasha ruled Egypt on the wishes of its sons, Although Muhammad's reforms are all aimed at strengthening the army, he has harnessed the capabilities of the people and his abilities to serve one purpose: to make personal glory. And the formation of a vast empire To the parties governed by him and his sons, but the impact of these reforms was great and that Mohamed Ali Pasha began to rule Egypt, but he had determined and even designed to make Egypt a sovereign state after the absence of centuries of this sovereignty and follow the same lines of progress and progress experienced by the world's major countries At that time, especially England and France after Egypt remained a state of the Ottoman Empire for three consecutive centuries are fought by many forces.

Muhammad began to prepare for himself a plan not preceded by any one, namely, the courting of the Egyptian people, and the solicitation of his leaders to reach the summit of power, especially after the People's Revolution against the Mamluks in March 1804 from the large number of grievances and increase taxes on the Egyptian people. The events of this movement were supported. Ee

After Muhammad Ali Pasha ruled to rule or rid of the popular leadership represented by the great Omar Makram and his isolation and exile to Damietta and wiped out his enemies from the Mamluks in the massacre of the famous Mamluks in 1811 and also canceled the teams of the Ansarism or the Ottoman soldiers and had rid of the threat of the English victory In the campaign that he moved to Fraser in 1807.

The advancement of Egypt: Mohamed Ali began to lay new foundations for the advancement of modern Egypt as follows:

Mohammed Ali formed a modern army of Egyptian soldiers to defend their country and to get the money to equip the army and the fleet stressed his control over the import and export trade and the foundations of the monopoly system, and thus able to consolidate the rule of Muhammad and established the first school of war for the mansions in 1820. In 1823, the first formation of the Egyptian army was composed of six battalions, and the number of these battalions increased later. The Egyptian army was keeping pace with the most modern military systems in the world at the time. This army assisted in implementing its ambitious policy of forming a large empire in the country that speaks the language. Arabic, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula to be a strong guarantee for maintaining the integrity of the region of European greed and the danger of partition.

In addition, Mohamed Ali established the first blocks of modern education in Egypt despite the difficulties he faced. Hence, he established the modern education system in its elementary, preparatory and privatized stages. It also published various schools for teaching the Egyptian people, including military schools, military music schools and other schools. There are many other schools such as Al-Alsun School, the School of Birth, the School of Medicine, the Al-Qasr Al-Aini School, the School of Veterinary Medicine, the School of Agriculture and other schools, and the sending of educational missions abroad to the inability of Al-Azhar to provide qualified personnel in trade and industry And agriculture.

Industry and agriculture
He also took care of the industry, which developed greatly in his reign, which became the second pillar of the state after education in all its forms, especially the military industries to keep up with the systems that existed in Europe and not even rely on Egypt to bring all its needs from abroad, and so was the establishment of several factories and the first government plant in Egypt is Al-Kharnafsh factory in the year 1816, and then began to continue the factories, whether military or otherwise, which led to Muhammad Ali to follow a special policy to promote these factories, first by using experts and skilled workers from European countries to graduate cadres of Egyptian presidents, workers, technicians and replace them Side gradually.
Mohammed also paid great attention to agriculture and set up major projects to regulate irrigation and water, such as the charity basins and the mahmoudia canal, which provided Alexandria with Nile water. He also introduced cash crops to Egypt, especially cotton, as well as some other products used in industry.

Architecture and Engineering
He was keen on promoting Egypt in all other fields, especially in architecture, which was characterized by new styles imported to Egypt, most of which were European, due to the fact that Muhammad brought many engineers and foreign workers to build many buildings, whether religious, civil or military.
The era of Muhammad Ali Pasha was characterized by the rise in the organization and engineering in architecture represented by the fact that there is a list of organization where the opening of the lanes and routes and easy traffic, and people in Egypt follow in their buildings modern architectural styles.

Treaty of London
In 1839, the Ottoman Empire surrendered to Mohammed Ali, and the Ottoman Empire came into being without an army or a fleet. European countries, especially Britain, intervened and threatened Muhammad with an international military alliance against him and imposed The Treaty of London in 1840 and provides for Mohamed Ali to rule Egypt genetically with the survival of Egypt is part of the property of the Ottoman Empire and the international tutelage that was produced by the Treaty led to financial control and then foreign policy makes Egypt a colony without the need to check As a military or a foreign military presence directly.

Successors of Muhammad Ali
- Ibrahim Pasha was the eldest son of Muhammad Ali Pasha from 1848 until he died on 10 November 1848.
- Abbas Helmi I Ibn Ahmad Toson Pasha Ibn Muhammad Ali Pasha from 10 November 1848 to 13 July 1854.
- Mohamed Said Pasha son of Mohamed Ali Pasha from 14 July 1854 to 18 January 1863.
- Khedive / Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Ali (and then Khidwi) from 19 January 1863 to 26 June 1879.
- Khedive / Mohammed Tawfiq Basha Ismail Pasha from 26 June 1879 to 7 January 1892.
- Khedive / Abbas Helmi II took over on 8 January 1892 and was deposed on 19 September 1914.
- Sultan / Hussein Kamel took over from 19 December 1914 until he died October 9, 1917.
- King Fouad I took over from 9 October until he died on April 28, 1936. (Sultan and then King).
- King Farouk I of April 28, 1936 until the abdication of the throne on 26 July 1952.
- King Ahmed Fouad II of 26 July 1952 to the Declaration of the Republic on 18 June 1953.

The sons of Muhammad tried to follow his course in trying to catch up with the European civilization. During the reign of Khedive Ismail Pasha, the country witnessed a renaissance in administrative reform. The industry and agriculture witnessed a great revival and prosperity in his reign. He took care of the building and architecture. He established the old opera house, In 1869 the Suez Canal was opened for international shipping.
Egypt witnessed several revolutions against foreign interference, as the national movement intensified. In 1882, the Arabi revolt ended with the British occupation of Egypt. It was faced with a continuous struggle led by the nationalist leader Mustafa Kamel at the beginning of the twentieth century and his successor, Mohamed Farid. Egypt entered the 20th century, The British colonization was under pressure to plunder its wealth, and the popular resistance and the national movement against the occupation multiplied. The national feeling emerged strongly with the 1919 revolution to demand independence. National leader Saad Zaghloul had a prominent role in it. Then British protection of Egypt was abolished in 1922 and independence was recognized. . The first Egyptian constitution was issued in 1923, and from 1923-1952 Egypt was the first experiment of pluralism and parliamentary democracy, but the corruption of the Saraya, the intervention of the king and the occupation and the deviation of some parties from their national role led to a climate of deterioration and weakness that culminated in the Arab defeat. 1948 Palestine war which paved the circumstances to the 23rd July 1952 revolution.

July 23 Revolution: '' ''
Gamal Abdel Nasser led the revolution of July 23, 1952, which carried out many achievements, the most important of which was the promulgation of the Agrarian Reform Law and the signing of an agreement to evacuate the British occupation of Egypt. This led the former colonial powers (Britain and France) to ally with Israel and launch an aggressive aggression against Egypt. Suez, and Egypt has addressed this aggression and supported by the world public opinion that forced the aggressors to withdraw, and put the first five-year plan for economic and social development in the history of Egypt in 1960 and achieved its objectives in the development of industry and production and the establishment of the High Dam 1960-1970 and raised the country in the fields of Knowing, health, construction, reconstruction and agriculture.

In the field of foreign policy, the July Revolution promoted the liberation movements of colonialism has also taken a policy of positive neutrality in the fundamental principles of its foreign policy.
Since its inception, Israel has realized the leading role of Egypt in the Arab world. On June 5, 1967, Israel has attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan and conquered Sinai, the Golan Heights and the West Bank of Jordan.
The Egyptian army, despite the enormity of the loss, was able to express this plight in its steadfastness against the Israeli forces and its entry into the war of attrition. At that time, the leader of the July Revolution died of the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser in September 1970. "

The Egyptian and Syrian armies simultaneously launched the battle to liberate Arab land from the Israeli occupation. The Egyptian army won and raised the flags of Egypt on the east bank of the Canal. Suez, hours after the attack.
The Egyptian forces achieved a great victory in the October 1973 war, which made President Mohamed Anwar Sadat think of solving the Arab-Israeli conflict radically and establishing a lasting and just peace in the Middle East region. Egypt signed the peace treaty with Israel on 26 March 1979 with the participation of the United States President Sadat's visit to Israel paved the way for Israel in 1977. Israel withdrew from the Sinai peninsula on 25 April 1982 and withdrew from the Taba border strip based on the arbitration of the International Court of Justice in 1989. "

In October 1981, President Mubarak assumed the rule of Egypt and began his work to achieve internal stability and consolidate and consolidate the principles of democracy, rule of law, social peace and national unity. The most important concern was achieving comprehensive and continuous development.

President Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power for nearly 30 years, has for years been governed by five presidential terms, most of which are improvements in infrastructure, expansion of new urban communities, improved economic development capabilities, and a balanced role in the regional and international political arena. , But the political performance of his rule resulted in many negatives, mostly in the spread of corruption and nepotism, and the inability of government plans to meet the growing public needs due to high population growth, the consecutive rise in the budget deficit, As well as Egypt's distance from its African surroundings. All this contributed to the revolution of the Egyptian people and the overthrow of the regime in February 2011.

The transitional period from February 2011 to the end of June 2012 was conducted by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which managed to command the ship floating in the middle of the waves waves, and handed over the reins of power to the first elected civilian president d. Mohammed Mursi, to present the worst political performance in the history of Egypt during the course of the year, where he split the people of the nation and quickly went on the scheme of empowering the group and its domination over all state institutions and antagonizing the judiciary, the army, the police and the media. Which led to the fullness of the people to come out in mass demonstrations on 30 June 2013, and the aftermath of the days of 1, 2 and 3 July demanding the exclusion of this President, the protection of the country's capabilities and maintain its security and stability.

Revolution of 30 June 2013

On June 30, 2013, the Egyptian people launched a new revolution to correct the course of the January 25, 2011 revolution and restore the country and hopes of the Brotherhood's monopolization of political life and attempts to destroy them to the foundations of the modern state and expose Egypt to external and internal dangers.

Where the opposition movement called on the opposition to take part in demonstrations calling for a withdrawal of confidence from former president Mohamed Morsi a year after he took office. He called for the announcement of early presidential elections due to the huge mistakes committed by his regime, which ended the relationship between him and the people during this period. The lost time of the age of Egypt, where the country was in dire need to invest every day for construction, progress, growth and stability.

The armed forces could not deafen their ears or turn their backs on the movement and appeal of the masses that called for their national role and not their political role. The commander-in-chief of the armed forces presented the first team / Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, a road map welcomed by Al-Azhar and the Church and many representatives of political, partisan and popular activities,

Included the following:
* Temporarily disable the constitution.
* The President of the Supreme Constitutional Court shall be sworn in before the General Assembly of the Court
* The establishment of early presidential elections and the President of the Supreme Constitutional Court to manage the affairs of the country during the transitional period until the election of a new president and the President of the Supreme Constitutional Court authority to issue constitutional declarations during the transitional period.
* Forming a government of strong and capable national competencies with all the powers to manage the current phase.
* Forming a committee of all sects and experts to review the proposed constitutional amendments to the constitution, which has been temporarily suspended
* Appeal to the Supreme Constitutional Court to speed up the adoption of the draft law on the elections of the House of Representatives and to begin preparations for the parliamentary elections
* Establishing a media honor code that guarantees freedom of the media and achieves professional rules, credibility and impartiality, and uphold the supreme interest of the nation
* Take executive measures to enable and integrate youth in state institutions to be partners in the decision as assistants to ministers and governors and positions of the various executive authority.
* The formation of a supreme committee for national reconciliation of personalities with credibility and acceptance of all national elites and represent different orientations.

The people came out again on July 26, 2013 to declare their full support for the road map, the efforts of the armed forces and the Ministry of the Interior to combat organized terrorism by the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Muslim organizations in its orbit, and call upon its supporters abroad to intervene in Egypt to support them. , Its growth and its stability ... to move towards democracy.

Constitution of 2014

The Constitution of 2014 is one of the most important Egyptian constitutions in the modern era. It came after the Egyptian people's revolution of 30 June 2013 against the rule of the Brotherhood and the introduction of the 2014 constitution to the Egyptian people for the referendum on 14-15 January 2014. The referendum was attended by 38.6% 98.1% and 1.9% respectively, according to the Committee for the Referendum.

Presidential Elections 2014
Egypt's presidential election commission announced on Tuesday 3/6/2014 that Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi won free elections with 96.91 percent of the valid votes and took office on June 8, 2014.

House of Representatives 2015
The House of Representatives 2015 is the last phase of the road map that was announced after the Egyptian people revolution of June 30, 2013 against the rule of the Brotherhood was held the first session of the House of Representatives on 10 January 2016 The House of Representatives consists of 596 members, including 568 elected members, in addition to 28 members appointed by the President Republic.
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