القائمة الرئيسية


Apparent  Beavers

The Mamluk sultan Rukn al-Din Baybars al-Bandaqari - al-Shader Baybars - was born on the most likely sayings in 625 AH / 1221 AD

Peppers' birth and birth:

The Mamluk sultan Rokn al-Din Baybars al-Bandis al-Bandais al-Bandais, the most prominent of all the sayings of 625 AH / 1221 AD in the region of Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia, and Piperis is a Turkish word meaning prince Fahd. He was taken from his country and is small and sold by sham. And was named by al-Bindakari, [1] and then ownership of the good Sultan Najm al-Din Ayyub Baybars showed in his service the strength and courage of his advantage among his peers, the Sultan annexed to the forces of the Prince "Fares al-Din Aktai" until he became a senior Mamluk leaders, and when (Louis IX) The crusade to Egypt was Peppers of those who resisted him in battle Mansoura in 12499, the family of Louis IX and collapsed campaign.

After the assassination of Aktay and the assumption of power by Sultan Ezzeddin Aybek, Egypt was forced to move to Syria. The relationship between Abyk and Qatay was not good. After Prince Qutz took over Egypt, he called Beybars from Damascus to help stop the Tartar march on the east, Together, we managed to crush the Tartars in the battle of Ain Goliath. Qatz entrusted Bebars with the task of chasing and dispersing the Tartars. In 658 AH / 1260 CE, Bibris ruled Egypt after Qutz was killed.

Al-Zaher Baybars and his qualities:

In the Mamluk period, many Mamluk Sultans had a great role in changing many of the pages of history. They also left clear markings in Islamic history.

 Bebars was characterized by firmness, strong courage, high spirits, good looks and good manners, and met the qualities of justice, equestrianism and fervor. He did not settle in the government until he took several measures aimed at establishing his feet in government: He also pardoned political prisoners, released them, and opened up to the Muslim world to win the hearts of his leaders. [2] He also eliminated the anti-government movements and restored security and tranquility to the country. [3]

Baybars and the revival of the Abbasid Caliphate.

He succeeded in saving the Islamic caliphate from collapse after the killing of the Abbasid caliph by the Tartars after the fall of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid caliphate in 656 AH / 12588 CE, and the succession of the Khayyafa Caliphate. He succeeded in bringing one of the Abbassid princes to Cairo And his allegiance to the succession in a great celebration in 6600 AH / 1262, was this work has a significant impact in the reunification of the Islamic nation on her successor again.

Conqueror Crusaders:

When the power of the Mamluks was strengthened, and their power was strengthened, as a result of the actions taken by Baybars, this Sultan saw the need to follow the policy of Saladin and his successors in expelling the Crusaders and expelling them from the Islamic countries. This was not easy, From the Crusader emirates of Antioch, Tripoli, and the rest of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and to achieve its goal to follow a military strategy based on beating the Emirates one by one, and did not break one of the ten years between (659-669 AH / 1261-1271) without They are given a small or large campaign, and they are victorious in all of them [4].

  Peppers worked on the liquidation of the Crusader presence in the Levant, and was credited with cleansing the cities of Caesarea, Arsuf, Tiberias, Jaffa, and Antioch from the Crusaders.

Compelling inner-and-outs:

 He did not spare any effort to confront any external threat to the Islamic state. He took the same approach in confronting the internal subversion claims adopted by some subversive groups known as Batnism, which were no less dangerous than the Tartars or the Crusaders. They spread panic among the people and spread their deviant doctrine , Not to mention the realization of the sword in many of the leaders and scientists, which just made them a source of panic among the people, so he used the Baybars trick to eliminate them and entrusted to the scholars to attract the largest number of them to return to the ranks of the nation, Vtab of them repented and left only the batons who refused reverse what e Accordingly, Baybars so they broke into their castles and places of their deployment on them and killing him dispersed and saved the nation from their evils.

Peppers' achievements

 Development of the administrative apparatus

 Bebars was keen on developing the administrative and military apparatus. He introduced some administrative functions because the jobs that the Mamluks knew and took away from the Ayyubids did not meet the needs of the developing country. He created new jobs that were not known in Egypt before being occupied by princes appointed by the Sultan among the people he trusts.

Amendment of the judicial system:

He was the judge in the Ayyubid era in Cairo and the other works of Egyptian houses. He was a judge of the Shafi'i sect and had the right to appoint deputies in the provinces. The situation remained until the year (660 AH / 1262 AD). The Sultan continues to develop the judicial system until it was established and formalized in the month of Dhul Hijjah in 663 AH (the month of October in 1265). He appointed four judges representing the four schools of thought and allowed them to appoint their deputies in the Egyptian lands. The judge Ibn al-A'az represented Shafi'i, Judge Sadruddin Sulaiman representing the Hanafi sect, Judge Sharaf al-Din Omar al-Sabki representing the Maliki school, Judge Shams al-Din al-Qodsi representing the Hanbalis district, and he did likewise in Damascus.

 And the enactment of a number of legislation to defame the morals of the Egyptians, perhaps the most important of which was issued in (664 AH / 1266) and prevented the sale of alcohol, and closed bars in Egypt and the Levant, and denied many of the spoilers. [5]

Urban structures:

Of the most important urban structures

- Renewed construction of the Prophet's Mosque.

- The construction of the Dome of the Rock was renewed in Jerusalem, after its foundations were destroyed.

- The private loss of Hebron's restitution in Palestine, after it entered into feudalism, and stopped by a village named after it.

 - The virtual school was built between Kasserine, where the senior professors were appointed. Among them was the teacher of the Hanafi Faqid Majd al-Din bin al-'Adim, the teacher of the Shaafa'is, Shaykh Taqi al-Din ibn Razin, and the guardian of the hadith, and the sheikh, Kamal al-Din al-Halabi.

- built his mosque known as his name in the field of Al-Azhar in Cairo on behalf of the mosque of Zaher Baybars.

 - Built a victory scene in the eye of Goliath in commemoration of the victory over the Mongols.

- Renewed the walls of Alexandria.

- Reconstructed the castles destroyed by the Mongols in the Levant, such as the Damascus Citadel, Qal'at al-Salat, Ajloun and others.

- Peppers also sought trade and sought to secure it, and the instrument pure pure coins won the confidence of the people, trade flourished in his time and the safety of his country.

Beavers' death

 After a life full of events and after a 17-year rule, al-Zaher Baybars died in 676 AH / 1277 AD [7] after he took a high place among the finest Muslim rulers, who turned away from the Islamic state and raised the banner of religion high, In their time the earth, not God's mercy on the faithful Mujahideen.
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