القائمة الرئيسية


Life Story of Saifuddin Qutz Part IV


Hulagu's message to Katz

When Saif al-Din Qutz was busy preparing and equipping the army, he received a letter from Hulagu carrying four Apostles of the Tatars:
Saif al-Din Qutz, king of kings, east and west of the greater Khagan, in the name of God, spread the earth and lift up the sky, the victorious King Qutuz, who is of the Mamluks who fled from our swords to this region, is blessed with his cattle, and he kills those who were in his power afterwards. His state and the people of his kingdom in the Egyptian homeland and around the acts that we are God's soldiers in his land, created us from his indignation, and the authority of the solution of his anger, handed us your order before the cover is out, regret and return to you wrong, we do not have mercy on those who complained You have heard that we have opened the country, cleared the land of corruption, and killed M. The land of the servants, you must escape and we have to demand, whatever land shelter you and any way to save you and any country protect you, no of our swords of salvation, nor of our majesty salvation, our horses precedents and arrows paranormal and our swords lightning, and our hearts like mountains and our number like sand, Valtson we have not prevented and the soldiers to kill us do not benefit, we do not hear, you ate no man's land, and do not Tafon speak, and transgressed, covenants and oaths, and those revealed in you disobedience and disobedience, Vobcroa humiliation and shame (Today requited torment Huns as you were arrogant in the land without right, and what you Tvsagon) (and will mark the tastiest Whoever seeks our war is repentance, and the intent of our safety is peace, if you are our condition and our order is obeyed, you have what we have and you have what we have, and if you leave your destruction, do not destroy your souls in your own hands, has warned of the warning and has proven that we We have given you the dawn, and we have given to you who has the things estimated and the orchestrated judgments, many of us have a few, and your dear, we have a servile, and without humiliating what your kings have a way, do not prolong the speech and hasten to answer the answer, before the war set fire, There is no pride, not enough, and no Haraz, and you paint us with the greatest dah Of, your country and become free of us, it Onsvannakm as Russelnakm, and as Oiqznakm warned you, what is left for us a destination and peace be upon us except you, and you and who obeyed the guidance and feared the consequences of death the king and obeyed the top.
Saifuddin Qutz

This message was an explicit declaration of war or the handover of Egypt to the Tatars. Following the letter, Qutz convened a council of senior princes, leaders and ministers and began discussing the content of the message. Qutz was determined to fight the war and rejected the principle of surrender. “I threw the Tatars myself,” he said. In the throats of the latecomers, and said: «of Islam if we are not», yet These words supported the Mamluk princes Qutz's decision in the confrontation, then Qutz decided to cut off the necks of the four apostles sent by Hulagu, and to hang their heads on the door of Zewaila in Cairo, after consulting Ruknuddin Bebars, who said: «I see that we kill the four apostles The Mongols are in solidarity. If we win or defeat, we will be excused either way. ”
Treaty of Acre

Qutz met with his military council to discuss the best way to war the Tatars, and expressed his intention to go out with the Egyptian army to meet the Tatars in Palestine instead of waiting for them in Egypt.After a long debate in the military council, the plan approved Seif al-Din Qutz to walk to Palestine, and while preparing the army Qutz made great efforts to pave the way for the army to meet the Tatars.There were parts of Palestine and the Mediterranean coast occupied by the Crusader emirates, including the Emirates of Acre, Haifa, Tire, Sidon, Latvia and Antioch, the strongest of these Crusader emirates was the Emirate of Acre, and this emirate is located on the road of Qutz And his army if he wants to fight the Tartars In Palestine, thinking that fighting the Crusaders in Acre would adversely affect the army of Islam in Egypt destined for Palestine, and at the same time Qutz could not fight the Tartars in Palestine without completing the Crusaders' problem in Acre, Qutz found that the best solution was to speed up a treaty with Crusaders in Acre Before the Tatars allied with them, Qutz sent an embassy to Acre to discuss the possibility of a temporary peace treaty between the Muslims and the Crusaders. The purpose of the treaty was to neutralize the Crusaders' army on the one hand, and to secure the back of the Egyptian army on the other. Crusaders to discuss the truce, the Crusaders were afraid not They accepted the idea of ​​a truce quickly, and both sides accepted the idea of ​​a temporary truce, and the Muslim delegation insisted that this truce be a temporary truce ending with the end of the Tatars war, and what was agreed in the truce that any betrayal by the Crusaders will leave the Muslims Fighting the Tatars and going to Acre to liberate them, and that if the Muslims win the fight against the Tatars, Muslims will sell the horses of the Tartars from the people of Acre at cheap prices, while the Crusaders in Acre vowed to contribute to the provision of the army of food and supplies while in Palestine.

Battle of Gaza
The Muslim army in Egypt began to congregate in the Salhiya area (now in Sharkia governorate), a vast desert area that accommodates various military divisions, then Qutz moved his army to Sinai, then took the northern coast of Sinai along the Mediterranean Sea. 658 AH / July 1260 AD, Qutz was moving in the form of the plan that will face the Tartars, where he does not move only has arranged his army in the order in which the enemy would fight if there was a fight, has been placed on the front of his army corner of religion Baybars to be the first to collide with the Tatars, and was a sword Religion Qutz has taken a new plan in his army arrangement, where he was at the forefront of the army fled A relatively large force led by Baybars, and made this division far ahead of the rest of the army behind it, and show itself in its movements, while the rest of the army disguises in his movements, if there are spies of the Tatars thought that the front of the army is all the army, then their readiness on this basis, Qutz then emerges as head of the main army.Tatar surprised those who did not prepare him.Peppers passed Sinai on 15 Rajab 658 AH / 26 July 1260 AD.He entered Palestine and Qutz followed him in his walk.They passed through Rafah, Khan Younis and Deir al-Balah and approached Gaza. Occupied by the Tatars in their invasion of the Levant, the eyes of the Tatars discovered the introduction of the Islamic Army, I guess This is the whole Muslim army, and the news was reported to the Tatar garrison, and the Tatar garrison rushed to meet Baybars, and there was rapid fighting between them. This fighting took place and the main Qutz army still crossed the Sinai border heading to Gaza. Its leader is a brilliant leader, the Tatar garrison in Gaza is relatively small, and the main Mughal army led by Katbugha is far from Gaza, where he is stationed in the Bekaa Valley. The meeting took place in Gaza in isolation from the main armies of the Muslims and the Tatars, and the front of the Muslim army was able to prevail in this small position, which Some Tatar garrison soldiers were killed E, the rest fled in the direction of the North to convey the news to Katbugha.

After the battle of Gaza, Qutz went with his army to the north and to the sea. After a century and a half of occupation, Qutz replied: "We do not betray the covenants." Then he moved from Acre to the southeast, looking for a place to battle with the Tartars. Gaza informed him of the fall of Gaza, and Katbugha took his decision to go quickly to meet Katz Tobacco from the Bekaa Valley to the south until Palestine entered from its north-east west of the Golan across the Jordan River, and reached the eastern Galilee, and discovered the Qtaz army Qatbga movement, and moved him quickly news left Akko in the south-east direction, then rushed through Nazareth, and deepened further south It reached an area known as the Ein Jalut plain, which lies roughly between Baysan in the north and Nablus in the south.

On Friday 25 Ramadan 658 AH / 3 September 1260 AD, Qutz arranged his army and prepared for battle, and as soon as the sun shone until the Tatar army came to the plain of Jalut from the north, the army was hiding behind the hills, and the front of the army led by Rukn al-Din Baybars did not hide itself, The aim of this plan is that the Tartar spies believe that this introduction is the whole army, and the front of the army began to descend from a hill to the plain of Ain Jalut. Her horns blow and brass cymbals strike, and there were certain blows to Mim There were specific blows for progress and delays, and special blows for each military plan.Qutz was able to lead the battle remotely, and Rokn al-Din Baybars with his troops stood at the northern entrance to the Ain Jalut plain, while leaving the entire plain empty behind him.

Katbugha decided to enter the entire army and his forces to fight the front of the army (and this is what Qutz planned), and gave Katbga a start signal for his forces to attack the front, which he thought was all the army, and advanced huge numbers of Tartars knights towards the front of the army, and stopped the corner of religion Baybars and soldiers in their places until The Tartars approached them, then Byprus gave his soldiers a signal that the fighting began, and they set off towards the Tartar army. Introduction of the army after he saw them a Steady in the fighting, without leaving any reserve forces behind the Tatar army, the fighting continued in spite of the large numerical gap between the two forces, and then drums sounded certain beats - orders from Qutz to Baybars to pull the Tatars into the plain of Jalut. Immediately in the execution of the orders, the Tartars showed defeat and retreated with his back as he fought, when Katbatja saw the retreat of Muslims ordered his soldier to track them down and eliminate them, and the Tartar army began to enter the plain of Ain Jalut to put pressure on the soldiers who withdrew, and after a few not long entered the entire Tatar army inside the plain Appointed Goliath, and withdrew Ruknuddin Baybars soldiers The southern side of the plain is easy, and Katbugha did not leave reserve forces outside the plain to secure the way back in case of loss and to prevent the Muslim army from wrapping around the Tatars.

At this time, the main Muslim army led by Qutuz descended from behind the hills to the battlefield, and a powerful Mamluks rushed to close the northern entrance to the Ain Jalut plain, thus encircling the Tartars from all sides, and a conflict in which there was no escape or maneuver began. The courage of the martyrs in the Muslim army, Qutz, meanwhile, was in a high place behind the rows watching the situation, directing the army divisions to fill the gaps, and when he saw The soft suffering of the army pushed hard back up to support him But this force did not change anything in front of the valor and starboard force of the Tatars, and then pushed another reserve force, but the situation worsened further, then decided to go down Qutz himself to the battlefield, throwing his helmet and shouting «and Islam ... and Islam», and the fighting intensified In the Ain Jalut Plain, where one of the Tatars pointed his arrow towards Qutuz, he missed him and hit his horse and killed the Persians, and the fighting continued and jumped on the battlefield fighting, and the cuff began to lean in favor of the Muslims, and the pressure on the Tatars rebounded, and a prince of the Mamluk princes named Jamal al-Din Akush al-Shamsi He penetrated the ranks of the Tatars until he arrived for Katbugha, and a fight between them managed to Akosh from Katbugha and He killed him, and killed him determined by the Tatars army, and became fighting to open themselves a road at the northern entrance to the plain of Ain Jalut to escape, and they were able to open a gap in the northern entrance, and a large number of them went out to the north, and the Muslims went out in their request, until the fleeing Tatars arrived in the city of Bisan When the Muslims reached them, the Tatars found no other option but to reorganize their ranks and line up again.There was a big battle between the two sides near Baysan, and the Tatars fought heavy fighting, and began to pressure the Muslims, and turned to them, then Qutz repeated what he did in the eye of Goliath And he began to yell with the soldiers «Asla Uh ... Oh Islam ... Oh Islam »three times, and accept the soldiers to fight and rose the banner of Islam and plunged the banner of the Tatars, and began the Tatar soldiers in precipitation, and was the result of the battle that wiped out the entire Tatar army, and did not survive the military one.

The next conquests
The liberation of Damascus

After the victory of Qutz and his army in Ain Jalut, he was thinking about the Tatar garrisons in the Levant in Damascus, Homs, Aleppo and other cities of the Levant.With the Muslim army of many martyrs and many wounded, and the fatigue they suffered, Saif al-Din Qutz decided to walk In order to liberate Damascus from the Tatar control and seize the opportunity of the Tartar army to be defeated and overwhelmingly defeated in the Ain Jalut plain, Seif al-Din Qutz wanted to invest his victory over the Mughal army in Ain Jalut, in order to create a new victory for the Muslims in Damascus over the Tartar army in which they were protected. No one took the news to Damascus The news of the great victory Say the Mongols himself, to weaken the morale of the garrison Tatar in Damascus, making it easier to open it, Qutuz decided to send a message to the defeat of the Tatars taught them Katbugha and his army, and stated:
Saif al-Din Qutz The victory, which witnessed the beating of his health, and the challenge of his advice, is that the Tatars let them down, they dragged on the days and subjugated the Levant and invoked their tribes to Islam, and these Asakr of Islam endemic in its citizens do not shake to a believer made only and presented his faith firmly and does not prove to any argument except and was Friday copied and held knuckle bell only and resolved the ears and the pronunciation of a book only and shut up the Koran, and still the news of Muslims transmitted to the infidels, and the news of the infidels transmitted to Muslims, until the morning mixing silver with authentic gold, and became the day yesterday and copied the verse of the night in the sun, to be seen Eye by eye and set fire to the heat B between the two teams, you did not see only a strike that makes lightning and left in the belly of each of the polytheists paralyzed, and killed from the polytheists all stubborn mighty, including what gave their hands (and your Lord darkness to slaves)
Saifuddin Qutz

Saif al-Din Qutz's letter arrived in Damascus on the 27th or 28th of Ramadan, and the Muslims learned of the victory. They carried out a revolt inside Damascus, captured the Tatar soldiers, killed a number of them and captured a number of others. It is the collapse of the Tartars morale after hearing the news of Katbatja's defeat in Ain Jalut, and on the 30th of Ramadan Saif al-Din Qutz and the Muslim Army arrived in Damascus five days after the battle of Ain Jalut, and the Muslim army entered Damascus and established security.
Liberation of Homs and Aleppo

On the first day of Eid al-Fitr, Saif al-Din Qutz sent his commander Rukn al-Din Baybars at the front of his army to track the fugitives from the Tatars, clearing the other Shami cities from the Tatar garrisons. The Tartars grabbed, and then set off behind the fugitive Tatar garrisons, killing most of them and capturing the rest and escaping them only the displaced.

As soon as Qutuz liberated the cities of Syria until he was addressed to the pulpits in all Egyptian cities, Shami and Seif al-Din Qutz declared the unification of Egypt and the Levant under one state under his leadership. Qutuz began to distribute Islamic states to Muslim princes, and attributed some Ayyubid princes to their posts, so as to ensure that there was no strife in the Levant countries and cities, Qutz gave Homs to Al-Ayyubi, and gave the Emirate of Aleppo to Alauddin bin Badr al-Din Pearl, and gave the Emirate of Hama to the prince. Mansour, appointed Mamluk prince Jamal A. On the twenty-sixth of Shawwal in 658 AH, corresponding to the fourth of October 1260, Saif al-Din Qutz returned to Egypt.

The end of Saif al-Din Qutuz was only 50 days after the battle of Ain Jalut. However, they differed on who killed him, including those who say that his death was by the Mamluk leader Rukn al-Din Baybars, and historians differed on why Baybars killed Sultan Qutuz, Ibn Khaldun in his introduction tells that the Mamluk warlords led by Baybars were waiting for the opportunity to kill Qutz to take revenge for the death of their prince Fares al-Din Aqtay, who was killed by Qutz during the reign of Sultan Izz al-Din Aibek, when Qutz left Damascus and near Egypt, went on some of his days hunting and marched on the road and the Mamluks followed him and Baybars sword proud pride, while Jalaluddin Sayyouti in the history of the caliphs that Qutz Baybars promised to give him the emirate of Aleppo and Qutz returned When Baybaz returned to Egypt, Baybars had inflicted evil and captured it in himself, then Baybars and a group of princes agreed to kill the victorious and killed him on the way, while the historian Qasim Abdo Qasim said that Baybars thought he deserved the throne from Qutz, no. He played a major role in the defeat of the Mongols at Ain Goliath, and he was the first to defeat them when he destroyed the vanguard of the Mongol army, and then chased his retreated remnants until Upper Levant, and Baybars was the son of his era, and these were the prevailing political ideas a Then, there were no strong Shura institutions in the selection of the ruler, and the absence of political jurisprudence in Islam concerning the choice of the Sultan, the king or the ruler, and led to the killing of Qutz, Ibn Khaldun in his book Ibn Khaldun tells the story of the death of the triumphant King Saif al-Din Qutz:

«The navy from the time of the killing of their emir Qatai Gamdar eager to take his revenge was Qutz, who took the killing, and when he walked to the Tatars all of them were stunned about him, and the Navy came from the wilderness fleeing Almoghith owner Karak and they documented themselves from Sultan Qutz need what was like their defenders On Islam and his family Vhmnhm and included them and witnessed with him the incident of Tatar on the eye of Goliath and informed them and those presenting them at that time Baybars Bendqdari and Anz Asbahhani and Alban Rashidi and Pecton Gokendari and Turkish Bendogs. When the Tatars were defeated from the Levant and seized it, and the tide was released and the fearful ones were released. These navy returned to their hometowns from lurking to avenge Qattai. When Qutz locked Damascus in fifty-eight years (658 AH), they unanimously showed him on their way. His days are hunting and the coasts marched on the road and they followed him, and Anz offered him an intercessor in some of his companions. You said Baybars Vbayah to him and followed the people of the camp To label him Balqahr, and they sent the news to the castle in Egypt took allegiance to him on from there and reached the omnipotent mid-November than a year he sat on his throne, but he changed his name to the apparent fear of the ominous omnipotent title and Normans people on strata and wrote to the country to do so. He arranged the jobs and the princes. ”

In his book, Ibn Katheer narrates the beginning and the end:

«The Sultan of the apparent king Baybars Bendqdari, a ferocious lion, and that the Sultan, the victorious king Qutz when he returned to Egypt and reached between Ghazali and power, except the princes killed him there, and was a good man many prayers in the congregation and does not deal with intoxicants and none of the kings, The period of his king from the time of the isolation of the son of his teacher Mansour Ali bin Moez Turkmen to this period, the late Dhu al-Qaida towards the year of God's mercy and his reward for Islam and his family good, and Prince Rukn al-Din Baybars Bendqdari had agreed with a group of princes to kill him when he reached this status He hit his vestibule and a leg behind a rabbit and a leg with him Those princes Vfsah corner of religion Baybars in something Vsfah took his hand to accept Vamcha and carried by those princes swords and beat him out and threw him from his horse and threw him crossbows until they killed him ».

Jalal al-Din al-Suyooti said in his book The History of the Caliphs:

«Then entered the year fifty-eight and the time also without a successor, where the Tatars cut the Euphrates and arrived in Aleppo and put the sword in them and then arrived in Damascus and the Egyptians went to Shaaban heading to the Levant to fight the Tatars. On Friday, fifteenth of Ramadan, the Tartars defeated the evil of defeat and the Muslims triumphed. Praise be to Allaah. Killing of the Tatars was a great killer, they took the writings and greed of the people in which they kidnapped and looted them. S Baybars behind the Tatars to the country of Aleppo and expelled them from the country and the promise of the Sultan of Aleppo and then returned to it was affected by Baybars and that was the principle of brutality and the victorious resolve to go to Aleppo to clean up the effects of the country from the Tatars and informed him that Baybars deny him and acted on him and returned to him Egypt has inflicted evil on Baybars and captured it for some of its properties so he saw that Baybars went to Egypt and each of them is wary of his owner. Baybars and a group of princes agreed to kill the victorious and they killed him on the way in thirteen months Dhu al-Qa'dah »

After Qutz was killed, he remained lying on the ground, beating his blood without anyone daring to bury him, until he buried some of his servants. Qutz was then taken to Cairo, and was buried near the corner of Sheikh Taqi al-Din before being rebuilt, and then taken by Haj Qutz al-Dhaheri to Qarafa and buried near the corner of Ibn Aboud.
His character

Historians described the character of Muzaffar Qutz, who said he was a young blonde, bearded, brave hero, assertive and good-minded, had a white hand in fighting the Mongols. "The martyr .. was a brave knight, a politician, a religion, a beloved to the parish, defeated the Tatars and cleansed the Levant them on the eye of Goliath. "He is full of shape and has the white hand in the jihad of the Tatars. Thier «was a brave hero, a lot of good, adviser to Islam and its people, and people love him and call him a lot», the son of Gen. Hambali said «was a hero brave firm, breaking the Tatar crumb Jabr by Islam, and restored them to the Levant, God Vdzah Islam good».
JD Qutz
A dinar of gold was found in a cursive inscription in the name of Mudhaffar Qutuz, with the inscription on both the face and the back bearing the name of Sultan Mudhaffar Saif al-Dunya and the religion of Qutuz. Cairo is the capital of Egypt.

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